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    posted a message on [Ages 12+] ~SuitCraft~ [Mature Staff] [Semi-Vanilla] [Build-list] [MobBounty]
    Q: What is your in-game-name?
    A: Kehmist
    Q: How old are you?
    A: 20
    Q: How long have you been playing Minecraft?
    A: Since InfDev
    Q: What do you like to do on Multiplayer?
    A: Building towns with friends, exploring, and messing around with redstone.
    Q: What are your other interests?
    A: Longboarding, Music, Cooking, Friends, Computers.
    Q: Did anyone lead you to this server? If so, who?
    A: Yes, Hardfelt.
    Q: Have you visited the SuitCraft website?
    A: Yes
    Q: Have you read and understood the rules?
    A: Yes
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Achievements! Welcome X Fans!
    :Pink: Epic: Kill the enderdragon with only your fists.

    Edit: Also, I think you should add more enchanting/potion/end achievements.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Prussian Army Minecraft [Hardcore] [No Whitelist] [Factions] [Lawless] [Lagless] [24/7]
    Thanks for the voting sites, you should put them on the first post and in the MOTD.
    For those of you voting you get 4k exp in each mcmmo skill per vote. That's up to 12k in each skill per day!
    Not only does it help you out, but it helps the server get more popular.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Prussian Army Minecraft [Hardcore] [No Whitelist] [Factions] [Lawless] [Lagless] [24/7]
    Awesome, now I can safely invite people into the faction without having to worry about them stealing from chests XD.
    As for the voting sites,
    Are the three voting sites.
    Also, still waiting on the cannon tutorial and the Lockette tutorial on the first post.

    Besides that having tons of fun working on my faction, trying to survive against all these monsters, can't wait to see more new people on the server!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Prussian Army Minecraft [Hardcore] [No Whitelist] [Factions] [Lawless] [Lagless] [24/7]
    Quote from Blader1176

    Would anyone else like or support the idea of a /spawn command and a small non-pvp area? It seems like many of the pvpers that want to gamble their stuff to get some loot like to go there. I feel that if it is disabled (this is just my opinion) the only pvp you'll see is raids and an uncommon encounter in the middle of nowhere.

    I think that would be a pretty good idea, That would give people an easier way to meetup/trade, and provides a central point for pvp. Azrooh if you decide to implement this change, and if you are needing a little bit more of a spawn redesign, I can help you out there :D.

    The server is coming along very nicely, I'm having lots of fun running from the hordes of mobs XD. I hope to see more new permanent faces on this server!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Prussian Army Minecraft [Hardcore] [No Whitelist] [Factions] [Lawless] [Lagless] [24/7]
    Wow, This seems like it's going to be an amazing server! :D
    You'll be seeing me on here a lot more often.
    Amazing job Az!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ★★★[NO WHITELIST] [mcMMO] [PvP] Frontier Craft [Towny] [40 Slot] [Fresh]★★★
    Hey guys if you can't connect to mc.frontier-craft.com, Then please use this IP to connect.
    The official IP will be up soon,we're just experiencing some technical difficulties.
    We apologize for any inconveniences, we are fixing it as soon as possible.
    Thank you!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on ★★★[NO WHITELIST] [mcMMO] [PvP] Frontier Craft [Towny] [40 Slot] [Fresh]★★★
    Quote from CricketSaysChill

    On the note of tools, let all classes use diamond tools at their first advanced job*. But limit them among the first. (Diamond sword for thieves, etc )

    Cleric has no business running around in D-armor while warriors are stuck with iron, maybe set it to a mix or iron/gold.
    That's all I got for now.

    *which still have to be made.

    I agree with letting all classes use diamond tools after they go into a subclass. But make them have the attack damage of wood. (So that you don't get people running around using pickaxes or shovels to kill people :P)
    We should also need to add wolves for rogues, if not in the main class then we def. need it in a subclass.
    Clerics should be limited to iron armor, instead have warriors use diamond armor, or atleast have warriors use a diamond plate and the rest iron.
    The level cap needs to be set at 30 or something. Also remove curse from rogues.
    We need to let people enchant tools and armor, not swords. Or else rogue would be too op.
    I think that's about it for now.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ★★★[NO WHITELIST] [mcMMO] [PvP] Frontier Craft [Towny] [40 Slot] [Fresh]★★★
    Hey guys I wrote down the basics of each class right now. We are still improving them and making them more balanced. Any ideas?

    Cleric -
    A heavy armored healer

    Lvl1 - Harmtouch: You deal 8 dark damage to the target.
    Lvl1 - Port: You teleport yourself and party members within
    10 blocks to set location.
    Lvl1 - Pray: You restore 10 health to your target.
    Lvl5 - Mark: You mark a location for use with recall.
    Lvl5 - Recall: You recall to your marked location.
    Lvl10 - Wisdom: You party benefits from 19.999%. increased mana
    Lvl15 - Slow: You slow the targets movement & attack speed for 15 seconds.
    Lvl20 - GroupHeal: You restore 2 health to all nearby party members.
    Lvl30 - Invuln: You become immune to all attacks, and may not attack for
    10 seconds.

    Armor - Leather, Iron, Diamond.
    Sword: Wood-Stone
    Spade: Wood-Stone
    Pickaxe: Wood-Iron
    Axe: Wood-Stone
    Hoe: Wood-Stone

    Mage -
    Ranged Disable with LeatherArmor and Icebolt.

    Lvl1 - Icebolt: You launch a ball of ice that deals 4 damage to your target
    and slows them for 5 seconds.
    Lvl1 - Port: You teleport yourself and party members within
    10 blocks to set location.
    Lvl2 - Piggify: You force your target to ride a pig for 10 seconds.
    Lvl5 - Mark: You mark a location for use with recall.
    Lvl5 - Recall: You recall to your marked location.
    Lvl5 - Web: You conjure a web around your target.
    Lvl10 - Wisdom: You party benefits from 19.999%. increased mana
    Lvl15 - Wolf: You have the ability to tame wolves.
    Lvl20 - Fireball: You shoot a fireball that deals 4 damage and lights your
    target on fire.
    Lvl25 - Blink: Teleports you up to 6 blocks away.

    Armor - Leather
    Sword: Wood
    Spade: Wood-Stone
    Pickaxe: Wood-Iron
    Axe: Wood-Stone
    Hoe: Wood-Stone

    Rogue -
    The trickster of the wilds.

    Lvl1 - Backstab: You have a 50% chance to deal 150% damage when attacking
    from behind.
    Lvl1 - Port: You teleport yourself and party members within
    10 blocks to set location.
    Lvl1 - Sneak: You crouch in the shadows.
    Lvl5 - Mark: You mark a location for use with recall.
    Lvl5 - Recall: You recall to your marked location.
    Lvl10 AssassinsBlade: You poison your blade which will deal an
    extra 2 damage every 10 seconds.
    Lvl20 - Jump: You jump into the air.
    Lvl25 - EscapeArtist: You break free of any effects that impede
    your movement.
    lvl35 - Curse: You cure the target for 5 seconds, giving their attacks
    a 50% miss chance.

    Armor - Leather
    Sword: Wood-Diamond
    Spade: Wood-Stone
    Pickaxe: Wood-Iron
    Axe: Wood-Stone
    Hoe: Wood-Stone

    Warrior -
    Meele damage with axes and iron armor.

    Lvl5 - Mark: You mark a location for use with recall.
    Lvl5 - Recall: You recall to your marked location.
    Lvl5 - Root: You root your target in place for 5 seconds.
    Lvl10 - Might: You increase your partys damage with weapons by 25%.
    Lvl20 - One: You gain a burst of speed for 15 seconds.
    Lvl25 - Charge: You charge towards your target.

    Armor- Leather, Chainmail, Iron
    Sword: Wood-Iron
    Spade: Wood-Stone
    Pickaxe: Wood-Iron
    Axe: Wood-Diamond
    Hoe: Wood-Stone
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Azrooh's Roleplaying [Vanilla! Absolute Freedom!]
    Quote from QNci

    Man, it's been ages. o.o
    Like... forever. Don't know what made me look this thread/server up again, but that picture made my day. :D

    Wow. Nci, We haven't heard from you in a long time! Where have you been buddy?
    And I'm glad you liked the picture :). Unfortunately I don't think azrooh's is very active anymore. :(
    I took that picture on frontier-craft. This new server that a handful of azroohlians play on. If you're coming back to MC maybe you can drop in. It's great hearing from you again. Hopefully we'll see you on minecraft again. Until next time, See ya!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ★★★[NO WHITELIST] [mcMMO] [PvP] Frontier Craft [Towny] [40 Slot] [Fresh]★★★
    The server is amazing! The spawn is looking really nice too. And the many towns around the server are taking shape. Hopefully we'll see a lot more new faces on the server. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ★★★[NO WHITELIST] [mcMMO] [PvP] Frontier Craft [Towny] [40 Slot] [Fresh]★★★
    We will remove the whitelist once the spawn is built. Hang in there guys! :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Azrooh's Roleplaying [Vanilla! Absolute Freedom!]
    Any Idea why the ip changed?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ★★★[NO WHITELIST] [mcMMO] [PvP] Frontier Craft [Towny] [40 Slot] [Fresh]★★★
    Update to anyone looking to join, The server will be whitelisted for a little bit. We're going to be re-doing spawn, so stay tuned :).
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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