welp, unfortunatly i won't be able to go to minecon this year
awell, maybe next!
- Julian_GameMaker
- Registered Member
Member for 12 years, 5 months, and 10 days
Last active Mon, Aug, 12 2013 08:26:59
- 216 Total Posts
- 21 Thanks
Aug 6, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minecraft Mondays: Minecon Madness!Posted in: News
Aug 2, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minethon 3: Benefiting AbleGamerswell, i would be able to stay up the whole 72 hours, what about you guys?Posted in: News
Jul 28, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Insomnia Minecraft Expo UK Announcement!Posted in: News
Jul 13, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minecraft News - 1.6.2, Top Seeds, & Minecraft AppsHmm, i may have to convincen a cerain server owner i know to make a world out of one of these seeds (looks at X_Clucky)Posted in: News
Jul 12, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Community Creations - Zombie Solving Mazes?Hmm, now, Imagin this:Posted in: News
A player left alone in a dark maze, the walls and openings opening and closing at regular intervals, and zombies rummaging inside
Now THAT would be a hard maze to do, especialy with no weapons or armor -
Jun 18, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Curse Presents: "Can You Minecraft IRL?"i don't know if this has been talked about yet, but if any of you are running on the new launcher, you'll have to update if you haven't alreadyPosted in: News
on, on topic: I got a feeling minecraft IRL would be a server with nothing but griefers, or a good 100/1 griefer ratio -
Jun 10, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minecraft Weekly News: MC XBLA on Disk, MCPE 0.7.0 & Mojang's 2nd Game!I know this isn't likely to be seen by the developers, but here is something I just thought of. Creepers are suppose to be similar to dried leaves right? dried leaves burn easily. they also have sulfur inside them, considering they drop it. I'm just wondering, wouldn't it be both cool and logical if creepers blew up as soon as they caught on fire, or hit lava?Posted in: News
May 30, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Snapshot 13w22a Ready For Testing!Posted in: NewsQuote from Acesilentlife
Hah I love how each new snapshot photo is now "Find Developer Grum In the photo"
so that's who keeps being in the snapshots, I always wondered who it was -
May 27, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minecraft Weekly News: Horse Inventories, Defendable Cakes & Encrypted Messages!that map O).(OPosted in: News
May 15, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minecraft Clips - Videos of the Weekand yet again its a video link and not the video... *sigh*Posted in: News
May 10, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Snapshot 13w19a Ready for TestingPosted in: NewsQuote from waffleminer
For everyone wondering about the red thing behind the wool here is a better picture of it.
That looks like a child's nightmare, a cross between elmo, redstone, and a creeper -
May 6, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minecraft Monday Show: Breaking Level Awesome!I'm not one for glitch abuse, considering it feels like cheating to some degreePosted in: News
May 6, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minecraft Weekly News: 1.5.2 Release, Coal Block, & Realms Interview!Hmm, considering the coal and redstone blocks look similar, anyone thinking of using them together with pistons to make a visual on/off switch?Posted in: News
May 4, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Community Creations - "Ghost Squadron" PVP Mini-GamePosted in: NewsQuote from WaffleSyrup
Why don't maps by unpopular Minecraft players get featured? They deserve as much attention as maps by SethBling or Vechs do.
^this -
Apr 29, 2013Julian_GameMaker posted a message on Minecraft Weekly News: Snapshots, Hardened Clay, & Pre-Release 1.5.2!I wonder if the hardened clay would be able to be crafted into bricks similarly to how stone can be crafted into stone bricks. This would make brick homes be about 4x more efficient on the coal frontPosted in: News
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awell, maybe next!
btw @Cherryinapie cute avatar
A player left alone in a dark maze, the walls and openings opening and closing at regular intervals, and zombies rummaging inside
Now THAT would be a hard maze to do, especialy with no weapons or armor
also, does anyone know what to make of this? I found this code inside the new launcher:
Client> java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://assets.minecraft.net/1_6_has_been_released.flag
Client> at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
on, on topic: I got a feeling minecraft IRL would be a server with nothing but griefers, or a good 100/1 griefer ratio
so that's who keeps being in the snapshots, I always wondered who it was
because headcrabs are the best filthy sub-human, all the headcrabs will rule the world, and you will be one of the first to submit to out headcrab overloards
If the rest of you are wise, you wouldn't either
That looks like a child's nightmare, a cross between elmo, redstone, and a creeper