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    posted a message on KUDA-Shaders v6.1 Legacy
    I never thought my humble PC could make Minecraft look so good!

    I especially love the nice soft colors, and how the edges of trees gets highlighted by the sun and moon. I dislike the water reflections though. I think it's too wavy. If the reflections could be more "flat", I'm sure it'll look better.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Want To Win a Free Copy of Minecraft?
    If I win one, I'll give the code to one of my sisters. We love Minecraft!
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Mineways: 3D Prints of Minecraft Objects
    So during a conversation with two of my friends, the subject of 3D printing comes up. Basically the younger one takes a tech class and he gets to play around with 3D printers. I suggested he play Minecraft since he likes building stuff, and the older one promptly swept my suggestion off the table by saying "No. Make something in Real Life instead." I'd like to see the look on his face when I come back with this.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Weekly Content Contest - Voting Starts Now!
    Joliween beats everything else by miles and miles. It's the only pack in here that I would actually use at all. The orange moon, the cross'ed sandstone, the dirty floors! It's simply beautiful, and everything fits so well into the Halloween/Autumn theme. I've gotta say, the one thing that tipped the scales on my vote is the orange grass. None of the other texture packs have that! Andrejolicoeur is a clear winner.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Extreme Lag compared to 1.8
    Quote from WilliamNiira

    One suggestion: Buy a better computer, NOT a laptop.

    Yes, because everyone has tons of extra money lying around that could be spent on a new computer every time a new update is released.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Extreme Lag compared to 1.8
    Quote from Telvas
    I know it's beta, I know it's only Java, I know I have crappy PC, but it still looks weird and messy... I thought Notch was working on performance problems recently... :/

    P.S. Additionally I think that these absurd hardware requirements in some way cut sales - lots of people uses i.e. crappy netbooks (they are very popular recently, aren't they?) with performance even lower than my laptop... Probably they would also buy Minecraft - but they can't run it.

    I completely agree with you, Telvas. Why do we have to have a powerhouse computer just to play a game that looks like **** (graphics-wise of course, I mean no insult to Minecraft's graphical style, I love it)? It uses OpenGL 1.3, for God's sake. This game simply should not be this hard to play. What attracted me to Minecraft initially was its accessibility. I loved the fact that crappy computers can run it, as well as on Mac AND Linux. God forbid Notch from going down this path.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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