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    posted a message on What are some mods to make the game last longer? (+ one other mod question)
    Quote from SuntannedDuck2»

    Tech Reborn is the most notable I find besides Modern Industrialisation (if counting Fabric but otherwise Tech Reborn usually was a good go to besides the Unofficial and others on 1.12.2 for Forge) and a few others out there to continue GregTech in some form on newer versions. Forget if there is a others that do it on newer Forge but yeah I agree it offers a lot for a tech mod/expanding on what IC2 didn't do.

    Tech Reborn is a wonderful mod too, I added it into the little Fabric modpack I made for myself and it was pretty fun, I stopped playing that modpack when my world became corrupted though. -_-

    Modern Industrialisation caught my eye when I saw it, although I dreaded the amount of re-texturing I would have to do (I am not really the biggest fan of recent GregTech's textures, no offense meant to the creators of the textures though, just personal preference) and thus I did not add it! :lol:

    We use Pyrolusite's Minimalistic Technology for re-texturing GregTech Community Edition in our v1.12.2 family modpack, it was not a complete re-texture so I had to make some textures of my own to fill the gaps, it meshes really well with the new JAPPA style of textures! B)

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Vein of 16 Diamonds in One Chunk?

    It is possible that two veins with a size of 8 ores each generated right next to each other, that is just my theory though! :wub:

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Pirates of the Canadian - Unlimited Players and WASD Controls!

    Keep up the great work, sir, may your development journey be a smooth one! :creeperdance: by Alvoria

    Posted in: Show Your Creation
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    posted a message on 130k Block Medieval Castle - SURVIVAL

    Beautiful! :D A wondrous castle worthy of a rightful Czar, or perhaps a Monarch, I particularly adore the use of Copper throughout the build, magnificent work! ^_^

    Posted in: Show Your Creation
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    posted a message on How does my son play Caves & Cliffs on the PS4

    Caves & Cliffs should be automatically received as an update to the game, but some of the new features will not generate in areas of the world that already been explored, only new unexplored areas. ^_^

    An easy way to check if Caves & Cliffs is active would be to dig down to where 'Bedrock' :opblock: should be, it will have been replaced by Deepslate, and you will be allowed to dig down even deeper than before, hitting Bedrock :opblock: once more at a much lower depth! :lol:

    Posted in: MCPS4: Discussion
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    posted a message on Microsoft response time?

    Having the information from your receipt when you purchased Minecraft tends to be a must according to my Big Bro, he did too lose access to an account (before Microsoft Migration, but still), and needed to provide information from the purchase receipt in order to gain access to the account again. :(

    Best of luck! :eatenalive: by Cynips

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What was the first thing you did in your first minecraft world?

    In my very first world I spawned on an island in the middle of the ocean, without a single tree, I jumped into the water but immediately closed the game upon meeting the Squids because I thought they looked terrifying! :blink:

    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on What are some mods to make the game last longer? (+ one other mod question)

    One of the mods in our custom family-made modpack is called GregTech Community Edition, Papa and Big Bro vouch for the fact that the amount of content to go through in the mod can keep one occupied for a very long time even on its own! :P

    As far as I understand, it existed as GregTech 5 ... Unofficial?, in 1.7.10, but I would not know for sure as we play on v1.12.2! ;)

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Launcher Message

    I will take advantage of this offer if Papa ever allows me to have a Windows device, but that seems unlikely, no Windows at home as far as I can remember. :wacko:

    I do not mind though, I like Java Edition, and mods! :D

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on My account isnt migrated...

    My recommendation is to migrate your account as soon as possible, you risk losing access to your account otherwise! :(

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on 1000 Things To Put In Your Minecraft World [WIP]

    Make a zoo with every mob that is not a boss in it! B)

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on A Sweet and Enchanting First Home

    I have just started a new survival world in our family-made (by Papa and Big Bro) modpack on Minecraft v1.12.2, the modpack is quite large (at 521 mod files in disk) and has all sorts of fun stuff to do in it! :lol:

    I helped out mainly by producing textures to make sure that everything looked pretty, or matched JAPPA's artstyle (the modpack uses backported JAPPA textures, in addition to textures from the Unity resource pack, and some from various sources). :wub:

    The modpack features all of the best industry (mainly for Papa and Big Bro) and magic (mainly at my behest) mods, and a lot of graphical-enhancement and world generation mods that enhance the beauty of the natural world like ZAWA, Familiar Fauna, Frikinzi's Fauna, BetterFoliage, Better Diving, and Biomes O' Plenty! :D

    Shaderpack used is AstraLex v24.

    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on What do you.....do?

    I like to start by cutting wood first to make a wooden pickaxe, then dig into the hillside to get stone for stone tools, the world opens up to me with tools in my hands! ^_^

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Buy or Sell Minecraft Worlds?

    You could try advertising your world-building services on Fiverr, I have seen YouTubers talk about it, tailor-made worlds built to order! ;)

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Who would win?

    My money is on the Baby Zombies, they will run circles around the adults because they are fast, the matter is in the hat! :Zombie:

    Posted in: Discussion
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