Hey Everyone,
Another idea here for what I think a use for books and bookshelves could be.
It involves stats, items, crafting recipes, etc.
First, I'll get bookshelves out of the way. Simply, a bookshelf would work as following:
-Each bookshelf can hold FOUR books. (Seems low, but if it held a more realistic ten, you'd only need one or two ever)
-To look in a bookshelf, you right click on it. It has four spaces, each space can have a book placed in it. If you right click on a placed book it opens it, left clicking picks it up, it can then be moved to your inventory/etc.
Now for the books, this is a bit more complicated:
-Books would be opened by right clicking them.
-Books would become non stack able.
-Their would be three types of book, each type is explained below.
Type 1 - Regular
-These are the current, craftable books.
-Once right clicked, it will appear blank. It allows you to name the book, change the colour of the book and most importantly, right whatever you want in it.
-These books could be used to write stories, fan-fics, journals, whatever. Others could then read them and edit them unless they are locked/published.
-When you don't want someone to edit your book, its content can become locked. Once you publish a book, it can no longer be edited, but it can be reproduced, that way you can give them out on a server, or hide them around for people to find or something.
Type 2 - Pre-Writes
-These are simple, these are pre-written books that can either be very common, or very rare.
-Basically these could be mysterious stories, fact books about mobs, or just basically be easter eggs.
-I suggest that a new player starts with one of these books, an instruction manual! It would give a very basic overview of the game and explain the controls. I may write what I think could be in this book at a later time.
-These books would be perfect if more rare items, like records, were added. Also if anyone wrote good fanfics for this game, they could be implemented into the actual game for all to find.
Type 3 - Recording Books (Stat Books)
-Basically, these are books that you record the things you do. I personally find these sorts of things very interesting.
-I would propose four of these books would exist in this game in total.
-They would be the Stat Book, the Monster Book, the Achievement Book and the Item Book. These are basic names, obviously. Each one explained below.
The Stat Book records basic things, including:
-Distance Travelled
-Unique Mobs Killed
-Total Mobs Killed
-Total Blocks Mined/Dug/Exploded/Etc
-Dungeons Found
-Times Died
-Hearts Lost
-Time played
-You get the idea.
This would be, in my opinion, a very interesting stat holder which unlike most games, is implemented in a very interesting way.
The Monster Book
-Stores every form of mob you encounter, friendly or not
-It tells you basic information about them, shows an image of one of them, and shows you how many times you have killed them.
Just an interesting way to log your mob encounters.
The Achievement Book
-Obviously, stores your achieved achievements if they are ever added.
The Item Book
-This stores each block/item you have picked up or destroyed (as some blocks may not be able to be picked up).
-Stores how many you have picked up, if its a block stores how many you have dug up/mined/etc.
-It shows there actual name, to avoid confusion (some people calling iron steel, etc).
-Shows crafting recipes that you have found, for example, when you craft a bucket for the first time, it will add that bucket to this book, and on that items page it will show you the crafting recipe for the item. If an item has multiple crafting recipes, it will show one crafting recipe as hidden, until you discover it and use it.
Useful for remembering crafting recipes. Another cool thing to have.
Now, your probably wondering what the point of bookshelves are. I really don't know, they would still be for aesthetics, but at least they would have some function.
I don't know how well I explained it, what do you guys think?
Would prefer if it was a low chance drop for each hostile mob. Like 1 in 50 or something. That way, they are not annoying, and you actually have to hunt for them, or be lucky.
Edit: I mean making them rare drops would make it more exciting to find one and make them more valuable.
They're supposed to be more of a "counter," on how many kills you have, but whatever floats your boat.
A counter counts, I think if you had like over 3000 plaques it would get very annoying trying to find somewhere to place them. That and you would only be able to tell that you have a huge amount, you wouldn't actually know how many of each monster you've killed.
I have a good idea for recording stats, but I think I'll save that for it's own thread.
I like vlademir1's style of post, however disagree on a couple of points. So I'll use a similar format.
Hoe: Right now, anything above a stone hoe is pretty useless, for me at least. They all till dirt/grass instantly, and in my experience, no one has a farm so big that that it takes over a thousand uses of a hoe to set up.
Axe: Generally I just carry two stone ones, I may make a iron one if I am going out and trying to cut down as many trees as I can in a single day, then I can get through a lot more.
Shovel: I generally either have stone shovels, usually about three, but if I have found diamond, a diamond shovel is the second thing I make. Insanely fast and unlike other shovels, lasts a long time.
Pick: Before finding diamond I would carry 5 stone picks and 1 silver when I went mining. After finding diamond I only use one diamond pick. It's faster and it generally lasts long enough to find triple the amount of diamonds to replace it.
Swords: I use to only carry stone swords around, I don't find it hard to kill any enemy in the game with a stone sword, except skeletons, and I just shoot them with arrows though.
Armour: To be honest. I practically never use armour so I won't talk about this.
To sum up, I think that Iron Tools are currently useless to a degree. You only really need to create three iron picks max ever. However thats because by the time you find enough iron for it to be expendable, you probably have a diamond pick. Stone is fine at the moment, iron could use some sort of added bonus for use.
Also axes and hoes are only useless above stone because by the time you have much iron or any diamond, you generally don't need to use them much.
Would prefer if it was a low chance drop for each hostile mob. Like 1 in 50 or something. That way, they are not annoying, and you actually have to hunt for them, or be lucky.
Edit: I mean making them rare drops would make it more exciting to find one and make them more valuable.
I think it should be so rare, that you will only see him probably like on average once every 5000 hours of play. So that it is so rare, most people won't even believe it's in the game. It will still be a legend, but it will scare the **** out of some people.
Assuming zombies cannot see light from through a solid wall, this means that people will no longer use windows, and they will nearly always be fine if they don't stand near their door.
I disagree with mobs that destroy your base, I think greater encouragement to leave your base would be far better then discouraging staying in it. Really, zombies are very weak, probably the weakest of the common hostile mobs. This would just be annoying. When I'm in my base it's generally because I'm crafting or something where I am doing something specific. Having to keep checking to see if my walls are being destroyed means I would need to spend more time in my base to check for an repair damage.
I want the game harder, having things slowly destroy your base doesn't make the game harder though, it actually encourages you to stay near you base to stop it from being damaged INSTEAD of going exploring. If this only happens on hard mode I will be so torn as for what difficulty to play on, I'm a hardcore gamer, I really like a challenge. This wouldn't be a challenge, this would be an annoyance.
Also, to the guy who said yes to this, then followed up he couldn't go outside of his base at night because of creepers. Why? I try to spend as much time as I can finding mobs at night, including creepers. Also whats to stop a creeper coming into your house once a zombie breaks into it?
Also, I would not mind so much if they could break dirt, as thats usually only parts of walls due to the maker being to lazy to replace it. But even wood, seriously, after a very short time playing you have so much more stone then you have wood. I like using wood because making things entirely out of cobblestone is boring as f**k. It may be logical for zombies to be able to break wood, but it will just make buildings look bland because the suitable materials are limited.
Hey guys,
What kind of player are you online, are you a solitary resource gatherer? Do you just like to hang out? Are you a builder? A griefer? What ever it is, have a chat about it below.
Also what are some of your favourite things to do while playing?
First, myself. Have a split kind of personality on the server I'm a regular on. When I'm around a group I generally play practical jokes on the people I know and mostly just tell jokes. I like to do stuff like build a pit to the bottom of the map inside of someones front door, or rearrange their chests to say stuff, sometimes I destroy friends torches while they are mining and block off the entrance to their mine so they get lost in the mine.
However, when no one is watching I do very generous things. I play a lot, I have lots of stuff. I strip mined a ridiculous amount of space in the bottom of the map over time and have huge supplies of... everything. So when no one is around if someone has done something nice for me or need help with something, I will anonymously sneak in what they need or a diamond or two into their chest. Same goes if they are working on a big building project, when they are not nearby I slip a whole heap of materials they are low on into a chest they have nearby.
So thats what I enjoy doing, what about everyone else?
Hey Guys,
I think records are a really great idea, a nice item most are not aware of, that are also very rare. While other rare items, like gold (although, its not very rare after a while playing) don't really do anything (other then make useless items of course), records add something unique, the ability to play unique music. While it MAY be useless, its nice, and it still does something.
However, they also add a new challenge, and add something to collect that is unique. Well, at the moment they don't, as their is only two. But I suspect more will come eventually.
The thing I don't like much about them is that both of them can be obtained in the same three ways. Either found in a dungeon, found from killing a creeper (rare) or having a skeleton kill a creeper.
The first thing I would like to see done is change this slightly.
So that the gold records can only be found in dungeons, while the green ones can be found by killing creepers or having a creeper be killed by a skeleton arrow.
That is my first suggestion.
However, I would also like to make a discussion regarding records, if more records were added, come up with some ideas of how you could find them.
Heres some of mine:
Boss Monsters - I think when uber-mobs or boss mobs are added, they have a 1 in 5/1 in 101 in 50/etc chance of dropping a record, which could either be specific to that boss mob or be found from multiple kinds of boss mob.
Killing Spider Riding Skeletons - They could drop one at a 1 in 3/1 in 5 chance or something. They are pretty uncommon.
Buried - A record could be found either stuck inside of a rock, or in a very small (2x2) room that has it stored in a chest or just sitting there.
Craftable - I was thinking that maybe a single kind of record could be crafted, it would make it easier to get then some records, but I thought it could be make out of something very rare, like a combination of gold blocks and diamonds/diamond blocks.
These a pretty basic, see what you can some up with.
He still could, he could release what the new mobs look like daily, and still leave a couple secret for release.
He could also just show us what the lanterns, etc look like.
Also I think it's safe to assume their will be a few new items he hasn't mentioned aswell..
I just think Notch will save some stuff to give us a halloween surprise.
Giants - Notch has been working on making giants, so I think they will arrive as one of these new, challenging mobs.
Wolves - They should be permanetly around, they are fairly dangerous, however during the day they will only attack you if provoked. At night time they constantly hunt around though.
Ghosts - Die from any kind of light, are slow, deal high damage and make no sound until very close. Cannot be killed by anything but light (makes the new, non permanet torches very useful).
Demons - Simply because of this new hell world thing which I don't really understand at the moment. Perhaps they could be zombie speed, be hard to kill and set you on fire with their melee attack. But you would only see them in the hell world thing.
Rats - Function like spiders, only are half the width, meaning they can fit through 1x1 gaps. Are killed slightly easier and are rarely seen outside of caves.
Dragons - I suspect they are coming soon...
Herobrine - Just sayin, perfect time to add him if Notch is ever going to.
Bats - Perfect cave enemy, and even better, they could travel in large groups, and come out at night if there is an exit from their cave. If they get trapped outside during the day they land and move around slowly and don't attack. If you hit them they fly about 4 metres and land again.
Fish - I think about three of four marine things should be added, like Tuna, Catfish, Eel, Shark. The first two don't attack, they can be fished and are useful for food or whatever depending on the type. Eels could be fairly weak attackers, just a basic one that could also function well in an underwater cave. Sharks would be extremely dangerous.
Birds - Only because if flying mobs are added, this is an obvious inclusion.
Notch said their would be new mobs that would be challenging, well I would expect, from above, Dragons, Sharks, Ghosts, Demons, Giants and Wolves would be challenging mobs.
No one else going to reply? :|
Extremely obvious troll/fool.
Another idea here for what I think a use for books and bookshelves could be.
It involves stats, items, crafting recipes, etc.
First, I'll get bookshelves out of the way. Simply, a bookshelf would work as following:
-Each bookshelf can hold FOUR books. (Seems low, but if it held a more realistic ten, you'd only need one or two ever)
-To look in a bookshelf, you right click on it. It has four spaces, each space can have a book placed in it. If you right click on a placed book it opens it, left clicking picks it up, it can then be moved to your inventory/etc.
Now for the books, this is a bit more complicated:
-Books would be opened by right clicking them.
-Books would become non stack able.
-Their would be three types of book, each type is explained below.
Type 1 - Regular
-These are the current, craftable books.
-Once right clicked, it will appear blank. It allows you to name the book, change the colour of the book and most importantly, right whatever you want in it.
-These books could be used to write stories, fan-fics, journals, whatever. Others could then read them and edit them unless they are locked/published.
-When you don't want someone to edit your book, its content can become locked. Once you publish a book, it can no longer be edited, but it can be reproduced, that way you can give them out on a server, or hide them around for people to find or something.
Type 2 - Pre-Writes
-These are simple, these are pre-written books that can either be very common, or very rare.
-Basically these could be mysterious stories, fact books about mobs, or just basically be easter eggs.
-I suggest that a new player starts with one of these books, an instruction manual! It would give a very basic overview of the game and explain the controls. I may write what I think could be in this book at a later time.
-These books would be perfect if more rare items, like records, were added. Also if anyone wrote good fanfics for this game, they could be implemented into the actual game for all to find.
Type 3 - Recording Books (Stat Books)
-Basically, these are books that you record the things you do. I personally find these sorts of things very interesting.
-I would propose four of these books would exist in this game in total.
-They would be the Stat Book, the Monster Book, the Achievement Book and the Item Book. These are basic names, obviously. Each one explained below.
The Stat Book records basic things, including:
-Distance Travelled
-Unique Mobs Killed
-Total Mobs Killed
-Total Blocks Mined/Dug/Exploded/Etc
-Dungeons Found
-Times Died
-Hearts Lost
-Time played
-You get the idea.
This would be, in my opinion, a very interesting stat holder which unlike most games, is implemented in a very interesting way.
The Monster Book
-Stores every form of mob you encounter, friendly or not
-It tells you basic information about them, shows an image of one of them, and shows you how many times you have killed them.
Just an interesting way to log your mob encounters.
The Achievement Book
-Obviously, stores your achieved achievements if they are ever added.
The Item Book
-This stores each block/item you have picked up or destroyed (as some blocks may not be able to be picked up).
-Stores how many you have picked up, if its a block stores how many you have dug up/mined/etc.
-It shows there actual name, to avoid confusion (some people calling iron steel, etc).
-Shows crafting recipes that you have found, for example, when you craft a bucket for the first time, it will add that bucket to this book, and on that items page it will show you the crafting recipe for the item. If an item has multiple crafting recipes, it will show one crafting recipe as hidden, until you discover it and use it.
Useful for remembering crafting recipes. Another cool thing to have.
Now, your probably wondering what the point of bookshelves are. I really don't know, they would still be for aesthetics, but at least they would have some function.
I don't know how well I explained it, what do you guys think?
A counter counts, I think if you had like over 3000 plaques it would get very annoying trying to find somewhere to place them. That and you would only be able to tell that you have a huge amount, you wouldn't actually know how many of each monster you've killed.
I have a good idea for recording stats, but I think I'll save that for it's own thread.
Hoe: Right now, anything above a stone hoe is pretty useless, for me at least. They all till dirt/grass instantly, and in my experience, no one has a farm so big that that it takes over a thousand uses of a hoe to set up.
Axe: Generally I just carry two stone ones, I may make a iron one if I am going out and trying to cut down as many trees as I can in a single day, then I can get through a lot more.
Shovel: I generally either have stone shovels, usually about three, but if I have found diamond, a diamond shovel is the second thing I make. Insanely fast and unlike other shovels, lasts a long time.
Pick: Before finding diamond I would carry 5 stone picks and 1 silver when I went mining. After finding diamond I only use one diamond pick. It's faster and it generally lasts long enough to find triple the amount of diamonds to replace it.
Swords: I use to only carry stone swords around, I don't find it hard to kill any enemy in the game with a stone sword, except skeletons, and I just shoot them with arrows though.
Armour: To be honest. I practically never use armour so I won't talk about this.
To sum up, I think that Iron Tools are currently useless to a degree. You only really need to create three iron picks max ever. However thats because by the time you find enough iron for it to be expendable, you probably have a diamond pick. Stone is fine at the moment, iron could use some sort of added bonus for use.
Also axes and hoes are only useless above stone because by the time you have much iron or any diamond, you generally don't need to use them much.
Edit: I mean making them rare drops would make it more exciting to find one and make them more valuable.
I disagree with mobs that destroy your base, I think greater encouragement to leave your base would be far better then discouraging staying in it. Really, zombies are very weak, probably the weakest of the common hostile mobs. This would just be annoying. When I'm in my base it's generally because I'm crafting or something where I am doing something specific. Having to keep checking to see if my walls are being destroyed means I would need to spend more time in my base to check for an repair damage.
I want the game harder, having things slowly destroy your base doesn't make the game harder though, it actually encourages you to stay near you base to stop it from being damaged INSTEAD of going exploring. If this only happens on hard mode I will be so torn as for what difficulty to play on, I'm a hardcore gamer, I really like a challenge. This wouldn't be a challenge, this would be an annoyance.
Also, to the guy who said yes to this, then followed up he couldn't go outside of his base at night because of creepers. Why? I try to spend as much time as I can finding mobs at night, including creepers. Also whats to stop a creeper coming into your house once a zombie breaks into it?
Also, I would not mind so much if they could break dirt, as thats usually only parts of walls due to the maker being to lazy to replace it. But even wood, seriously, after a very short time playing you have so much more stone then you have wood. I like using wood because making things entirely out of cobblestone is boring as f**k. It may be logical for zombies to be able to break wood, but it will just make buildings look bland because the suitable materials are limited.
What kind of player are you online, are you a solitary resource gatherer? Do you just like to hang out? Are you a builder? A griefer? What ever it is, have a chat about it below.
Also what are some of your favourite things to do while playing?
First, myself. Have a split kind of personality on the server I'm a regular on. When I'm around a group I generally play practical jokes on the people I know and mostly just tell jokes. I like to do stuff like build a pit to the bottom of the map inside of someones front door, or rearrange their chests to say stuff, sometimes I destroy friends torches while they are mining and block off the entrance to their mine so they get lost in the mine.
However, when no one is watching I do very generous things. I play a lot, I have lots of stuff. I strip mined a ridiculous amount of space in the bottom of the map over time and have huge supplies of... everything. So when no one is around if someone has done something nice for me or need help with something, I will anonymously sneak in what they need or a diamond or two into their chest. Same goes if they are working on a big building project, when they are not nearby I slip a whole heap of materials they are low on into a chest they have nearby.
So thats what I enjoy doing, what about everyone else?
I think records are a really great idea, a nice item most are not aware of, that are also very rare. While other rare items, like gold (although, its not very rare after a while playing) don't really do anything (other then make useless items of course), records add something unique, the ability to play unique music. While it MAY be useless, its nice, and it still does something.
However, they also add a new challenge, and add something to collect that is unique. Well, at the moment they don't, as their is only two. But I suspect more will come eventually.
The thing I don't like much about them is that both of them can be obtained in the same three ways. Either found in a dungeon, found from killing a creeper (rare) or having a skeleton kill a creeper.
The first thing I would like to see done is change this slightly.
So that the gold records can only be found in dungeons, while the green ones can be found by killing creepers or having a creeper be killed by a skeleton arrow.
That is my first suggestion.
However, I would also like to make a discussion regarding records, if more records were added, come up with some ideas of how you could find them.
Heres some of mine:
Boss Monsters - I think when uber-mobs or boss mobs are added, they have a 1 in 5/1 in 101 in 50/etc chance of dropping a record, which could either be specific to that boss mob or be found from multiple kinds of boss mob.
Killing Spider Riding Skeletons - They could drop one at a 1 in 3/1 in 5 chance or something. They are pretty uncommon.
Buried - A record could be found either stuck inside of a rock, or in a very small (2x2) room that has it stored in a chest or just sitting there.
Craftable - I was thinking that maybe a single kind of record could be crafted, it would make it easier to get then some records, but I thought it could be make out of something very rare, like a combination of gold blocks and diamonds/diamond blocks.
These a pretty basic, see what you can some up with.
He could also just show us what the lanterns, etc look like.
Also I think it's safe to assume their will be a few new items he hasn't mentioned aswell..
I just think Notch will save some stuff to give us a halloween surprise.
Giants - Notch has been working on making giants, so I think they will arrive as one of these new, challenging mobs.
Wolves - They should be permanetly around, they are fairly dangerous, however during the day they will only attack you if provoked. At night time they constantly hunt around though.
Ghosts - Die from any kind of light, are slow, deal high damage and make no sound until very close. Cannot be killed by anything but light (makes the new, non permanet torches very useful).
Demons - Simply because of this new hell world thing which I don't really understand at the moment. Perhaps they could be zombie speed, be hard to kill and set you on fire with their melee attack. But you would only see them in the hell world thing.
Rats - Function like spiders, only are half the width, meaning they can fit through 1x1 gaps. Are killed slightly easier and are rarely seen outside of caves.
Dragons - I suspect they are coming soon...
Herobrine - Just sayin, perfect time to add him if Notch is ever going to.
Bats - Perfect cave enemy, and even better, they could travel in large groups, and come out at night if there is an exit from their cave. If they get trapped outside during the day they land and move around slowly and don't attack. If you hit them they fly about 4 metres and land again.
Fish - I think about three of four marine things should be added, like Tuna, Catfish, Eel, Shark. The first two don't attack, they can be fished and are useful for food or whatever depending on the type. Eels could be fairly weak attackers, just a basic one that could also function well in an underwater cave. Sharks would be extremely dangerous.
Birds - Only because if flying mobs are added, this is an obvious inclusion.
Notch said their would be new mobs that would be challenging, well I would expect, from above, Dragons, Sharks, Ghosts, Demons, Giants and Wolves would be challenging mobs.