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What is the most brutal way that you have died in minecraft? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
13 3,394
Should we be heading back to the Moon instead of going to Mars? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
40 1,702
possible console exclusives in next update? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
16 3,235
Suggestions to improve custom superflat >>
by Killin_dat_mob
9 1,852
Xbox one or Pc? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
33 4,161
Conditions for hostile mob spawn >>
by Killin_dat_mob
8 5,924
Can mobs spawn on half slabs? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
3 3,958
What are your thoughts on Star Wars Battlefront 3? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
27 1,163
Is Tropico 5 any good? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
0 361
Ability for character to sit >>
by Killin_dat_mob
8 887
Baby dragons in the end >>
by Killin_dat_mob
4 430
What exactly are trapped chests? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
3 1,890
What will be your first build? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
6 624
Garden Gnomes >>
by Killin_dat_mob
9 704
New types of dragons and eggs >>
by Killin_dat_mob
14 1,628
You wake up and find out that there are Mobs outside of your home and everywhere on Earth. What do you do now? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
0 185
Can biomes be changed? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
7 2,414
What would you do for a Klondike bar? >>
by Killin_dat_mob
6 255
Mob spawner/ grinder exp farm >>
by Killin_dat_mob
4 2,318