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    posted a message on (Beta) Freezing Slab CTM map (for 1.13.1) by KXH_Inferno (Hidden Inferno S.G.)

    Welcome to my new Forum, I have just completed making my newest map under the Insane Combat map series, be sure to give it a try.

    Note: It is completely hand-made in Minecraft, no MCEdit or any other Minecraft editing softwares. This is my first ever map that I did not rely on MCEdit, I hope you will enjoy my hard work.

    I do have a Youtube Channel, so be sure to check it out at the link below this text.

    My Youtube Channel link

    LPs are strongly encourage to play my map and show it on Youtube, names of the LP and videos will be listed here if found. Posting your videos about my map on this forum comments session or on my Youtube Channel discussion area will let me find them easier.

    Thanks for making videos about my map on Youtube. Thank you for viewing and downloading my maps.

    You can also post about other things too.You are welcome to my Youtube Channel.

    Using Media Fire to download my map, safe to download.

    View my Minecraft mapping series: Minecraft map making

    My Minecraft name is: KXH_Inferno

    This is my fifth map, view the old ones in the link below this text


    5. Fifth Map: Insane Combat CTM Map 5, Freezing Slab

    (Only for Minecraft 1.13.1) (Can be downloaded) (Rating: ***/Fun) (Difficulty: "Insanity Rage") (Length: 3- 8 hours) (Fully insane CTM) (3 Concretes)

    (Secret mapping project, no videos made about this project)

    Download Link: Freezing Slab

    Difficulty "Insanity Rage", seems quite easy at first but the last Area is a death wish

    This map is built more like a CTM map than an arena map, it is a recreation of Burning Slab, my first map, and it is quite similar to it.

    Burning Slab's first two Dungeons are quite easy but the last one is hard, with some arena rooms in it. The last area of Freezing Slab is also quite similar, it have arena like features in it. The only few differences are that it is ice and water instead of lava, same with the name, Freezing Slab instead of Burning Slab. It also have slab pathways like in Burning Slab and of course the difficulty is risen by about 10 times, that took out some of the fun features of Burning Slab as this map is designed to kill, not so fun is it. While, higher difficulty means more challenge, and that is what makes this map better than all my old maps, yes all my old maps.

    Also since it is build by hand, the design of buildings are much nicer and impressive looking, you could look around the map once you completed it and you can notice the attention to detail I put into building the different buildings, especially the tower in the last area.

    Ok time for the tips: Try not to die at the start and lost all your items, as this map is not so forgiving, Arron helped beta test this map and he told me to leave the Evoker spawners, so yeah, the first part of the last area is very deadly. Here is a pointer, rush in without any Evokers seeing you, the Evokers seldom spawn inside. For the tower, you can bridge and tower and ender pearl, so yeah that is your best tip. Going in the tower is just asking to die.

    One last tip, this map is EVIL, very evil, try to not let your guide down and good luck. (Good luck is said by me the map maker. The map wants to wish you bad luck.)

    Oh yeah, the Beta means that the map is still under development. I am planning to add a story to it and also maybe a border to prevent players from leaving the map and most importantly to remove all the naturally spawned ores in cast someone disobey the rules

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] [Collection] [Easy] clickonme's Doomed Enterprise and Abundant Seas

    I have started playing two of your maps and recorded them but did not post it here. Therefore now I am going to put the links here.

    My Corrupted Lands playthrough

    My Abundant Seas playthrough

    Hope you will like them, well I am having a little trouble with your Corrupted Lands map, running out of armor in that map.

    Hope I can continue the Corrupted Lands playthrough,

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Minecraft CTM Maps by KXH_Inferno(Hidden Inferno)

    Notes about the difficulty chosen were added, I hope that it would help you guys know more about the map and why I choose that difficulty.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Minecraft CTM Maps by KXH_Inferno(Hidden Inferno)

    Sorry, one of my map, The Impossible, have an error in it. I forgot to put Lapis Lazuli in one of the chest, because of that the enchant table cannot be use. Now I have already put the new link to the download of The Impossible, if you guys have allready downloaded it, give yourself three Lapis Lazuli when you reach the enchant table. Remember, 3 Lapis Lazuli not 3 Blocks Of Lapis Lazuli.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on CASTLE OF DARKNESS - MiniCTM (Snapshot 15w44b) V2: Die more edition

    The video link is here

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection][1.7.9+] Toes' Hero's Vanquish CTM Map Collection!

    I will like to try your maps, if it is good I will record the gameplay.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on CASTLE OF DARKNESS - MiniCTM (Snapshot 15w44b) V2: Die more edition

    Oh yeah l will also record it and post it on YouTube

    if it is good.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on CASTLE OF DARKNESS - MiniCTM (Snapshot 15w44b) V2: Die more edition

    I will give it a try

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on bRanN's MiniCTM Series

    Oh yeah, Brandonn, I maybe recording a playthrough of all your three maps and upload them on YouTube. I will link the videos to your forum.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on bRanN's MiniCTM Series

    Brandonn, may I ask, how do you update your maps from old version of Minecraft to Minecraft 1.8.4 or higher??? Do you just remake the whole map or save the map from getting corrupted.

    I wanted to know how as I wanted to update my maps in the future, so it is very helpful, thanks for the help.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection]Jollees Hazard CTM Series (ON HOLD)

    Wow, I have just tried and recorded all of the Mini Hazards map, and the third one killed me, great maps, but a little too hard for the hardcore challenge in the third Mini Hazard

    My playthrough of Mini Hazard

    My Youtube Channel name is: Hidden Inferno

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection]Jollees Hazard CTM Series (ON HOLD)

    I give all of your maps a try Jollee, I might do a playthrough of all of them.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Minecraft CTM Maps by KXH_Inferno(Hidden Inferno)

    My Insane Combat Maps are focus on combat more than other things, so it is like a combat arena, but with wool to get for the victory monument, so it is a CTM (Complete The Monument).

    Posted in: Maps
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