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    posted a message on Discuss possible ideas for the possible 'Weeping Angel' mob
    I will seriously switch to peaceful if this is added. I'm just not one for scary stuff.
    Standard enemies scare me enough when they surprise me, especially skeletons That arrow firing sound when I'm in a dark cavern nearly makes me **** myself every time.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Changing Ladders
    Hey Guys,
    I have heard people complaining about how you can make ladders, but can leave rungs out.
    Most people think it looks pretty bad, and I tend to agree. However that doesn't mean it shouldn't be possible to use, because it's only a small one metre gap.
    However having those gaps in a ladder would make it harder to climb right?
    I propose a simple change, that climbing ladders which are missing every second rung should be slower then full ladders.
    It just adds a reason to make full ladders other then for appearance.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ghost of your past
    Something I thought would be interesting, that is similar to this is after a long time in one world you may be traveling around in a boat and see an island that looks similar to your own.
    You then see buildings, you approach.
    And as you get closer and closer your realize its your set up from when you first started, and when you enter you see your ghost doing things, like standing around or waiting at the furnace or making changes to the base.
    I think this would be great to see, especially for people still inside their very first world who had no idea what to do when they started, they would see their old base again. I think it would be quite nice to revisit your nooby days, as it is actually something I think about quite a lot.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on A Creature Proposition: Tunnel Mite
    Spider Phobia tells me to disapprove, but this is a great idea. This or something similar would be a great addition.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on BRING BACK HUMANS!
    I agree, however a tamable companion like a dog/horse/etc that lives in your home or can follow you around seems like a better idea.

    Also, there are people in multiplayer, and they are as interactive as it gets.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Use for Books/Bookshelves (Stats/Recipes/etc)
    The only time you'll find a story or something is if Notch himself implemented it, you can't randomly find randomly written fanfics.

    Thanks for all the support guys, some good ideas being thrown around here too. :smile.gif:

    Edit: Sorry guys, I realized I didn't really contribute or answer any questions. Very tired at the moment, and sick. In bed at the moment so it's not exactly easy to type.

    I think if you had a book destroyed, like a stat book or manual or something irreplaceable, I'm not sure, but there would have to be a way to replace it. I can't think of much at the moment.
    As for the txt file being able to be used to make books, great idea. That's all I can say. As long as you cannot edit manuals/stats/etc in a text file.
    Also yes, the book cases would be for storage, and you could carry them around if you wanted, I agree that it would be annoying to not be able to carry your books around.

    Once again, thanks for the support guys. Your awesome.

    I'm going to try and clear up the first post sometime tomorrow, and answer ore replies too. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Sign Expansions
    Seems pretty cool.
    Also, signs that have one end carved to make it point in a certain direction would be nice.

    Of course, we need to be able to make the text big enough to fit the sign. A big sign with "Welcome!" in the current text size wouldn't look great.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on You can't come up with a better idea.
    It was funny when I read "Creepers should drop gunpowder because they explode" in a different thread. But I don't approve of a member of the forum posting nothing but suggestions, which are things that are already in game, it's old. I've heard it on plenty of other forums for games too.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft idea has been Stolen!!
    Sorry guys, but believe it or not your are allowed to make games that are near identical to another game if you don't use copyrighted material.

    You can't copyright game concepts, and if you could, about 90% of todays games wouldn't exist.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why, exactly, is this forum here?
    If I couldn't post my ideas anywhere I would type them up in word. I just prefer to get them out their. It's the game designer within me automatically generating ideas all the time.

    Edit: That game designer thing wasn't entirely a joke, I do design and program my own games.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Other Shapes - PRIMITIVES
    Nothing round please, triangular blocks would be fine though, like a right angle triangle for slopes, or a pyramid for... Whatever. But out of that and I think it wouldn't really look right.

    In fact, I still think I prefer the game remaining being made of blocks. Adds to the charm of the game.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ledges
    Still straining my mind over this, so are you saying it would be, about, half a block tall, half a block wide, but the length of a regular block?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ledges
    As tall as a door? I thought it would be half the height of a door?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Gas Pockets Ideas and Discussion
    I thought about this a bit, awesome idea, I like all of the suggested ones.

    Full support over here
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ledges
    3 is good I think.
    Like you could make a thin stone tightrope walk style thing? If so, I like it. Perhaps make zombies/skeletons not able to cross it without falling? I don't know.

    Also can you give an actual size, it would clear it up.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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