I for one, can't wait for the updated creative mode. It just seems like the better option, as you can make freebuild servers without having to ask an admin for supplies 24/7. And, you can FLY!
the only thing I hate is that you have to start a new world, or else your saves will get horrific chunk errors
You don't have to create a new world. That only applies to trying to put 1.8 features in pre-1.8 chunks/
Don't think claiming land is as complex as some of you are making it out to be. I think its just buying a piece of land in the village for however much it costs and you're allowed to build there without angering the towns inhabitants. Thats all.
Well, it's pretty obvious that if you attack them while staring at them that they will attack back. I figure it'll be similar to how Wolves work. So the whole, "Just stare at them and then cut them down" wont work. I don't think it'll be too hard to take one down figuring how we'll now have the ability to block attacks. But there's also the factor of how many hits it takes to kill them.
Actually, it does not take only a moment to fix creeper damage. Creepers destroy blocks, as in delete them from the game, not just dislodge them to be picked up after. If you don't have the mats on you to repair something, even if it's just dirt, you can't, and you'll either have to make what could be a long, time consuming trip to gather the materials necessary to repair something, or you have to harvest them, and that can be especially irritating depending on the material (brown wool, anyone?).
Now put that on an SMP server, where you have little control over other players, who won't remember how something was built, and certainly won't have the mats on them to do any repair somebody's build, nor should they be expected to.
Keep in mind, the creeper is DESIGNED to avoid direct combat (another reason they're a boring mob). All they do is walk quietly and explode. There is no combat dynamic to them. They're designed specifically to be a surprise detriment, and spawn in large numbers. I've seen five or more creepers in a clump over and over again playing Minecraft.
And that's ignoring the fact that it's an unnecessary and unworthwhile distraction in the first place. If you have even the slightest interest in building cool stuff, which is kind of the whole point of Minecraft, you have to worry about the completely unnecessary headache of cleaning up after creeper explosions. No one should have to worry about creeper damage. There are better, smarter possibilities out there. The creeper is a brain dead amateur excuse for a "challenging" mob. They're not challenging. They're easy and boring to kill, and only serve as an irritation.
Same could be said about Zombies. All they do is walk forward and do damage to you when they come close. Does that make them useless? No. They're there to provide a challenge and a feeling of survival to the game.
Some things id like to see are:
-New ores like Silver, Ruby, Sapphire, Titanium. This would also open up doors for new tools and armor.
-Vehicles (Without mods)
-Angled Blocks
-More things to farm. Along with vehicles you could make a combine maybe?
-Energy (not redstone) with lightbulbs.
-Furnishings (Couches, Chairs, Tables.)
-In-game voice communications
-New Mobs like rideable horses.
-A Postal System with letters and mailboxes
-Sky Realm
-Biome specific ores.
-Retractable Stairs
-Boss Mobs
-Some form of magic
-Forest Fires
-Volcanoes (with 1% chance of eruption.)
-Deeper underground
-Currency, stores, and ways of mass producing things.(Factories?)
-Jobs where you get payed currency.
-Player specific stats (Intellect, Strength, Dexterity, Agility)
-Pollution (With Factories and Vehicles) that causes acid rain and corruption, can be reversed somehow.
You don't have to create a new world. That only applies to trying to put 1.8 features in pre-1.8 chunks/
Same could be said about Zombies. All they do is walk forward and do damage to you when they come close. Does that make them useless? No. They're there to provide a challenge and a feeling of survival to the game.
Edit: ninja'd
Interesting. I wonder what the Villages need help with...