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    posted a message on 1.5 Theory
    Quote from TheVillageIdiot »
    Did anyone else notice the "Distance flown" statistic in the video? Me thinks we're going to get some sort of flight soon. But it might just be there for soemthing else...

    Back in Alpha, really early alpha, Notch hinted at 'flying machines' but he never implemented them. But what I think it is - is say you got flown in the air by a creeper, that would add to the flying parameter.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Notch: "mipmapping sucks"
    Quote from lordemperor »
    Edited with some context. A user compliments Notch on adding one performance optimization and asks if another can be implemented:
    @notch Thanks so much for adding occlusion culling! You're both on a roll with 1.{5,6} :smile.gif: Have you thought about mipmapping too?

    @2hz_ mipmapping sucks

    Just floored by this, Notch is so closed-minded as to dismiss a technology used in just about every 3D game, which improves performance and greatly benefits visuals by virtually eliminating texture swirls at distances.

    This is what mipmapping does; observe the bricks.

    No mip-mapping:

    Mip-mapping (also all my mods, ignore the broken wildgrass, and minimap):

    I like Mip-Papping being turned off, take that brick wall for example. If you built a stage, that would be the curtains. It is good and bad, depending on what you are using it for, and how far you are.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on HELPPPP!!!!!
    I don't know of any that can be downloaded at a school, but just so you know, we can tell if you paid or not for Minecraft.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Turning the Search System On
    It's been there for a while, I check UserGroups every day, so I found out about it right away, just didn't join for a while due to not needing search.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on If you want to see a fail currently, come here.

    I failed epicly.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Javelin

    Yes, the picture of what it turns into should be edited, I know it looks ugly. I am really tired and am not good at pixel art so I just edit already made pixel art till I can get better. Here is its stats of what I think it should be, feel free to give me constructive criticism on what you think needs edited.

    Damage: 4
    Stackable:Yes (16)
    Throwing Distance:20 if on a flat plain maximum distance.
    When thrown and hits: Javelin gets removed, deals damage
    When thrown and misses: If not picked back up within 1 minute, same length as the arrow shot by a player, it gets removed.

    The reason why I think this should be added into the game is it still leaves the 'Stuck in nowhere, gotta survive" feel to the game. But there are currently basically only seven ways to deal damage, they are:

    Make a trench
    Drown (Suffocating goes here as well)
    Hitting with random block

    I think we need more, but it shouldn't make the game so easy you can be on top of a mountain, a creeper 80 blocks down, 90 blocks away can easily be hit and killed with one click of, lets say, a pistol. No, that is too overpowered, and guns would have way to good of range in Minecraft. It also shouldn't be like, for example, you make a club, and click on a creeper and have it loose 1/2 heart, that is under damage. What I am going for is something about as strong as the stone sword, so a little bit stronger than arrows, but longer-range then the sword. Obviously since this is better then an arrow but is basically like an arrow, it needs to have an arrow in the recipe. Then another stick so that way it gets the Javelin length, then lastly, another feather for gliding, this keeps it from just falling.

    Like I said earlier, constructive criticism is highly appreciated, and I will read every reply put on this thread when I get the time. Oh yah, I may not be to view this thread for about 12 hours and read the replies, but hopefully that is not the case.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on See Inside Your Character's Head!
    There is actually a very simple way to fix this glitch that most game creators don't think of. That way is to make it so that it registers what your character looks like. If all it is showing on the screen is part of your body and its not like a cut-scene or something. Have it make you go to first-person view automatically
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Oh, how I just LOVE crashes
    Okay so here is the story, but an hour before the crash:

    My massive tree farm just finished growing outside. I kill a creeper through the door, because I am a coward. When I run outside to go to my mine to mine some more, I get attacked by 1, wait 2 creepers in holes just far enough apart to be separate. I go back inside, grab my four stacks of dirt, and as I come back out, I am getting ready to fill the farther hole first. A creeper blows up the center. I spend a little while filling in the hole, go put my dirt up. As I go outside for a third time to start mining for the first time of the day, a creeper blows up my entrance. So I fix up my entrance then realize its night time. So at night I decide to make a small spiral tunnel down to my stair-mine. I then bring the mine to bedrock, and 11 diamonds. In one vein, meaning it was two veins of diamonds right next to each-other, it had to be a chunk boundary(Sorry, no pictures of this epically big vein) area. Well, when I go back up, I make two axes, and when it turns day I go out. By Nightfall I make 3 stacks of wood, not planks, wood and 1 more. When I go inside my house I start turning my fail way to bedrock into nice looking wood and planks, since all my house, even the mine parts, are wooden except for parts that can't be, like glass, dirt for the garden, etc. Although lights are, because I use stairs for a modern type roof. Well, about half-way through the cobble->wood and planks process, my game crashes. I think No Big deal, I can easily replace about 50 planks. Well, that is not the case. Everything I told you I did got reset except the creeper holes. That was so much work, gone.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on mods?
    When they released that section they were planning to include modification support, they are now planning to include it in 1.5 or 1.6 in that section.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [IPod Touch] JumpBot [V. 2.0.0]
    This thread is for anyone with JumpBot for the Ipod touch. I got it yesterday, went into 5th place for the day leaderboard on Normal, am now in 6th. What rank are you in any of the leaderboards.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on How Can I Improve This TNT Cannon?
    Double Posting like that will get people to not reply. 14 minutes of waiting is not enough, you have to wait a few hours to be within the rules to be aloud to double post. Just be patient, someone will tell you something eventually.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Does Anyone Have.....
    I read the entire post, don't worry. MCNostolgia is not a mod. It does all the work for you. Just download the two bottom files and you can then change your .jar file all the way back to Alpha 1.0
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Am I alone?
    I use MCNostolgia, Beta 1.4 all the way back to Alpha 1.014
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I got a wolf!
    Quote from Nataru »
    Good for you! Should help against :SSSS: :Skeleton: :Spider: and :Zombie: but probably not ghasts... I wish wolves could fly.

    Oooh, is that a mod suggestion? I will get right on that and if it works I shall release it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on My crappy mob trap is crappy and I am sad because of this
    Quote from boatner »
    I've been struggling with a trap/grinder for a week or so.

    It seems that all the mob spawning science that had been accumulated prior to 1.4 went out the window with that patch. I've been googling (why is the search feature disabled?) a lot and can't find any verified info.

    What I want to know, now that we have 1.4_01:

    1 - Is the 24 block no-spawn zone still in effect?
    1a - If so, is it a cylinder or a sphere?

    2 - What's the max number of mobs at a given time?
    2a - How many of those can be passives?

    3 - What is the maximum distance at which a mob can spawn?

    4 - do mobs spawn/despawn/respawn continuously or does spawning only happen at certain "times" of day?

    1 - Yes;sphere

    2 - 180;30

    3 - 100 blocks away from you, it has to be within 50 blocks of you to not de-spawn after 20< seconds.

    4 - At night, they spawn on the surface, but they spawn all the time as long as the light level is under 7.

    To the OP

    Here is a fix.

    Make another room, at level 49, then make a 34 wide room and a 80 long room. Every three wide have a canal going to the center that is two blocks deep. The center canal goes to a drop pit, which goes to a drowning trap.

    Looks like this:
    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :Water: :Water: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :Water: :Water: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :Water: :Water: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:
    :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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