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    posted a message on Lanterns shouldn't utilize iron.
    I suggest use regular stone, glass and a regular torch. Like said a couple of times already.
    This way, its not easy, as you need to smelt both cobblestone and sand in a furnace, which takes time. You also need to make torches still.
    The thing is, I think it would make it too hard for new players if they needed redstone, even if plentiful, it takes time to find, especially when you are first starting. Iron is too thin for most people to build up large amounts of it, its also hard to find when just starting. Gold, while currently useless, is also very hard to find at the very start of the game.

    3 Stone, 3 Glass, 1 Torch. The best recipe.
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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    posted a message on Crafting lists (unlockable as played)
    I like these sorts of things myself, can't see why not.
    Not particularly urgent though.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Binocular tool?
    Was going to suggest this myself, but forgot after I stopped playing.
    I would really like to see binoculars or something added, but it's not as urgent as most things.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Stackable Items
    Ah yes, I forgot about durability. However that could actually make it more interesting.
    What if only unused items can be stacked? In a chest that is.
    I know some people who make lots of tools at night, and I mean, enough to fill two large chests. So that they don't have to keep making them when they need them when they go exploring, this way, they could stack a lot of these in just a few squares instead of having to make a storage room with 6 large chests, with half of them just full of tools.

    I'm still not sure about the tools though, I think it would reduce the difficulty factor a bit.
    But I really think that food should be stackable in a furnace at least and that signs should be stackable.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Stackable Items
    While I understand your point about tools, I myself said I wasn't sure about that one, just something to ponder. However I believe you missed the point with the food one, I was not saying you could stack food items in your inventory, I said, perhaps you could make small stacks in storage chests, because at the moment, food takes abnormally large amounts of room in a chest. But my main idea there was with pork, I was saying it should merely be stackable in a furnace, so you don't have to swap out individual pieces while cooking it.

    I myself think the game should be made harder, my point here wasn't to try and make the game harder, merely make some things that are annoying more convenient.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Medicine
    I always liked the idea of sicknesses being added. Things that slow you down slightly, cause you half a heart of damage every minute, etc. Some of them would eventually disappear themselves, but some wouldn't. But all could be curable by certain medicines.
    I started making a thread on it once, but ran out of time.

    I do like your idea for a bowl and grinding stick.
    I can imagine, once crafted you could have the bowl in the bottom-middle square and the stick in the top-middle square, then 1-3 ingredients in the middle rows depending on the medicine.
    Like so:

    [] :|: []
    :RFlower: :Diamond: :YFlower:
    [] :_: []

    Where :|: is the grinding stick and :_: is the bowl. The middle items could be anything, and make a certain medicine depening on which they are. Ofcourse there may only be one or two ingredients required for some medicines.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Shadow of the Colossus style monsters
    Very cool idea, but also very hard to implement I think.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Stackable Items
    Just a few ideas for what could be changed, mostly revolved around non-stackable items.

    Stackable Pork
    Before you tell me how overpowered stackable food would be, realise this, I am not proposing to be able to stack food in your inventory.
    Instead, I would like to be able to stack multiple pieces of pork/bacon into a furnace. Right now, it is extremely slow to cook about ten pieces of pork, as you have to manually change it.

    How this would work is, you can place as many pieces of pork on top of each other in the top part of the furnace, and they stack once again after being cooked. However, when you click on the cooked stack, or the uncooked stack for that matter, you pick up just one of the stack.
    Simple, huh?

    Another similar idea involving all foods, would be that foods can be stacked in a chest, to make it easier to store food. You still would have a limited carry capacity for food, but one slice of pork wouldn't take up a full slot in the chest. If being able to store 64 pieces of food in one square of a chest WAS too easy, perhaps limit it to 8/16/32/etc instead.

    Make Signs Stackable
    Really, I don't understand it. Why can't you stack signs? It just makes it a hassle to carry them around. Other then for appearance, they are not overly useful.

    Stackable Tools
    Not sure on this, its essentially the same as the second part of the food idea. That you can stack tools on top of each other, but only in storage. I'm not as sure about this one though, it would be useful, but it may make everything a bit easier. Obviously the tools would have to be of the same material and the same type of tool.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Carrying torch!
    Many people have suggested this, I hear that the engine currently cannot handle this kind of thing.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Multi-Colored slimes and paints.
    I always thought flowers could be used to make dye, which dyes wool, which can make coloured clothing and material, but slime balls could be used as paint, to change the colour of wooden things, like doors and planks.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Apples.
    I don't think stackable apples is a good idea...
    Even if they only heal 2 hearts, if you make an apple tree farm you could have two stacks of 64 apples all the time. That is 128 hearts in one item slot, and 256 total.
    I propose that you can only have 6-10 apples in one item slot in your inventory. Which is 12-20 hearts.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Basic niceities.
    Quote from rak720 »
    Basic... what? Did you mean "necessities"? There is a spell check for a reason...

    Anyways, I like the "remember last MP server" suggestion.

    Niceities = Things that are nice.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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