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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Quote from RobotSheep

    I only got 1 shadow walker...however how come you can have more than 2 halloween dragons?

    As quoted from this page:

    There isn't a limit about their number on a scroll, as TJ09 said in their breeding official announcement "Remember that there was no limit on these dragons, and that carries over to this year. In the words of the pumpkin dragon's creator, Christmas and Valentine's Day are about giving, but Halloween is about grabbing as much candy for yourself as you can".
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Yosh! got a new batch of eggs now that the previous batch hatched! :D Since I'm still rounding up the common dragons, I don't have anything interesting, but I'm still willing trade any of them! ^^
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Quote from Saranina

    My Sunsong Ampithere is now dead. It is the rarest dragon I ever got and you killed it.

    It's not our fault your egg died, you just didn't get it enough views in time. We aren't the ones responsible for looking after your eggs, so please don't give blame where blame shouldn't be given. If you need help raising an egg or two that is low on time, just ask for help! I'm sure there are many of us here that are more than happy to help out fellow dragon owners, including myself. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Quote from Dragon_Nova

    Quote from DRAG0NN

    kiki can you breed me the Ice Dragon You has in your signature please?? :biggrin.gif:
    Dragon_NOva can you Breed me the: Thunder and Magma Dragon please?? :3 Also can you breed the purple,blue and red nebula Dragons and these 2 Dragons: http://dragcave.net/view/Wp07Y http://dragcave.net/view/Ds4M7 Please??

    DRAG0NN i know your only trying to get good dragons but can you please restrain from continuously asking people for them as they obviously have already had a request for offspring and breeding them is difficult, and also sometime people just like to focus on there eggs.

    Plus, it's against the rules of Dragon Cave to continuously ask others for dragons. So you might wanna be careful...
    *page of claimness*
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Quote from RobotSheep

    Me, can I have it please? :iapprove:
    But do you mind keeping it for another day before my two-headed egg hatches please?

    Thanks in advance :rolleyes:

    Will do! :3
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Which out of the two above avatars would you rather be on the recieving end of a hug from?
    Apv301. Yay! Dancey-dancey! ^.^
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Quote from georgeyves

    kiki,you know how to get a ND?
    please say

    Well, I've never gotten one myself, but I have attempted a few experiments.

    This forum is dedicated to neglected dragon discussion and there are some helpful topics there, such as this one. If you want help on how to get an ND, I suggest going there and looking at a few topics and theories. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Find The Bookshelf!! 1.0.0 Custom Map
    Er... This is the texture packs forum... Sorry dude... :mellow.gif:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [256x,128x,64x] [1.6.2] HiRez 3D Pixel - v2.3 - Over 3k download!
    I'll give it a download and give feedback in a bit. :smile.gif: You might wanna consider posting more pictures though.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Help with Abandoned Mines and not getting lost
    I usually just make a cobblestone path from the entrance to the mine. One I find a dead end, I take all the wood and string from the webs from there and block the path off with cobblestone. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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