emmm...a little bit trick here if you want to run in a command block
/execute as @a at @s if entity @s[y=0,dy=30] run say i
emmm...a little bit trick here if you want to run in a command block
/execute as @a at @s if entity @s[y=0,dy=30] run say i
They changed the ench nbt tag to enchantments, as well as remove numerical id's for enchantments, so simply use /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:10}]} .
Quote from JulesEdwards»
Thanks for the IDs! Can you provide an example of a command? I'm trying the command /give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:16,lvl:10}]} to give myself a diamond sword with sharpness 10. Sadly the command isn't working. I'm using version 1.13_pre1. Any help on how to correct the command would be appreciated!
Try this:
/give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:10}]}
There are no tutorials for this at all whatsoever. If you have no experience with gradle, then you're gonna be very lost. Considering that the docs only cover the basics, I couldn't navigate my way through the docs. I've had some help with a couple of friends, primarily UpcraftLP as well as just seeing how gradle scripts are structured in other mods, and some googling around and the use of stackoverflow really helped me out greatly. Here are some things you need to know before you start getting into this tutorial:
Who This Is For:
What This Is For:
What Do I Need To Start:
Now, let's begin.
This is gonna be a bit lengthy but just incase you're looking for specific parts of the tutorial, all the different parts of the tutorial will be in spoilers for easy navigation.
What is Gradle?
Gradle is a build scripting framework that allows you to effectively and efficiently run a script with certain commands called "Tasks" that allow you to set up and even distribute your project in some way. This is useful for projects that run specifically on a certain API. An example of this is the Minecraft Forge API. The API is required to make an effective and cross-mod-compatible mod that works on both client and server. The Forge gods decided to use Gradle due to the fact that it can download other libraries from either github or maven repositories (and others as well) and includes them into your project's external libraries. This way you don't have to configure everything yourself and spend like half an hour trying to get things to work. Another thing that Gradle allows you to do is to set up a project necessary for developing applications (or mods in this case) that run off of the API in question (Forge in this case). The API developers that are enabling Gradle have to write some Groovy scripts in order to tell Gradle exactly what to do with the setup. In this case, Forge is decompiling the Minecraft runnable jar into viewable code alongside the Forge Source jar, which are both bundled together. It is also retrieving all the necessary dependencies needed to run Minecraft and Forge (such as guava, gson, LWJGL, OpenAL, some Mojang libs for authentication and realms related functionality, etc. This way, anybody that is needing to set up a Forge mod project can just run a few tasks (or commands) to set up and they'll be good to go. Before setting up, some would want to add some dependencies (like Just Enough Items) before actually starting their project. Sometimes, even after you set up your project, you decide that there is a library/mod that you need, so you add the dependency to your Gradle script, update your Gradle project, and you're good to go. Gradle is a powerful tool, but maybe it has too much power?
What are dependencies?
There are two different kinds of dependencies with Forge: soft dependencies and hard dependencies. Soft dependencies are dependencies that really are not required at all, but if you do have it installed into your client along with the mod in question, then there can be some extra stuff added to it, but again, not required. A hard dependency is just as it sounds, after reading what a soft dependency is. It's literally the opposite. It's a dependency that is required to run the mod in question. I'll show you some examples of the use in an actual project in the future, but for now, we gotta stick to the basics.
How do I add a soft dependency?
To add in a soft dependency, you will need to use the Forge Mod Loader plugin. We will showcase the Baubles mod.
@Mod(modid = ExampleMod.MODID, version = ExampleMod.VERSION)
public class ExampleMod
public static final String MODID = "examplemod";
public static final String VERSION = "1.0";
public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event)
System.out.println("Baubles is installed: " + Loader.isModLoaded("baubles")); //This here checks if the soft dependency is loaded.
This checks to see if the Baubles mod is loaded into forge. Forge will load all the mods in the mods folder first before starting them up. So using this member function is crucial if you want a soft dependency.
How do I use a hard dependency?
I'll show just the inclusion of a hard dependency. A hard dependency is specified by your main mod class that the mod should not be loaded up unless the specified mod is also loaded.
To add in a hard dependency, you're gonna need to go into your main mod class, and at the top of your class, you need to do something along the lines of this (I am going to be showing the inclusion of Baubles again):
@Mod(modid = ExampleMod.MODID, version = ExampleMod.VERSION, dependencies = "required-after:baubles")
public class ExampleMod
public static final String MODID = "examplemod";
public static final String VERSION = "1.0";
public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event)
System.out.println("Baubles is installed: " + Loader.isModLoaded("baubles"));
If you do not have Baubles included in your libraries, then forge will not continue to load your mod, and you will be presented with a screen just like this:
Now the thing about adding in hard dependencies like this is you have make sure that you're doing it right. I literally spent like since last night trying to figure out why this wasn't working, mainly because I don't ever use hard dependencies. I only do gradle dependencies.
Now I know how to specify a dependency during forge load up, how do I actually get the dependency into my project so that I can do stuff with it?
There are actually two main different ways of doing this. you can either have gradle handle the dependency, or you can include it in a folder in your project root. Forge looks for a folder called "libs". If you create that folder and place your dependency jars in there, then forge will load them up for you. However, in order to actually work with a hard dependency, you have to include the mod in your root folder's run/mods folder, otherwise, you'll get the error screen as displayed in the last section.
There is also a way to get a dependency remotely. We will use Just Enough Items. There are different ways to specify how gradle includes the dependency in your project. You can either compile it or include it at runtime. When you compile it, then you get access to its source code just like you would with the Forge API, or Gson, or Guava, and even the standard library (which should always be included in your project, otherwise I have no idea how you're even making mods). When you include it at runtime, then it just downloads the library and uses it for runtime use only, which is when it is used during the start and running of the actual project.
The first script we will use is a runtime dependency script for Just Enough Items (or jei).
runtime "mezz.jei:jei_1.11.2:"
As you can see, we specify the word "runtime" so that gradle knows that it should only be used at runtime. However, a lot of times, you won't be able to just get the dependency on demand. You have to make sure there is a repo for it. The most common ways to do so is to find a maven repo for the dependency. So we need to go into our "repositories" block, or make one if you don't have it, and tell gradle to look for a certain maven repo host.
repositories{ maven{ name = "Progwml6 maven" url = "http://dvs1.progwml6.com/files/maven" } }
If you run your project now with everything we've done up to now, you should get 7 mods installed, and both baubles and jei should be in your Mods GUI in the main menu. Now if you wanna use jei to add stuff to it like your items and blocks and whatnot, then you need to compile the api. The script looks a bit like this:
compile "mezz.jei:jei_1.11.2:"
Now you just need to refresh your gradle project and look into your external libraries and it should be in there, and you're good to go.
That is all I am doing for now. If you want more, which I can do more, then let me know. If you have any tips or if you wanna add stuff to this, then please do so in the comments. If I've missed something or explained something wrong then please let me know.
That's the file that includes your saved hotbars. You can give them to other players and use theirs if you want.
MinecraftForum is completely unusable and does not let me edit this topic properly. This page will no longer be updated with new versions, but can still be used to download old, unsupported versions of the mod.
Download via CurseForge: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/227409-better-sprinting
Download via Minecraft-Modding.de: http://minecraft-modding.de/mods/better-sprinting-mod/
The sprinting system in Minecraft always felt unfinished and unrefined, but don't worry - Better Sprinting is here to save it and add a bunch of extra glitter!
List of features
- Sprint Hold key with an obvious function
- Sprint Toggle key which toggles between sprinting and walking
- Sneak Toggle key which toggles sneaking (opening GUIs makes you stand up until you close it)
- Option to turn on/off double tapping W
- Flying speed boost in creative mode (hold the sprint key)
- Option for sprinting in all directions (SP ONLY)
- Option to disable the mod without having to uninstall it
- Quickly access Better Sprinting settings in-game using O (can be configured)
- Slowly access Better Sprinting settings from the Controls menu
- Optional update notifications (checked once a day)
- The mod can also be installed on a server, and the /bettersprinting admin command lets you enable special features or automatically disable the mod on client side when people join
- If you don't have a Forge server, you can read all about implementing your own mod/plugin to benefit from the features
Download (Outdated Versions)
Visit one of the links on top of this post for Forge versions of Better Sprinting.
AdFly is an advertisement website that allows me to get some money from making mods. If you want to support me, click the adfly link, wait 5 seconds and click Skip Ad in top right corner.
Jar versions
These are installed straight into the minecraft jar files in .minecraft/versions folder. That makes mods highly incompatible and it is significantly more difficult to install mods that way. There will be no more updates for jar versions.
1.8 SSP (v14) - adfly non-adfly
1.7.10 SSP (v14) - adfly non-adfly
1.7.2 SSP (v13) - adfly non-adfly
1.7.2 SSP (v12) - adfly non-adfly
1.6.4 SSP (v11) - jar (adfly) forge (adfly) jar (non-adfly) forge (non-adfly)
1.6.2 SSP (v11) - jar (adfly) forge (adfly) jar (non-adfly) forge (non-adfly)
1.6.1 SSP (v10) - jar (adfly) forge (adfly) jar (non-adfly) forge (non-adfly)
1.5.2 SSP (v9) - adfly non-adfly
1.5.1 SSP (v9) - adfly non-adfly
1.5.1 SSP (v8) - adfly non-adfly
1.5 SSP (v7) - adfly non-adfly
1.4.7 SSP (v7) - adfly non-adfly
1.4.6 SSP (v6) - adfly non-adfly
1.4.5 SSP (v5) - adfly non-adfly
1.4.4 SSP (v5) - adfly non-adfly
1.4.2 SSP (v4) - adfly non-adfly
1.4 SSP (v4) - adfly non-adfly
1.3.2 SSP (v4) - adfly non-adfly
1.3.1 SSP (v3) - adfly non-adfly
1.2.5 SSP (v3) - adfly non-adfly SPC fix (install after installing both mods)
1.2.5 SSP (v2) - adfly non-adfly
1.2.5 SSP (v1) - adfly non-adfly
Assuming you're talking about the scoreboard "tags" feature of 1.9: the "Tags" list holds a list of strings:
/summon Sheep ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["fly"],ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:1000,Ambient:0}],NoAI:1}
Quote from an_awsome_person»I want to become a machinemist and I don't want to record my actors' names. Is there a way to hide players' name tags in vanilla?
/scoreboard teams add ACTORS
/scoreboard teams option ACTORS nametagVisibility always
/scoreboard teams join ACTORS <playername>
Quote from MineCrakFantastic! Thank you for sharing this tool with the community and especially as open source.
btw: For those who do not already know, Cuchaz is the author of the { Ships Mod }, the { Power Tools Mod } and the upcoming cubic chunks height mod { Tall Worlds Mod }. He is also the creator of the in-development { Magic Mojo Mod Loader }. All of these are open source on Bitbucket.
He also has a personal website you can visit that has more info about these mods as well.
I'm not to sure where to post this. I noticed some odd textures involving the Quartz Block, the Quartz Stairs, the Quartz Slab, and the Smooth Quartz Block(most of this thread is about this block). The normal Quartz Block, the Quartz Slab, and the Quartz Stairs all have a texture under them that's different from the other sides of the block. I don't know if it's an intended texture, or if it's a glitch. The Smooth Quartz Block has the exact same texture as the normal Quartz Block, which to me makes it seem a little bit pointless to have in the game to be honest. I know it's meant to look like the top of the Quartz Slab, however I think it should either look like the bottom of the Quartz Slab, or just be removed completely. It's like adding Smooth Bricks, or Smooth Cobblestone based on the top textures of their slabs. I'm not against the idea of a Smooth Quartz Block, in-fact I really like the idea, I just don't feel like it's being done the right way. Let me know what you guys think about the Quartz Block texture and the Smooth Quartz Block!