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    posted a message on Factions 1.7/1.8 ⇨ MC.RAIDHEAVEN.COM ⇦

    IGN: Skiptrace

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Dont you think 1.9 would basiclly reck Minecraft?
    Quote from ChrisJohns12»

    Ohhhhhhhh its a joke sorry!

    Wow... that REALLY went over your head...

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Worst/Most Annoying Fandoms/fanbases?
    CoD Kids/Screamers: Get a life you stupid kids, stop screaming when you die, and learn to play better or, don't and let me headshot you more,your screams fuel my killstreak bar.

    Sonic Fanbase: ... (i'm a part of this one.)

    Sky "Army": Bunch of ignorant kids who have no life and friends.

    Pewdiepie fans: Same as the Sky "Army".
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on How to install mods in 1.8 release
    Quote from vdcraats»
    I have created a mod it works in 1.7.10 and I want to test if it works in 1.8 release.

    More than likely i can already tell you it will not. 1.8 has ALOT of code changes and will not have good mod support with 1.7.10
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Jack'o'Lanterns need a nerf
    One thing to note, Glowstone IS renewable, it is a drop from Witches, so really, both are renewable, one is just more annoying to get and looks better, this topic has nothing of use to it.

    No Support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Kids That Say "They Play Minecraft"
    Quote from SnyderGuy

    Uh... I find it hard to believe there are 10 year olds in the 21st century that don't know a PC is... I knew what a PC was when I was 6, and so did all my friends.
    (Im talking 1st world kids)

    Some kids are that deprived. when I was 10, I didn't even have acess to the internet. though that was back in like 2008. But still. Some kids are deprived. And I actually agree with the OP, Pocket Edition demo, is so gimped it's not even funny. Xbox360 Is close, but who calls themselves a gamer if they have a 360? RasberryPI edition I would call legit minecraft, and PC edition. (why the PI? well, it's pretty much a PC that's the size of a credit card. Sure it can handle a whole lot, but still. it's a PC.)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How do I get from the airport?
    Quote from Coconut

    Nope. sorry. Flying southwest direct from NH. So Im not paying extra for my checked bags.

    Smart man! Southwest = best airline
    Posted in: Not Minecon 2013
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    posted a message on Creative Servers For 1.7
    Don't ask for them in this section. If your looking for a specific kind of server and want to ask for one, go to the Looking For section in the Servers subsection of the forums
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.7/13w38c] How to Make Custom Player Heads IN-GAME Without Mods!
    Quote from Majikal

    I can do this in bukkit with /give player 397:3 1 player:<PlayerName>

    But now you can do it in Vanella without Bukkit. Bukkit is slowly becoming more and more obsolite by the day.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Thoughts on new ocean generation?
    Quote from Outkin

    Jeb has been tweaking the maps a bit...

    Islands have been removed, making for larger oceans. They're still not as large as before, but what do you think?

    Yea... That's a bit too drastic. Jeb Please just add Sliders for this stuff not everyone will be happy with ONE specific generator. Just make sliders for each type of thing.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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