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    posted a message on Growthcraft Community Edition

    Actually now that I think about the Vat system isnt that complicated or hard to explain. Its just how the PDF and wiki explain it that makes it hard.....

    Hers how you make cheese in the vat. (and in general how to make cheese)

    1. Player places Vat over heat source

    2. Player fills Vat with 5 buckets of Milk

    3. Player places 1 starter culture into Vat

    4. Player places 1 bottle of Rennet into Vat (You could use a bucket but then you'd waste like 666 milibuckets)

    5. Player right clicks Vat with sword (This is either to break up the curds or to stir it, not sure which but its required)

    6. Wait for liquid in Vat to turn green, this is Whey fluid

    7. Player extracts Whey fluid from Vat with bucket (You could use bottles but that will leave 1 milibucket of whey left, & visually not good)

    8. Player inserts cheese ingredients into Vat. (for Cheddar just put in a salt and orange dye)

    9. Player waits for Vat to change color again (in this case with Cheddar it will turn an orange-ish yellow color)

    10. Player right clicks Vat with Cheese Cloth to extract Cheese Curds (this should completely drain the vat, unless you used bottles for whey, uh oh)

    11. Player hangs Cheese curds under block (this will drain the curds)

    12. Player right clicks curds when done draining and should pop off

    13. Player places drained curds into cheese press and presses down

    14. After about 2 minutes or so the curds will be done, you can unpress the cheese press and right click with your hand to have unaged cheese block

    15. Place unaged cheese block on ground, after about 2 minutes will change texture and be ready

    (unless its Cheddar or Monterey, in that case you have to wax the cheese after placing it on the ground)

    (Red wax for Cheddar and Black wax for Monterey)

    More steps than what the wiki or PDF have, but I believe it explains it much better than being all technical with "levels".

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Why most are hating 1.9?
    Quote from OcAMD»

    Well, it is official this update killed Minecraft for me and I will not be moving past 1.8.9 until it is fixed. Maybe it is fine for PVP'ers but for those of us not into that it just made the game annoying and the mindless mobs ridiculous. I waited for the official release to judge and my concerns are founded now. For me Minecraft was about mine and craft since I have numerous games that are far superior for PVP that really require skill without a grindy nature to them (and far superior graphics and polished feel). Minecraft was the game that filled the void in what other games didn't provide but has since this update feels more like a grindy annoying choir. If they had just left the PVE nature alone it would have not ruined the game for me.

    I understand fully how the combat update is beneficial for those that use this heavily for PVP but that is only a small portion of Minecraft. If they simply allowed a simple option in the settings to switch it off it would have been fine. We will see if there was a benefit to it now that they are clamping down on the servers with EULA violations or if it was the final nail in the coffin. Since the MS acquisition and this update direction I see far less activity from many mod authors with fewer new ones replacing them.

    Minecraft is still about mining and crafting. 1.9 just makes the game a little more difficult, which is a good thing. Because minecraft was just too easy with the spam clicking, I'm glad they removed it. And besides, for a miner like me the 1.9 update means that you can mine and place torches at the same time.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why most are hating 1.9?

    I dont understand why people dislike 1.9. It's an amazing update.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why most are hating 1.9?

    I love it. It makes the game more difficult because now you can get swarmed by mobs or blown up in the face by a creeper. It makes minecraft more dangerous and exciting again like in the past. Which I think is great because who wants to spam click and be invincible against mobs after getting a stone sword anyways? not me. :D

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!

    Is Drzark still working on the 1.8 version of mo creatures?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Why most are hating 1.9?
    Quote from koi9000jh»

    Nerfing is not always bad, but most of the nerfing they did in 1.9 is, the only good nerf they did was with fishing rods.

    What nerfs did they do in 1.9?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why most are hating 1.9?

    Quote from TripDering >>

    I have to disagree with you there. Where's my stairs/slabs of the 1.8 new blocks? Where's my vertical slabs? Where's my survival-friendly seamless double-slabs?

    If 1.10 turns out to be the "Creative Update" it'll be a dream come true.

    Yes, I agree. I would absolutely love to have end stone brick stairs and slabs. As well as andesite/diorite/granite pillars. A "Creative Update" or "Block Update" would be wonderful.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on World Generating structures.

    have I ever had some common sense? I threw out common sense out a long time ago when I started to create a dimension made entirely out of chocolate blocks. xD

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on CandyCraft 1.8 & 1.8.9 Released
    Quote from valentin4311»
    Nice skins could you make a male version of it later ? People are gonna harass a lot me if they don't have a male version :/

    I've done it. I'm not replacing stone before cave update, I'll have to update some gameplay rules[/center]
    looks really good. one question, did you add it to the oredictionary?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Granite, Andesite, Diorite Pillars - Variants on Quartz Pillars: Better Decoration

    When will mojang add this.... Like this is something that we need in the game. It'll give players more of a reason to have diorite, andesite, and granite. and as a building I would love to use these blocks.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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