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    posted a message on [COMING SOON] WORLDEDIT IN MCPI
    Quote from jdonald313»

    His GitHub repositories can be found here: https://github.com/KennethDev?tab=repositories where I see one project related to Bukkit but no sign of WorldEdit.

    Related, there are a couple tools out there tied to Pocket Edition 0.6.1 which uses the same format as Pi Edition. These include MCPEWorldViewer and MCPEGenerator. Overall the 0.6.1 world format is a lot more straightforward to hack than the modern Bedrock Edition files and you can get a reasonable idea of things in a hex editor. See https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Bedrock_Edition_level_format#chunks.dat

    Of course given that MCPI has a Python API, that means you can do plenty of world creation without a direct world editor.

    Quote from Michael18751»

    Um Im just gonna say RIP development its been 4 years if u are still making it can you please reply? Thanks!

    Wow, you guys really did find an old thread of mine. Unfortunately, I never finished this. I honestly haven't logged into the forums in quite a while either.

    I doubt that there is, but if there's interest in seeing this done, I could revisit it.

    Posted in: Minecraft: Pi Edition
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    posted a message on [Windows] ServerCreator Beta


    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Introductions & Leavings
    I'm Kenneth and I am 14. I found minecraft when it was in classic and I make lots of websites and get paid to do so.

    I like to code in java, php, html, css, js, c, c+, c#, python and ruby.

    THAT'S ME!
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    posted a message on KennethDev - Thread HUB

    KennethDev's Thread HUB

    What is a Thread HUB?

    In this thread, I will post links to all threads/topics that I create and you can come to this thread for easy access to them all.



    ServerCreator (BETA)

    Type: Tool
    Post Link: GO!


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    posted a message on [Windows] ServerCreator Beta


    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [COMING SOON] WORLDEDIT IN MCPI
    I have been working on a Python script for a port of WorldEdit to MCPI for a while and I had all but quit about 4 months ago.

    But now.... I am going to finish it.

    This port of WorldEdit to MCPI is very simple but very powerful.

    More news to be posted in this thread when it releases.
    Posted in: Minecraft: Pi Edition
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