Yeah, it's the biggest mine craft struggle I've had to deal with. Literally no coal anywhere. Gonna have to figure that one out by the time you get back to your cave and need food and light.
This is the kind of stuff I've been hoping for, I'm glad Mojang has proven me wrong and that they have been working on some very new stuff. I'm still a little worried about NPC villages, but for the most part, Hardcore mode has gotten me back into Minecraft like the first time I played.
I remember the first time I played how lost I was, and more important how far I traveled before making my Hidey hole, with pretty much meant death was the end of the world because I'd never find my base again.
Hardcore mode is awesome, and I'd love to see them enrich this mode which is already amazing.
I got an awesome Tundra seed, with a little island, like 10 trees in a reasonable distance, and about 20 pieces of grass. The rest is frozen ocean. It's amazing, and I'm glad to see the shift from a sandbox to a survival game taking place.
Hey everyone, found an awwwweeeesome seed for hardcore mode. The seed itself is pretty hardcore, not sure who's up for the challenge, but it feels like I just started playing Minecraft all over again.
The seed: Leeeeeroy Jenkins (that's 5 "e"'s)
You are in a desolate tundra. Not much trees. Very few grass patches, which are all next to your trees. No coal in sight. Night will come soon.
The Only Rule: You're base must be at the island. It may not be expanded to touch the other islands.
Your Spawn!
Turn around. The island behind you has a tree. Go to it, this is your new home.
Here you are, gather the wood, and of course the saplings, you will be needing them.
This is the view from the top of your new home.
This is the front... what's that hole in the dirt there?
It is your cave. In here is where you'll be taking shelter from now on.
There are few trees around, and around them is grass. Farming will prove very difficult...
Take care of your seeds, because you'll only have a handful if you're lucky. Some other trees have grass as well.
There is little food, so remember to grab some before you retire to your cave.
This is your home. Welcome to Kanye's Hardcore Island.
It gives a new and unique experience from the other biomes (which are just gradients between hot-cold and wet-dry.)
What would you actually make with more ores? We already have enough tool tiers.
Dude, as stated previously, they were a random example of something they could've been doing. There's a whole bunch of stuff in the game they could've been working on instead of this insult of a biome. I hope its nothing more than research for a better biome.
Seriously very amusing to see you respond to an auto-generated complaint letter written by a clever bot... welcome to the internet where not all the posts are as they seem!!
So I added a part titled "Possible Solutions" in my post for those people who would reply to me like you just did. Yet, I still receive these replies. I also tried to keep my post really professional and organized but then again if you're a fan, no negative feedback is acceptable, right?
By the way, the title of the post is doing great and getting much attention. So I disagree with your feedback.
Yeah, people don't seem to understand there is a SUGGESTION section, as this is a DISCUSSION section, this is where we discuss things, and the SUGGESTIONS is where we suggest things.... jeeeeeez
I disagree. Post-release updates are to add new content not necessary for the base game to be complete. There are a few more things that are necessary for the vanilla game to be finished in my opinion, and any more content after that is welcome.
I'd love to see post-release support, but I still think that the release date will be much more symbolic than an actual full release. There will be huge bug fixes and performance fixes after the release, as well as stuff that could've been added instead of trivial things like Mooshrooms.
Mooshrooms are an example of things that should be put off until Post-Release updates. They're welcome, but right now, there's much more important things that need to be fixed and updated in the current built.
Shhhhh, I knew that. Don't spoil it haha
This is the kind of stuff I've been hoping for, I'm glad Mojang has proven me wrong and that they have been working on some very new stuff. I'm still a little worried about NPC villages, but for the most part, Hardcore mode has gotten me back into Minecraft like the first time I played.
I remember the first time I played how lost I was, and more important how far I traveled before making my Hidey hole, with pretty much meant death was the end of the world because I'd never find my base again.
Hardcore mode is awesome, and I'd love to see them enrich this mode which is already amazing.
I got an awesome Tundra seed, with a little island, like 10 trees in a reasonable distance, and about 20 pieces of grass. The rest is frozen ocean. It's amazing, and I'm glad to see the shift from a sandbox to a survival game taking place.
Here's a link to Kanye's Hardcore Tundra Challenge!
You did it Mojang, props!
The seed: Leeeeeroy Jenkins (that's 5 "e"'s)
You are in a desolate tundra. Not much trees. Very few grass patches, which are all next to your trees. No coal in sight. Night will come soon.
The Only Rule: You're base must be at the island. It may not be expanded to touch the other islands.
Your Spawn!
Turn around. The island behind you has a tree. Go to it, this is your new home.
Here you are, gather the wood, and of course the saplings, you will be needing them.
This is the view from the top of your new home.
This is the front... what's that hole in the dirt there?
It is your cave. In here is where you'll be taking shelter from now on.
There are few trees around, and around them is grass. Farming will prove very difficult...
Take care of your seeds, because you'll only have a handful if you're lucky. Some other trees have grass as well.
There is little food, so remember to grab some before you retire to your cave.
This is your home. Welcome to Kanye's Hardcore Island.
Tip: Dig down.
Dude, as stated previously, they were a random example of something they could've been doing. There's a whole bunch of stuff in the game they could've been working on instead of this insult of a biome. I hope its nothing more than research for a better biome.
The biome sucks and is a forgettable novelty. I haven't even seen one in my games yet.
It's a beta which means we're beta testers, which means we give feedback. HURRRRR
Nice bro, hope you had lot's of fun doing that.
Thanks for the introduction mate, but I've been here since we had to connect phone lines into our computers :wink.gif:
Yeah, people don't seem to understand there is a SUGGESTION section, as this is a DISCUSSION section, this is where we discuss things, and the SUGGESTIONS is where we suggest things.... jeeeeeez
Who's stupid here exactly?
I'd love to see post-release support, but I still think that the release date will be much more symbolic than an actual full release. There will be huge bug fixes and performance fixes after the release, as well as stuff that could've been added instead of trivial things like Mooshrooms.
Mooshrooms are an example of things that should be put off until Post-Release updates. They're welcome, but right now, there's much more important things that need to be fixed and updated in the current built.