If they searched and read the thread, they would know that a test version was released. Using the test version, they could report errors and crashes thus helping the development go a little faster.
That java issue is actually happening for a lot of people since the release of 1.8.
It's a bug in Minecraft, not SPC, which forces java to use too much memory and crash. There'll be a fix in 1.9 ^.^
Must be something combined with the mods, because thats the first time thats happend to me in 1.8. SPC is the only mod I have messed with in 1.8 :unsure.gif:
Must be something combined with the mods, because thats the first time thats happend to me in 1.8. SPC is the only mod I have messed with in 1.8 :unsure.gif:
The programmers involved in this release are GOD, they mush show everyone their power :tongue.gif: