Quote from Valkorus
I have to agree - Gryphons would be cool, but it doesn't make sense to add in a new (presumably tameable) flying mob when red dragons have already been discussed by Mojang, and they can simply retexture ED.
You do realize you are responding to a sig graphic and not something this player actually mentioned in his post. There are dozens of suggested ideas and even a whole forum section just for suggestions, of which this Gryphon is but one of those many ideas (although the Gryphon is a rather well developed idea).
Is this a bug or intentional behavior?
It doesn't have to be a sort of grass spreading mechanic as it can be something where Podzol needs to have some raw dirt under some Spruce trees or some other similar mechanic. The grass spreading mechanic is currently what is in-game at the moment for Grass and Mycellium blocks to form, so it seems like a natural fit for something like Podzol. It just seems silly that there is no other similar mechanic for Podzol.
I take a break from digging around for resources by building a small house. I give some general commentary about the Ex Nihlo mod and do something other that simply building resource areas.
Seriously, this is a bug that really needs some attention.
as I actually entered into the editor the following:
This seems to work, although it isn't what I was doing even a few days ago, so something definitely changed in the forum software. What is worse, when I edit the page (in this case to show another episode in my series) I end up with this link instead:
and simply put it doesn't work. What shows up after an edit is the following:
I would also really appreciate a much easier way to put in YouTube embedding codes from the hotbar rather than manually doing this kind of conversion and second-guessing the Cobalt software in terms of what it expects. Ideally it should be something like this:
Regardless, this is a HUGE BUG in terms of slamming in all of those other extra "embed" codes nested inside of each other. Something really needs to be fixed here as it really makes a mess of trying to embed videos onto forum posts.
I really start to dig into some of the features of the Ex Nihlo mod as I build a sifting table, make some cobblestone in some small quantities, and more importantly, make a furnace so I can start crafting some torches to light up the world.
I keep dying and finding mobs in all of the wrong places, so of course the natural thing to do is to deliberately build a mob farm, right? I show the construction of a Spider Farm in this video while trying to avoid other kinds of mobs and expand the world a little bit more with a major addition.
While I'm at it, I might as well note that Video #2 is currently live and available for viewing:
It is still sort of a slow start at this point, but I show off the process that the Ex Nihlo mod uses to create new dirt blocks, thus making them a renewable resource instead of the typical non-renewable behavior in vanilla Minecraft.
Thank you so much for watching this video.
I'm creating a new Let's Play series based upon the Ex Nilho mod written by Erasmus Crowley that can be found here, on the Minecraft Forums:
Based upon the very successful SkyBlock map designed by Noobcrew, I am starting out on a very minimal map consisting of only 18 blocks of dirt and a single Birch tree, attempting to make every Minecraft achievement as well as every achievement that NoobCrew asked for in his SkyBlock map. It won't be easy, but it is going to be fun and I hope that you will enjoy watching these videos as much as I have enjoyed making them.
This series is in part a critique of the mod (sort of a review) as well as a full play-through to show off the power of maps like this for unleashing creativity as well as pushing you to the absolute limits of endurance and reliance upon renewable resources in the game. The Ex Nihlo mod unlocks several blocks that otherwise can't be obtained on a normal Skyblock type map, so it definitely opens up additional possibilities.
The channel for this series can be found here:
Individual episodes of this series are as follows:
A New Beginning
Island Building
Spiders & Death
Age of Light
Country Manor
I have several other videos "in the can" that are ready to be added to this list, so stay tuned!
Snow and Ice can be obtained simply by being in the correct biome which is cold. The original Ex Nihlo companion map has one of these biomes. It is a problem if you are playing on a superflat map. The original SkyBlock map by Noobcrew starts out in an ice plains biome, so ice is essentially "free". I've built plenty of stuff with both snow and ice even in vanilla SkyBlock type maps without this mod.
Cobwebs sound like a good idea though and is definitely missing from this mod (so useful for some traps as well as rapid drop tubes to drop to a lower level like a slime farm). It is so close with the crafted items used to make the sifting tables. I hate encouraging more machines or devices being made, but a loom might make sense here. It is definitely needed.
Ore blocks are IMHO only useful in terms of decoration, but I see the point of having some. It does help you out also in terms of at least an iron ore block as you need to mine one in order to complete a specific vanilla Minecraft achievement... a very useful objective if you want to show how complete this mod might be. It seems like you also need to mine a diamond ore block too.
Since you mention existing blocks, it would also be nice to get some of the mob heads for mobs other than Wither Skeletons, as those are also in vanilla Minecraft but not normally obtainable in survival.
Specifically the red sand and Podzel blocks, although packed ice might be nice too.
One interesting "recipe" for Podzel might simply be having the composting barrels have Podzel form if you are composting leaves instead of other items. Since you need iron shears for the leaves, it seems like a slightly more challenging method of obtaining what should legtimately be a rarer block. DEFINITELY don't make a simple recipe on a crafting table nor have any sort of "seed" which grows Podzel dirt. It also makes it a later game feature since you would likely need an abundance of iron if you are making these blocks in quantity.
Red sand seems particularly challenging in terms of a reasonable receipe though. A quick and dirty recipe just seems too lame for this block too though. It seems like it needs to be mixed with either red dye (relatively cheap and easy to obtain) or redstone (obviously harder). I don't know how you might logically consider adding the red to the sand, but it screams for some mixing machine type thing. Almost like adding sand to witch water (a possibility) or at least adding sand to a barrel in some way to allow you to add the dye.
Packed Ice is also something that similarly screams for almost a completely new machine though... some sort of compactor that pushes multple blocks together into a single block. At the very least it should compact either 9 blocks of snow or 9 blocks of ice (perhaps either one) to form the packed ice. Such a machine could be fun for diamonds too such as crushing 9 blocks of coal (not just pices... I'm talking blocks here) into a single diamond. Perhaps I'm digressing, but the packed ice block could be fun and challenging in terms of how you might try to add it into the game in terms of a path through renewable resources for its creation.
If you (or anybody else) has thoughts on this, I'd like to hear them too.
While this is zombivying an old thread, the topic is still relevant as modding is still very much in the past and dying a very painful death. Unlike what was claimed above, MCP is also definitely dead, or at least stuck on 1.7.2 and no reasonable expectation that it will ever be updated to 1.8 whenever Mojang starts to release that content. Heck, I doubt MCP will even be updated to any other version of 1.7 either. Patience doesn't hold a candle here.
This is not a very good situation for Mojang, so far as staying fresh with the current version of the game. Gone are the days where an update would happen and the 3rd party API libraries would be updated in mere hours, or at least no more than a weekend and gradually refined over the course of a month or so to pretty good stability.
New leaders can show up and take over the development process, but until that happens, modding is pretty much dead. Some cool ideas are being tried with the old tools, but they are rapidly losing relevance and make a mockery of what was once upon a time a very vibrant modding community.
I would also suggest looking at BlazeLoader (currently working on 1.7.2 as well). If anything BlazeLoader is the spiritual heir to ModLoader, or at least to note there is more than one API still out there.
Hopefully Mojang will finally get their act together with regards to the official API, so this whole API war will eventually subside and Risu's ModLoader can finally rest in peace.
I miss ModLoader, and sadly haven't even updated my mods in part because Risugami hasn't bothered updating ModLoader. I just haven't been inspired to do much of anything with Minecraft for that matter.
What I got out of that post is that there are a whole bunch of crazy things that happen in Minecraft which have no connection to real life and the non-computer world. I agree. If all it took to create stone was a flowing stream of lava (that never quit... ever... even without a volcano nearby and could even be relocated with a bucket) and a lake full of water, the industrial revolution would be very different indeed. Just imagine IRL somebody walking around carrying a backpack full of 2300 cubic meters of boulders each a cubic meter in size (somehow compressed into magical stacks of 64 boulders each that can in turn have a whole bunch of those stacks shoved into a strange chest) that you could casually use to build house... and throw them into that mysterious stream of lava when you had no other place to shove those boulders.
Minecraft simply doesn't reflect reality at all, so people arguing that Podzel should follow patters of real life patterns while ignoring other principles of behavior as found in Minecraft just shoot themselves in the foot with their arguments. There is no reason to prohibit dirt-based variant blocks to be renewable, and in this case Podzel itself sticks out like a sore thumb in terms of even why it can be manufactured. I won't go into other arguments previously made, but I will note several items that previously were unique, creative-only, or rare did eventually become renewable.