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    posted a message on Welcome to beta testing, folks.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.9] Mooshroms? Discussion
    It's Minecraft people. This seems pretty awesome.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Strongholds, Very Disappointing.
    The fact that the Strongholds actually have apples in them make them already completely awesome for me. 1.9 will make them even better with boss mobs.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?

    There we go! Great. Now we can put this argument to rest.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    Quote from Payed_Legend

    I wanna know what your deal is, you can't call it a quits, I already told you like stone cold statements. Notch could tell you to your face you probably wouldn't believe him. I'm sorry, but everyone but you knows what's going on, you don't. Your brainwashed. I bet you don't even play Minecraft, you do this to annoy us.

    Um. What are you talking about? I understand the Nether is going to be updated. It's just not happening in 1.9 as of right now.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    Quote from Ryski

    Really looking forward to nether update. Pretty much agree with everyone here. New ores, dragons, mobs.

    And can you to stop fighting!

    But you're one of the reasons I'm trying to get my point across. You're looking forward to something that doesn't exist.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    Quote from Payed_Legend

    How long you gonna go on? It was announced by Mojang. Plus that's like me posting everything I do on twitter. I went to the bathroom. I ate burger. I washed my hands. I brushed my teeth. That's not how it goes dude. 1.9 is the last update before the release. And I know for a fact the Nether is being improved. And it's not humanly possible to read every single post by Notch and Jeb. And nobody said it was only for the Nether. Their adding animal breeding, bosses in strongholds, npcs in villages, and so forth. You didn't even read the wiki.

    When did I say I didn't know what they were adding? You're the confused one. I'm aware they're adding breeding and bosses and npcs and all that. You know why? Because it was CONFIRMED. You can't say that about 1.9 being the Nether Update. You haven't come up with a single valid confirmation from Mojang throughout this entire thing. PAX was what, two weeks ago? It shouldn't be that hard to find a post about it. But you can't, know why? Cause it isn't there.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    Quote from Payed_Legend

    That makes no sense, you're basically saying the entire Minecraft Wiki is useless trash. Your overreacting.

    -->> I think everyone but you knows the Nether is being improved in 1.9
    -->> You're obsessed with getting everything from Jeb or Notch. You ovbiously don't have twitter. Notch posted it in his twitter.

    Except the wiki doesn't cite a valid source. And I do have twitter, and I have read all of their tweets, and nowhere do they say the Nether is being improved in 1.9. Pull up a source and I'll gladly believe you. I'd certainly enjoy the Nether being improved in 1.9, I just don't want people to get confused because some people said 1.9 was the Nether Update when it isn't. Kinda like when everyone was saying Animals not respawning was in 1.8 when it was never confirmed for it.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    Quote from Payed_Legend

    The major part of 1.9 is more stuff in the Nether. Get with the program dude. Notch HIMSELF said it would be in 1.9. It's also stated in the Official Minecraft Wiki. BUY THE WAY IT SAYS AT THE TOP THIS PAGE CONTAINS FEATURES THAT HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED.

    And there's like a 99% chance there will be new ores? Do you find 3 blocks in an entire world very fun?

    Except for the very SIMPLE fact that Notch HASN'T confirmed a thing about the Nether being improved in 1.9. Once again, the Official Minecraft Wiki is pulling things out it's ass and assuming things. Nowhere, anywhere, did Notch and/or Jeb or anyone from Mojang say that. Find me a source, because the sticky at the top sure doesn't. In fact, it doesn't even say it's entirely confirmed. It says it's "mostly confirmed".
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    Quote from Payed_Legend

    What are you saying? Go to the Minecraft Wiki and look at 1.9 which is the second part of the Adventure Update. He said himself he wants to make the Nether more fun in this second half. New ores, new mob(s) and so on. You can't always rely on what players say.

    Yes, he said he wanted to make the Nether more fun. No, he didn't say anything about new ores, or new mobs in the Nether, (although one can certainly infer that). And the wiki is just that, a wiki. Who says its accurate at all? There is no source to the 1.9 update being the "Nether Update". All I see is that sticky thread at the top saying something with no source. And I see a link to a video on the wiki that still confirms nothing about 1.9 being the Nether update.

    Point is, 1.9 is not the Nether Update until we get confirmation. Which we haven't gotten.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    Quote from Sneeze7

    yeh he did say it, someone asked him like, "will that be in 1.9?" and he said no i want to make the nether more fun

    So? That doesn't mean it's in 1.9. It just means he wants to do it eventually. The sticky thread at the top cites no source for any Nether improvements. Total misinformation.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    Quote from skyace66

    he said about it at PAX

    I don't know about that. Watched a lot of videos. Never mentioned anything about the Nether.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on who else really wants to see the nether update?
    I really want to know where the idea of a Nether update came from. Because I haven't seen Notch or Jeb say anything about it.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on do you think the current boats are sufficent for traveling in the 1.8 oceans?
    Well if you want Mojang to actually listen to this idea, (which I agree with by the way) then you should post it on reddit. Because they only read ideas there.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on do you think the current boats are sufficent for traveling in the 1.8 oceans?
    Well if you want Mojang to actually listen to this idea, (which I agree with by the way) then you should post it on reddit. Because they only read ideas there.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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