santiago befor you realy get rockin on the idea of making textures for mods. especialy technic pack or tekkit that some mods like red power add well over 10000 items/blocks to minecraft. im not positive but i beleave that technic/tekkit (tekkit is multiplayer compatible technic) have a total of well over 20000 items/blocks. as well as some blocks that to texture right you might have to know what they do or how they work.
i also advise you playing with any mods /modpacks to get a idea of how much there would be to texture that way you dont start and relize you've taken on more then you expected part way threw the pack.
i do however want to see this pack have a tekkit/technic support version. as they are one of the few mod packs that realy fit into the theam of this pack. if you do deside to check the tekkit/technic i would be happy to via the medium of SMP (survival multiplayer) share what knowlage and know how i have of the mods involved in these packs.
so far i ahave seen 2 things that stick out at me in this packs latest form. and one that feels right for a post vanilla compleation.
1ST the squid crates are a great idea, and look great but considering the post apocolyptia feel for this pack. I'd say more like they are crates that survivors lost wile trying survive out to sea or on the way to islands.
2ND the spider replacements and the slime idea. whos entirely to say those phantom legs in the water isn't the slime that can only be seen in the water. or i dont know if its posible to but make the legs them selves semi clear light greys and whites so they are barely visible above water.
and finaly once this packs vanilla is 100% i hope to see you work make a pack for mods like industrialcraft, buildcraft and the like as they fit in rather well with the postapocaliptia rebuilding vibe
so upon discovering pirate in the languages i desided to make a Pirate Theam HC world and this is what i got
Seed i put in: Fair winds and following seas.
Seed # value: 9849857
i Spawned just outside a desert with a Plains and a Forest (oak & birch) next to me.
as i was harvesting the wood i would need to build first house i noticed the side of a village House.
after finishing with wood i checked out the village that had the following
1 Church
1 Smtihy
10 Feilds
2 watchtowers (for lack of better term the ones with roof access and fences on top)
1 Well
1 Large house and a Library (the first building i spotted)
as well as afew smaller buildings
the Well is at about X20 Z210
if you want to know what kind of goodies the smithy chest had you'll have to look for your self.
unfortunately i cant get screen shots to work if someone that likes the world would post some it would be a helpful. also this seed hasnt been looked at in the 1.3.0 preview MC
Ok so we have all these wonderfull texture packs out there. Such as Steelfeathers "Enchanted pack", or "The end is extremely nigh" pack whos creators name escapes me at the moment.
however some packs especialy those that have a more sci-fi feel. The standard music and records don't realy seem to fit the packs. Thus i bring you this idea to edit the BGM, ambiant sounds, the mob noises, and even the records.
why is this meaningful well lets say your playin minecraft with a testure pack that is based off something like a Legend of Zelda pack. then the BGM kicks in. Suddenly something feels a little off about the game like a painting on the wall that is tilted to the side a smide. Just barely noticable but its there nagging at the back of your your mind demanding you do something about it.
Now lets take that same senario only in place of the standard BGM say the Legend of Zelda Link to the Past over world theam starts. I dont prepose things like just any MP3 being swapable for the sound. Rather maby maximum 2min long Midi files.
Needless to say i will never in text beable to properly express the kind of difrance that this would make in imersion and general texture pack quality. However i would like to atleast see others opinions on the idea.
Also if this is in wrong place i apologize feel free to move it if it is.
Truthfully I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm very fond of my ornate lamp-like glowstone and my ability to build streetlamps with it. It just wouldn't look the same if I had raw chunks sitting on top of a pole.
Oh, and I fixed the formatting. Hurray.
well one of the things they adding well that was added as 1.2 is active now. Glowstone lamps wich are made of i beleave it was redstone and glowstone. Thus opening glowstones texture up for eather a "raw material" look or a difrent style of lamp.
i do beleve that the only reason that redstone cant be run on walls, is a lack of binding material to make it actual wire rather then a line of conductive dust on the groud. something like sap would be a good option for that.
Ovo im not sure if you intended to on the water it overhangs (sticks out about a pixel extra for those that dont know) on the side edges on water falls. i'm not sure if the lava also dose it ill edit this post when i find out
i also advise you playing with any mods /modpacks to get a idea of how much there would be to texture that way you dont start and relize you've taken on more then you expected part way threw the pack.
i do however want to see this pack have a tekkit/technic support version. as they are one of the few mod packs that realy fit into the theam of this pack. if you do deside to check the tekkit/technic i would be happy to via the medium of SMP (survival multiplayer) share what knowlage and know how i have of the mods involved in these packs.
1ST the squid crates are a great idea, and look great but considering the post apocolyptia feel for this pack. I'd say more like they are crates that survivors lost wile trying survive out to sea or on the way to islands.
2ND the spider replacements and the slime idea. whos entirely to say those phantom legs in the water isn't the slime that can only be seen in the water. or i dont know if its posible to but make the legs them selves semi clear light greys and whites so they are barely visible above water.
and finaly once this packs vanilla is 100% i hope to see you work make a pack for mods like industrialcraft, buildcraft and the like as they fit in rather well with the postapocaliptia rebuilding vibe
Seed i put in: Fair winds and following seas.
Seed # value: 9849857
i Spawned just outside a desert with a Plains and a Forest (oak & birch) next to me.
as i was harvesting the wood i would need to build first house i noticed the side of a village House.
after finishing with wood i checked out the village that had the following
1 Church
1 Smtihy
10 Feilds
2 watchtowers (for lack of better term the ones with roof access and fences on top)
1 Well
1 Large house and a Library (the first building i spotted)
as well as afew smaller buildings
the Well is at about X20 Z210
if you want to know what kind of goodies the smithy chest had you'll have to look for your self.
unfortunately i cant get screen shots to work if someone that likes the world would post some it would be a helpful. also this seed hasnt been looked at in the 1.3.0 preview MC
however some packs especialy those that have a more sci-fi feel. The standard music and records don't realy seem to fit the packs. Thus i bring you this idea to edit the BGM, ambiant sounds, the mob noises, and even the records.
why is this meaningful well lets say your playin minecraft with a testure pack that is based off something like a Legend of Zelda pack. then the BGM kicks in. Suddenly something feels a little off about the game like a painting on the wall that is tilted to the side a smide. Just barely noticable but its there nagging at the back of your your mind demanding you do something about it.
Now lets take that same senario only in place of the standard BGM say the Legend of Zelda Link to the Past over world theam starts. I dont prepose things like just any MP3 being swapable for the sound. Rather maby maximum 2min long Midi files.
Needless to say i will never in text beable to properly express the kind of difrance that this would make in imersion and general texture pack quality. However i would like to atleast see others opinions on the idea.
Also if this is in wrong place i apologize feel free to move it if it is.
wont let me use links from deviant art for some reason use Link to view
well one of the things they adding well that was added as 1.2 is active now. Glowstone lamps wich are made of i beleave it was redstone and glowstone. Thus opening glowstones texture up for eather a "raw material" look or a difrent style of lamp.