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    posted a message on MCSX - Minecraft: PS1 Edition

    Thanks man. Yeah, I might actually check yours out. I tried Better Than Adventure the other day and was a little disappointed, this looks more like what I was expecting from that mod. Looks cool

    Posted in: Mod Packs
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    posted a message on MCSX - Minecraft: PS1 Edition


    This modpack aims to be what Minecraft would be like if it was made on the PS1. It includes bad render distance, fog, warping graphics, 2D item models, graphics and sounds from the alpha days, 2D billboarding objects, and more. In the spirit of the creepy atmosphere that many PS1 games have, you will come across some things that will spook you pretty good that I will not be spoiling.

    It also includes/fixes things that I feel should have been added to Minecraft in the first place:

    • a functional fletching table
    • double doors opening at the same time
    • an end update (new enderite ore, don't worry it's not as op as you think it is, it's hard as **** to get)
    • vertical slabs
    • missing block variants
    • correct crafting output for things like stairs (you get 8 now)
    • bonemealable sugarcane
    • potion of luck
    • putting banners on beds
    • better impaling enchantment
    • netherite and enderite horse armor
    • being able to put leads on more types of mob (villagers included)
    • a slightly more interesting ender dragon fight
    • sheared sheep retain their wool color
    • shulker box enchantments and tooltips
    • more sound effects (it's not dead silent anymore, you'll hear your own footsteps and there's also cave reverb)

    There are also other things that I did to make it more balanced/alpha like

    • no more mending (don't @me)
    • elytra is slower now (this is both to balance it and make sure that you don't see any loading chunks. PS1 games would have done something similar to account for the slow loading)
    • you can spam click in combat again
    • chest loot tables have been buffed to actually encourage exploration
    • armor is not as effective as vanilla (you still want it though)
    • you don't lose as much xp when you die
    • old fishing loot has been restored
    • end cities are more common (because they were a pain in the ass to find with this fog)
    • shulkers always drop 2 shells
    • slower healing
    • mimicream can be used to duplicate tools, but the duplicate will have no durability (even with looting 3 it's quite hard to obtain)

    And then there's some things that I added just because/to make it feel more unique from java version

    • the camera now rolls when flying with elytra
    • using boats, horses, elytra, minecarts, etc. forces you into third person
    • the top left corner of the screen wil provide you with your coordinates (no more f3)
    • a bedrock style display of your character in the top left corner
    • your custom skin will not be rendered, you'll play as steve and like it (how would a PS1 game allow for custom skins?)
    • you have a quick turn around button (dpad right, currently only works if cheats are enabled, I will try to fix this)
    • some mobs that weren't voted for (unfortunately couldn't add them all, which sucks because I really ****ing wanted the barnacle)
    • the deep dark has been backported (also if there's ever an end update and it gets a backport mod for 1.18.2, it will likely replace the end update that I put together here)
    • layered snowfall
    • you have a screenshot button (select, access the gallery through the pause menu)
    • you can use pistons to push chests
    • fishing is a minigame now
    • you can just throw concrete powder into a cauldron to harden it
    • you can uncraft quartz blocks back into quartz
    • you can mine glass instantly now
    • phantoms will increase in size over time
    • magma walker enchantment (frost walker but for lava)

    Subtlety is key. Don't expect a totally different gameplay experience in the first two minutes, a lot of the creepy **** has a low chance of happening, be patient. Just try to play as if it were normal minecraft. Some people wonder why this is a current version of Minecraft, since it's supposed to be a PS1 game. There are two reasons for this. The first, is that nobody wants to play a version of minecraft that has no features. The second reason, is that back in the old days of gaming, developers released finished versions of games, because they weren't able to update it later via patches. This is what I imagine a finished version of Minecraft would look like. Just suspend your disbelief a bit. Imagine this like an ARG.

    Posted in: Mod Packs
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