Hi everyone I'm so sorry but during a spamming by Son_Peculier, I accidently banned Daniel_Jakson. I'm so sorry about this misunderstanding and I take full responsibility for my actions.
In-game Name: Kellyroma
In-game Rank: Free
Age: 16
Timezone: EST
How long have you played on Killion?: I joinedNovember 24th.
Have you ever been muted or banned? No and I was by accident b/c I accidently spoke during a spam attack ;_; Sorry again.
If so, why and for how long?: I was banned for like a few minutes, aha.
Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role?: I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests.
Extra Information: I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server, and in the best interest of the community.
Thanks so much for reading my application and considering me for moderator, I really appreciate it.
*Crosses fingers*
Resposting my application from April 6th, I really hope I get mod! In-game Name: Kellyroma In-game Rank: Free (and Donor) Age: 16 Timezone: EST How long have you played on Killion?: November 24th, if I'm not mistaken. Have you ever been muted or banned?: No and no. If so, why and for how long?: I have never been muted nor banned. Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role:I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests. Extra Information: I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server, and in the best interest of the community.
Reposting my Moderator App from 3 weeks ago, Sorry I dont remember the page, but the date was February 22nd, 2012
In-game Name: Kellyroma In-game Rank: Free (and Donor) Age: 16 Timezone: EST How long have you played on Killion?: November 24th, if I'm not mistaken. Have you ever been muted or banned?: No and no. If so, why and for how long?: I have never been muted nor banned. Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role:I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests. Extra Information: I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server, and in the best interest of the community.
Farewell everyone. I've given away all my items/money that I had left.
I've played this server for a couple of months now and I've met quite a few great friends on this server and it has really been an overall perfect experience. I know half of you won't really care because of the reputation I earned myself, but this is mainly for the friends that got to know me that I couldn't contact through in-game chat. There's numerous reasons as to why I'm quitting, but I'm not going to go into them. I may come back on the server to use the in-game chat to contact friends/anyone that wants to chat, but that's about it. As always, I'll list a few friends and what they've done to make my experience great. Have a good one, Killion. Great server.
Qinwei - You were practically the first real friend I made on the server. You gave me 100K to rank from Elite to Free out of no where. You also trusted me with 650K when I asked you. I didn't have to beg. You gave it right over with no hesitation. Great to have that kind of trust.
ACatNamedOJ - met him quite recently. Turned out to be the best friend I've had on the server. We PvP'd together, made bases together, and earned 1M together within 3 days. Great knowing you. Will definitely keep in touch with you through Steam like usual. (OJ quit as well. This one of the reasons I'm quitting.)
Kellyroma - First female friend I met on the server. We fought in the beginning. Earned myself a 3-day ban because of it. Turned out to be great friends. Glad I met you. I've got your Skype. We'll talk on a regular basis hopefully.
MissDigger - Honestly, I don't know how we became friends, but we were pretty good ones. I was happy for you when you achieved moderator status. One day I'll come on and see you with the Warden title.
Goonswarm - Never really got to know you much, but we were still pretty cool. Congratulations on Warden status.
XXXFlendtXXX - Even though we didn't talk in-game much, we were great friends somehow. Glad I gave away some of my items to you. Have a nice time on Killion, and good luck on Sr. Guard.
Breeza936 - Glad to meet you. Will always talk to you on Skype. Best day of my server career was when you invited me into your clan. (SUN). Thank you.
Taken - You're cute. <3 you. Must I say more?
Starzy - You helped me with all my problems and also gave me a second chance when I didn't really deserve one. I appreciate all the help you've given me. You, along with Mark and the other Wardens, have made a great gaming environment. Keep it up.
Markillion - Only had a chat with you once. You helped me set up my Ventrilo channel. <3 you for that. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to play the server.
Goggy - I love you cutie. Thanks for letting me in SUN cutie. We had fun times when OJ played.
Laxrules017 - Very old clan friend. Friendship basically ended when you became a guard. Not sure if you still play anymore.
Batchloo1 - Became good friends with you when you joined SUN. Great chatting with you everyday, and good luck in the clan.
Infinity46 - Helped you with fixing a spawner on Killion. I don't think it ever worked right after I fixed it, but it was still a fun experience. Glad to have helped, and I'm glad we became friends. Good luck in the clan you're in. (CLAPS)?
I'm sure I'm missing numerous people, but you know I'm friends with you. You don't need me to explain how we became friends. Thanks for the fun times.
~ NotoriousV2
Notorious, we all love you here. I hope you reconsider your departure from Killion and decide to come back. I really hope to see you return as soon as possible :)) <3
Kellyroma's Guard Application Since both of my Mod app's weren't responded to
How old are you?: 16
What is your timezone?: EST, Marks time zone :3 woot florida
What time can you guard?: Basically, all day lol. All day weekends, and from 4- 10:30 on teh weeknights
How long have you played on Killion? I began Killion on November 25th, 2011
What current rank are you? Freeh Do you have experience with prison servers? More than you might think Do you have experience guarding? Yes I do Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:Yes, several times prior to this application as well. :3
I see myself as the best guard applicant because I'm pretty good at pvping, I know what people say about guards doing things wrong and I just want to protect every prisoner from the moment they walk into C Block
I really didn't want to photograph my bin, to avoid criticism of deleting it, but here it goes, since you probably didn't even read my post.
So the update occured on March 4th, 2012 (Where I live) Which was when the update was forced. I did it when I came home from work (around 7:30 PM is the time I come home, and I usually do my homework and eat dinner before I play any games)
So the first day anyone brought forth these allegations was on March 13th, a Wednesday.
Here is a screenshot of my bin, in my Library/Application Support/minecraft
(Screenshot Link: http://i39.tinypic.com/k9fmmo.png )
This shows when my bin was updated, when I installed all my texture packs, and when the rest of the folders were updated (Updated as in when something was removed, added, edited, etc.) .
Now, if I had anything to hide, why would I be posting screenshots that could easily get me banned if I was lying..?
Also, if I had any mods, my minecraft.jar would be a folder, labeled minecraft.jar, and not a jar, since it would be unarchived.
So there, I'm pretty much sure I proved myself in this situation and I feel that I no longer need to explain myself, since there is nothing to explain.. Bai.
Hello everyone,
Amid accusations of my supposed "hacked client" I'm just going to make one post, and leave it be because I'm sick of being ridiculed on a day to day basis. On that note, here you go
So I purchased my mac around 3 yeas ago and it is version 10.5.8 (Leopard).
And yes, my name is Kelly Smith. Good luck looking me up, lol.
Screenshots of "About this Mac"--
(If the screenshot isn't displaying http://i43.tinypic.com/20ff2ba.png )
Screenshots of "About this Mac, More Info" --
(If the screenshot is not displaying here, http://i40.tinypic.com/vgrjub.png )
My wallpaper is a picture of my friends and I, and I am in the middle.
I don't know if any of you have a Mac of my version, but if you do, you may have found much difficulty in modding, as have I.
In fact here is an article pertaining to this topic. http://mcyukon.wordp...in-mac-os-10-5/
So if you took the time to read that, you would come to realize that I do not have the correct version of Java that modifications require.
So before many of you go running your mouth's about a topic you would have no knowledge about, please inquire me about it, because said accusations are rediculously false and I'm really tired of hearing lies and seeing my reputation ruined by a select group of people. Also these people have persuaded guards and even their own guard alternate accounts to write in chat "Kelly Xray"
(If the screenshot is not displaying, here http://i39.tinypic.com/35c4nib.jpg )
Sorry for the long post, but I'm just trying to elaborate my frustration pertaining to this topic.
Thanks to those who read this and have supported and believed me, I appreciate it, and I send my to you <3
I have found that sometimes she can be a little snappy towards players, however, everyone has their bad days and I personally think she would make a very useful mod. Always helping people (within reason) with their silly requests.
Jon I hate to break it to you, but it's called being a girl Thanks for your support though, and I'm sorry for ever being rude to you.
Reposting my Moderator App from 3 weeks ago, Sorry I dont remember the page, but the date was February 22nd, 2012
In-game Name:Kellyroma In-game Rank:Free (and Donor ) Age:16 Timezone:EST How long have you played on Killion?:November 24th, if I'm not mistaken. Have you ever been muted or banned?:No and no. If so, why and for how long?: I have never been muted nor banned. Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role:I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests. Extra Information:I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server
I'd really appreciate it if you would rep this post! <3
In-game Name:Kellyroma In-game Rank:Free (and Donor :tongue.gif:) Age: 16 Timezone: EST How long have you played on Killion?:November 24th, if I'm not mistaken. Have you ever been muted or banned?:No and no. If so, why and for how long?: I have never been muted nor banned. Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role: I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests. Extra Information:I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server :smile.gif:
I'm so sorry but during a spamming by Son_Peculier, I accidently banned Daniel_Jakson. I'm so sorry about this misunderstanding and I take full responsibility for my actions.
In-game Rank: Free
Age: 16
Timezone: EST
How long have you played on Killion?: I joined November 24th.
Have you ever been muted or banned? No and I was by accident b/c I accidently spoke during a spam attack ;_; Sorry again.
If so, why and for how long?: I was banned for like a few minutes, aha.
Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role?: I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests.
Extra Information: I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server, and in the best interest of the community.
Resposting my application from April 6th, I really hope I get mod!
In-game Name: Kellyroma
In-game Rank: Free (and Donor)
Age: 16
Timezone: EST
How long have you played on Killion?: November 24th, if I'm not mistaken.
Have you ever been muted or banned?: No and no.
If so, why and for how long?: I have never been muted nor banned.
Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role: I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests.
Extra Information: I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server, and in the best interest of the community.
Notorious, we all love you here. I hope you reconsider your departure from Killion and decide to come back. I really hope to see you return as soon as possible :)) <3
Since both of my Mod app's weren't responded to
IGN: Kellyroma
How old are you?: 16
What is your timezone?: EST, Marks time zone :3 woot florida
What time can you guard?: Basically, all day lol. All day weekends, and from 4- 10:30 on teh weeknights
How long have you played on Killion? I began Killion on November 25th, 2011
What current rank are you? Freeh
Do you have experience with prison servers? More than you might think
Do you have experience guarding? Yes I do
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:Yes, several times prior to this application as well. :3
I see myself as the best guard applicant because I'm pretty good at pvping, I know what people say about guards doing things wrong and I just want to protect every prisoner from the moment they walk into C Block
I really didn't want to photograph my bin, to avoid criticism of deleting it, but here it goes, since you probably didn't even read my post.
So the update occured on March 4th, 2012 (Where I live) Which was when the update was forced. I did it when I came home from work (around 7:30 PM is the time I come home, and I usually do my homework and eat dinner before I play any games)
So the first day anyone brought forth these allegations was on March 13th, a Wednesday.
Here is a screenshot of my bin, in my Library/Application Support/minecraft
(Screenshot Link: http://i39.tinypic.com/k9fmmo.png )
This shows when my bin was updated, when I installed all my texture packs, and when the rest of the folders were updated (Updated as in when something was removed, added, edited, etc.) .
Now, if I had anything to hide, why would I be posting screenshots that could easily get me banned if I was lying..?
Also, if I had any mods, my minecraft.jar would be a folder, labeled minecraft.jar, and not a jar, since it would be unarchived.
So there, I'm pretty much sure I proved myself in this situation and I feel that I no longer need to explain myself, since there is nothing to explain.. Bai.
Amid accusations of my supposed "hacked client" I'm just going to make one post, and leave it be because I'm sick of being ridiculed on a day to day basis. On that note, here you go
So I purchased my mac around 3 yeas ago and it is version 10.5.8 (Leopard).
And yes, my name is Kelly Smith. Good luck looking me up, lol.
Screenshots of "About this Mac"--
(If the screenshot isn't displaying http://i43.tinypic.com/20ff2ba.png )
Screenshots of "About this Mac, More Info" --
(If the screenshot is not displaying here, http://i40.tinypic.com/vgrjub.png )
My wallpaper is a picture of my friends and I, and I am in the middle.
I don't know if any of you have a Mac of my version, but if you do, you may have found much difficulty in modding, as have I.
In fact here is an article pertaining to this topic. http://mcyukon.wordp...in-mac-os-10-5/
So if you took the time to read that, you would come to realize that I do not have the correct version of Java that modifications require.
So before many of you go running your mouth's about a topic you would have no knowledge about, please inquire me about it, because said accusations are rediculously false and I'm really tired of hearing lies and seeing my reputation ruined by a select group of people. Also these people have persuaded guards and even their own guard alternate accounts to write in chat "Kelly Xray"
(If the screenshot is not displaying, here http://i39.tinypic.com/35c4nib.jpg )
Sorry for the long post, but I'm just trying to elaborate my frustration pertaining to this topic.
Thanks to those who read this and have supported and believed me, I appreciate it, and I send my
Jon I hate to break it to you, but it's called being a girl
Thanks for your support though, and I'm sorry for ever being rude to you.
Aww, thank you so much TRCroatia <33
In-game Name: Kellyroma
In-game Rank: Free (and Donor
Age: 16
Timezone: EST
How long have you played on Killion?: November 24th, if I'm not mistaken.
Have you ever been muted or banned?: No and no.
If so, why and for how long?: I have never been muted nor banned.
Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role: I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests.
Extra Information:I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server
I'd really appreciate it if you would rep this post! <3
Thanks Waespym for creating a new addiction of mine. <3
In-game Rank: Free (and Donor :tongue.gif:)
Age: 16
Timezone: EST
How long have you played on Killion?: November 24th, if I'm not mistaken.
Have you ever been muted or banned?: No and no.
If so, why and for how long?: I have never been muted nor banned.
Why do you believe you're suitable for the Moderation role: I have enough experience from other servers as moderation goes and I believe that I can keep chat spam free and racism/ excessive profanity free in the best manner possible. I also want to make everyone who is on the server feel that someone is listening to their requests.
Extra Information:I preach fairness and I only would operate in the best interest of this server :smile.gif: