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    posted a message on I'm back!

    Ten million.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on I'm back!

    Nobody will want to hear this, but I'm back! So... Yeah. Ummm...

    Okay, you can leave now.

    Also, betcha ten dollars that allyourbasesaregone will see this.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Look to your right, and kill the above poster with the first thing you see.

    Well, I guess that's fair. I do have a similar online writing style to him, but, far as I know, I'm not him.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Some Adorable Golems!

    Nothing against this but would just as well suggest you put wood armour on golems (or animals, etc).

    Minecraft doesn't exactly have wood armor, does it? Also, I know that wood is probably not the best idea for golems, I'm going to make a post about what new golems should be made of.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Some Adorable Golems!

    We've had two of what I call "baby golems" in our mob votes. Copper and Tuff, in more precise words. Oh, and they both lost. Ouch. Let's add some new options, shall we? Enter 3 new golems, never heard of before.

    #1. Oak golem.

    This golem wouldn't attack mobs. Rather odd, right? I mean all of our in game golems do. Get used to it. Instead, it would be a priority. What I mean by that is that undead mobs would rather attack it than the player. It would have 8 health, and it could activate regeneration twice in its life. After that, it would become timid and run away from anything with even a possibility of attacking it (wolves, hostile mobs, neutral mobs, etc.). It would be created by placing down one oak log, a pumpkin, and finally a sapling. That wouldn't be enough to spawn the golem, however. It would need a redstone signal to become a living being.

    #2. Mangrove golem.

    Sort of like a better oak golem. When it would see a mob getting attacked, it would run over to it and defend it. It wouldn't necessarily attack the mob, but it would scare it and make it have a 30 percent chance of losing interest in the mob, making it just walk away. This would not work on villagers or players, however, so that it wouldn't be a very good village defense. It would prioritize other golems, excluding iron, but oak golems would be its top priority in protecting. It would have 20 health. It would be spawned by placing down a mangrove root block, then a mangrove log, a pumpkin, and finally a mangrove propagule on top.

    #3. Cherry golem.

    Created by placing a pumpkin on top of a stripped cherry log, which would in turn be on top of a normal cherry log. It would seem sort of like a bobblehead, as it would have a pink helmet over its entire head. It would be able to attack, and would do so by lifting up its helmet to show the mob whatever terrifying face it had under its helmet, which would give it the effect paralysis for 30 seconds, which I don't need to explain for obvious reasons.

    That's all, folks!

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Group Names?

    An aroma of sniffers, perhaps? Also, I've heard that a group of Iron Golems is called a "factory. "

    Also, for the mob vote losers:

    A famine or buffet of great hungers

    A hiding of rascals

    A carpet of tuff golems

    A drowning of barnacles

    A blizzard of iceologers

    A clattering of copper golems

    A scowl of glares

    Fun fact: a group of pandas is called an embarrassment!

    Posted in: Discussion
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