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    posted a message on Bats that bite by night or in dark caverns

    I like the idea of that... But I don't like the poison idea. Unless it was a very rare thing.

    I say just a simple nibble that takes half a heart away with each one is good enough.

    Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New console just for minecraft
    Quote from Keymoshy»

    What the OP (original poster) meant was that there should be a new gaming console that ONLY allows you to play Minecraft, so that they can add mods and such to the game.

    Yes I gathered was just clarifying it would be in the form of an app or not.

    Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Better Animal Despawning

    I have more of a problem with animals only spawning within what feels like 20 blocks of wherever you are at any given time. It's sort of annoying, and makes you feel like you're being stalked by a constant "mooooooo".

    But more importantly... I'd liek to see leads stop breaking on me.

    I put my coloured sheep on leads attached to fence posts inside the pen, and every time it breaks off... So I just gave up.

    Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Anyone else have issues saving?
    Quote from 4JSteve»

    Out of interest is it a fairly heavily used world?

    Fully explored - lots of buildings?

    Yes it is.

    But what's weirder... is at times... it's almost like.. it saves what it wants to save. I mean, everything that I've already done... etc...

    It's not to say that it doesn't save at all... It just doesn't save everything.

    For example... I retrofitted a bridge I built, as well as fixed up a pathway.

    Both were under the same save...

    The bridge saved... the pathway did not.

    It's weird.

    And like i said, it's never something so astronomical that it makes me just not wanna play the game.. It's just some little thing that took me 30 minutes tops that I gotta redo. So it's not that it's super annoying... But it IS tedious.

    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Missing Blocks.

    This will probably be closed for being a wish list.

    I like the redstone light idea.

    I'm always looking for good ideas to brighten my place up so this is cool to me.

    Posted in: MCXONE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Shields
    Quote from Yid892»

    Something like this has been announced for 1.9. It will probably be added to console sometime next year.

    An actual shield?

    Posted in: MCXONE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Option to turn off weather? (Rain/Snow)
    Quote from Yid892»

    This has now been confirmed by 4J.


    Now if only they'd give us an option to disable those damn annoying animals.

    Posted in: MCXONE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Anyone else have issues saving?
    Quote from Cobra951»

    I do not trust the auto-save functionality at all. I only save manually. That way, I make sure it happens only at safe times, like when no redstone contraptions are running, or my world isn't messed up. I haven't had any problems yet, and I never had a problem with the 360 version over several years of saving this way.

    Even with manual... I'm finding that work I've done has suddenly reverted back and I have to redo everything again.

    I don't know.

    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Bring Back Xbox 360 Style Auto-Save

    I do that for that as well, depending how it is, if it's usually somehting complex that... might not be able to be done again off the bat.

    I disable it and save manually every time whenever.

    I really blame all the people who kept complaining that console has to be like PC in order to be fun. No matter what the reason is.

    Especially from those who already own it on PC but choose to play on console that day or soemthing.

    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Bring Back Xbox 360 Style Auto-Save

    I don't like the way it saves on next gen at all.

    For one it has issues saving as is...

    On Xbox 360 if I recall correctly, there was intervals you could choose from every 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 minutes to choose from. Which was cool, it could save whenever one of those timers goes off.

    But more importantly the only way to really save efficiently is to manually save whenever you get the chance.

    The only way it "auto-saves" is when you die. Which you'd have to be a bit dense to not know that you could simply save manually, and in case you die, you could just exit the game, reload the game and be back to where you just did it.

    Case in point is, last night I fell asleep while playing. My TV and my Xbox One both have settings to shut down after two hours of inactivity.

    But the game doesn't. So I lost about two hours of work that I did and have to redo.

    I do understand that technically it is my fault that it happened, but it would still be nice if there was some assistance to help us out whenever that sort of thing happens.


    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Printing Press: Would This Work?

    Never really seen the point of book and quill to be honest.

    Posted in: MCXONE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Printing Press: Would This Work?

    Hmm... Interesting

    Posted in: MCXONE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Anyone else have issues saving?

    I've noticed on the Xbox One often enough some of the work I've done doesn't save for some reason.

    Even though it's never so much work that I've lost it makes me not wanna play... But it's enough lost work to make it very tedious.

    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Water in da Nether

    Go on creative if you can't handle the nether on survival.

    Being able to use a bucket of water to cover all the lava in the nether is not only cheap, but defeats the purpose of the nether I think.

    Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Sleep Daytime/Night time
    Quote from belkin19»

    They have implemented the set day and night in TU26 host options menu. This helps massively, and you can change weather

    Oh really?

    I'll have to check that out.

    Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
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