Well, he'll proberbly do a update just for you!
NO HE WON'T AND IT ISN'T GOING TO BE UPDATE BECAUSE YOU USE CAPS. If you want an Update do it yourself, and you might learn that it ain't that easy Updating a Mod! If you try and Install a Outdated Mod the Chances of it succeeding are minimalistic, so just don't try it and you wont be frustrated...
By the way, there is a 1.6.4 Release now... But I guess you want a 1.7.4 or 1.8 Update now.
Greetings from Germany KS_HTKEdit:
Well, it says in the Readme file you can run the BAT or EXE, but the BAT file dosn't seem to work for me while the EXE works just fine...
Hey Pikachu,
Post some more Information about your Realm Please
only the Title Lets me know that it shall be a Crative Realm.
What are you Planning on Building?
And I have a nother Question: How do I get a own Realm?
Retinal scanner: Will have a GUI that checks your characters username/skin and puts out a redstone signal if it matches with one on file.
Make the GUI so that only the one who built the Scanner can open it.
and then you get a List of the Names that are allowd to trigger it.
Then you mod should but that Name into the Link of the Mojang-Skinhoster: http://s3.amazonaws....ns/%player%.png
Where %player% is put the Name of the Player.
And if that is the right Skin let him Trigger...
By the Way: I think the Scanner schould Lock like a Pressurplate...
NO HE WON'T AND IT ISN'T GOING TO BE UPDATE BECAUSE YOU USE CAPS. If you want an Update do it yourself, and you might learn that it ain't that easy Updating a Mod! If you try and Install a Outdated Mod the Chances of it succeeding are minimalistic, so just don't try it and you wont be frustrated...
By the way, there is a 1.6.4 Release now... But I guess you want a 1.7.4 or 1.8 Update now.
Greetings from Germany
If you copy the line above right in to your Spoiler it'll work, no need for changes
Should look like this:
Its way more comfortabel to take a Mod...
There, like only 30 Seconds of useing Google gave me the Goal...
So this whole Tread is Pointless...
Greetings from Germany
P.S.: That was the normal Link of the MCreator Website...
I Told you to download the .ZIP File...
Of Corse you can have the Files, but that won't help Solve the Problem...
Here you go.
Greetings from Germany KS_HTKEdit:
Well, it says in the Readme file you can run the BAT or EXE, but the BAT file dosn't seem to work for me while the EXE works just fine...
Well, I didn't have to Install enything, I downloaded the ZIP file and took out the Folder...
Then I just ran the .exe File and it worked:
The Content of the ZIP (for version 1.7.2):
In case of the Image not showing up:
Or if you have a GeForce and use the Beta Driver, try ShadowPlay.
Greetings from Germany
By the way, there is a ZIP download, try that...
Greetings from Germany
But its not a Bad Idea for a Realms Mode...
Greetings from Germany
Post some more Information about your Realm Please
only the Title Lets me know that it shall be a Crative Realm.
What are you Planning on Building?
And I have a nother Question: How do I get a own Realm?
Greetings from Germany
I wantet to Download the Newest Version and Can't reach the Webserver of your Website...
Realy still Love this Mod
Gratings from Germany
I'll be watching you
Here is a Sugestion tht just got into my mind as I read this:
Make the GUI so that only the one who built the Scanner can open it.
and then you get a List of the Names that are allowd to trigger it.
Then you mod should but that Name into the Link of the Mojang-Skinhoster:
Where %player% is put the Name of the Player.
And if that is the right Skin let him Trigger...
By the Way: I think the Scanner schould Lock like a Pressurplate...
Greetings from Germany
EDIT: Nice Skin Geforce! Im getting Hungry
so could you please send me the Programm you Used...[EDIT] Got the Programm, here a Link for the People with this Error:
Gretings from Germany
Realy would Like to Use It, and waiting for 1.6.2...
Greatings from Germany
But I always get an Internal Server Error when I try conecting to a Server with this Mod, Still don't know why.
Gretings from Germany