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    posted a message on Abyss Network Staff Applications are OPEN!
    Name: Justin
    Age: 13
    Skype: sniperkid1413
    Ign: Justinsniper
    Where are you from?: U.S.A, not going to say state.
    Timezone?: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
    Experience?: I have been building for servers for about 1 year, I done so well for some they even opped me.
    Screenshots of past builds (IMPORTANT): I have taken screenies of some of them this one down below is most current
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on deleted post
    1. What Interests you in the Warriors of Airendothal Server?: It's new and i just came by just the help out the server in the building aspect

    2. What position are you applying for?: Builder

    3. IGN?: Justinsniper

    4. How long have you been playing minecraft for?: About a year and a half

    5. What's your fav game?: Minecraft or Resident Evil 6.

    6. How old are you?(age doesnt matter): 13

    7. Timezone?: EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    8. What are your Strengths?: Building, and this has nothing to do with staff but pvp.

    9. Do you have Skype?(If yes pm me your skype name, If no will you make one give me your Skype name and pm me that and a way to contact you): I would just put it here to get it over with: sniperkid1413

    10. Screenshots?: I will attach the most current build I have.

    11. Will you help us in anyway possible?: Yes, I like to help in anyway I can.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Undead-PvP Needs Staff !
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Undead-PvP Needs Staff !
    Horse, you left the ign space blank.
    Either that or, I didn't see it.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Undead-PvP Needs Staff !
    who was whitelisted?

    and plus I applied on the server because of what was said on the forum link
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Undead-PvP Needs Staff !
    IGN: Justinsnper

    Skype (used for text, not voice): sniperkid1413

    Age (believe it or not, maturity comes with an age): 13

    Applying for (position): Admin or Moderator if not any, Builder.

    Experience: I have been doing things like admin and staff wise since 1.5 and I haven't gotten too much into building, just a couple of months, and I do a pretty good job at it. I know how to deal with people and how to handle their situations. I can build by being actively on, and building constantly. I've been doing this for a while I know what has to be done while having fun. I also have a couple servers I am opped on.

    Why you would like to help: I like to be staff and help more than I do playing. I enjoy helping people and I like when people like my build and enjoy them to make a more pleasant stay on the server.

    Are you good with essentials, world edit, world guard etc: I am good with essentials, worldedit, plugins and building plugins, those type of things.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on ~[☽]~Deirdrice Hollows~[☾]~Looking for Builders and Plugin Developers!~Upcoming survival server!~
    Minecraft Username: Justinsniper
    Age: 13
    Skype/Way to contact you: sniperkid1413
    Which building styles are you good at? I like to build medieval.
    Pictures of previous builds: This is the only one I have a picture of.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking to help!
    I messed up my skype btw I edited it incase you didnt get it before, sniperkid1413
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on *New Factions Server* -==RGS Factions==- Looking for staff!
    What are you applying for?: Builder

    IGN: (Minecraft Name) Jusinsniper

    Age: 13

    How long have you been playing minecraft?: 1 year and 6 months about that.

    (Builders Questions) Do you have any posted projects?: After i build i don't really take screen shots so, the one in here is the latest one.https://gyazo.com/98818d083144b23385a12424248ff666

    (Coder Questions) Give an example on what you can code.:

    Time zone.: EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    What times can you come on the server?: 3-5 pm around there

    Do you have TeamSpeak3?: Yes.

    Do you have any experiences in what you are applying for? If so please tell us. (Past builds, Past Jobs on other servers,ect): I have been staff on several servers, I am opped on 4-5 servers at the moment and built one of them.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for Staff ( 70% Server, nearly finish )
    IGN: Justinsniper

    Name: Justin

    Age: 13

    Maturity: Scale from 1-10 normally 6-7 can be 9-10

    Experience: Since 1.5 I've been getting staff ranking from Moderator to Admin, I have built for many servers.

    What are you good at on a MC server?: Building, managing, helping in general.

    Do you know any thing about plugins ? and Willing to help me find one ? I know very much about plugins, custom ones is a different story, finding one however will be a breeze.

    Are you trust worthy: I'm opped on 4-5 public servers, I say that's pretty trustworthy.

    What can you bring to the server: Fun, smiles, and great building

    How often can you online: 1-2 hours.

    Why should I pick you over someone: I have a great knowledge of plugins use. I have gotten into building over the past months and got above fairly good at it. I can manage situations and it mature when times needed. I don't abuse my power and treat everyone with respect and fairly. Willing to build for the server. I know a hacker when I see one, I have known to see hacks very easily.

    Skype ( inbox me if you want private ): sniperkid1413

    Any information: Nothing to be known at the moment.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking For Players (And Staff To Apply) On My Brand New Server CaneCraft!
    Never mind, this server is full of bs, ill pass. :)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking For Players (And Staff To Apply) On My Brand New Server CaneCraft!
    Age: 13

    How Long You Have Played Minecraft: 1 year and a alf

    Why You Want To Join The Staff: New servers need new staff, so I can build for all different aspects for the server or moderator the server very easily. I can be trusted with op for i am opped on 5 different servers. You need anything built or any situations handled, leave it to me.

    How Frequently You Can Be Online: 1-2 hours daily.

    In game name: Justinsniper
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking to help!
    I did not get your request.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Brand NEW PRISON SERVER CALLED "GoonCraft" Accepting App. NOW!!!
    IGN - Justinsniper

    Timezone - ​Eastern Time

    What time are you most often on? (your time) - ​ My time 3-5 around that.

    When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? - ​I first started back in 1.4.7, I play almost everyday.

    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on any server? -​ I have been banned on many servers for many idiotic reasons.

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? - ​​I am currently Owner on a server which I have built partially.

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? - Don't be a **** towards a younger player, they can't do anything to hurt you, just deal with them accordingly.

    Anything else we should know? -​ I am mature and 13 years of age. I like to helper servers, moderating or building makes me so happy to see people enjoying the server. And that all ties up to that feeling I get when I know I put work and effort in to make it just that much better.

    Age?- 13

    What position you are applying for?(if builder attach some of your work) - Admin

    Skype Name?- sniperkid1413

    I see you added most knowledgeable plugin, so for me it would be essentials or Worldedit.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking to help!
    I can do all of the above

    Add me: sniperkid1413
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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