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    posted a message on New Survival Community World 18+

    Hey guys back to make new friends again. Opening up a new Survival World tonight. I like to joke around. I an adult so I have adult humor. Looking for other like minded MC players. Come join and have fun. Send me an add. I'll probably be running it on the weekend sometime as well.

    Please be 18 or older. Also you MUST have a mic.

    GT: JParius X

    Posted in: MCX360: Looking For
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    posted a message on Join my community. Mature players wanted.

    Hey guys. I'm online now if anyone wants to jump on.

    Posted in: MCX360: Looking For
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    posted a message on Join my community. Mature players wanted.

    Hey guys. Looking for 360 friends to play with.I like talking to new people online. I have a community world open tonight in survival. I also have a world of mini games and an Adventure map. But mostly looking for friends to play Survival with.There are a few rules to join my world.

    1. Please be of a mature age (18+) or just act mature at the very least. We're here for good conversation. I am an adult and I like to make adult jokes. So please no kids.

    2. Can't stress this enough. Have a mic! If your gonna join my world me and the other players need to hear you. If we can't hear you and you can't respond then we don't know what your up to. Also no Kinect Mics. It's echo-ey and hard to hear.

    3. Pls no destroying other people's builds, stay out of their chests and respect the community. If I find you stealing, griefing or just being an all around pain then I will kick you.

    4. Pls come to have fun. This is a place where we can relax. Leave your worries at the door.

    If all of this sounds great to you then add me GT:JParius X.

    Pls let me know it's about Minecraft when you send a request and if you don't see me online tonight don't worry I'll be on another night.

    Posted in: MCX360: Looking For
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    posted a message on Mature players wanted

    Hiiii everybody this is JParius X. I like Minecraft. I like meeting new people and I like good conversation. I'm trying to get more friends to play games with on the 360. I'm using Minecraft as a gateway so to speak. Here's the deal though.

    1.You have to be at least 18+ cuz I'm gonna cuss and yes I am an adult so I have adult jokes. Plus... kids. Yea.

    2. More importantly than being of appropriate age you have to be MATURE. In this I mean NO griefers, NO kleptos and all around NO being a ****! If you fit any of those descriptions don't even bother sending me an invite. ("klepto" is short for kleptomaniac)

    3. Lastly please have a mic. It just makes it easier to communicate. And if you do have a mic don't make it a Kinekt. I don't need to hear you and your whole extended family. Be courteous to others in the party and definitely don't play music. We're here for good conversation.

    So I'm gonna open up a random Survival World if people wanna join me tonight. When sending an invite let me know its for minecraft. Plus if you wanna let me know a little about yourself that'd be appreciated too. I have many worlds. Some have been team builds or team survivals. I have many mini games as well.

    GT: JParius X

    Posted in: MCX360: Looking For
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    posted a message on NEW HG & HIDE N SEEKS!

    Pls add. Sounds like fun. GT: JParius X

    Posted in: MCX360: Servers
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    posted a message on Looking for mature players

    Hi guys. Haven't posted in a while. But I'm back looking for new players. I have a great mini games map. I also have an adventure map I am working on. I also like playing survival. So what I need is new mature players. No griefers. Must have a mic.

    If this sounds like something you want to do send me a message. My GT: JParius X

    Posted in: MCX360: Servers
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    posted a message on PVP and mini games.
    I have a big mini game map. I have many mini games on hand. I'm looking for mature players to join me in a PVP GAME TONIGHT. Hosting now. Looking for mature friendly players. Need a good group of players to play. Ask for a friend request. on Xbox 360 GT: JParius X

    Posted in: MCX360: Quick Sessions / Minigames
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    posted a message on Mini Games map
    Looking to get a couple of mature players to play on a mini games map. I'd like to eventually have a competition of sorts. Sky Jump, Wipeout, Zombie ***** House and King of the Castle to name a few.

    Must have a mic.

    GT is Anyarowe
    Posted in: MCX360: Quick Sessions / Minigames
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    posted a message on 21+ Gamertag Swap Page For Mature Gamers
    GT: Anyarowe
    Age: 34
    Mic: Yes

    Has a survival min games map. Also likes building. Up for anything really.
    Posted in: MCX360: Looking For
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    posted a message on Survival Games & Mini Games
    I have many cool mini games on my map that me and frien ds created. I'd like to invite others to join in our competitions. Also looking for other minecraft friends for builds and hung games so add me.

    GT: Anyarowe
    Mic: Yes
    Posted in: MCPE: Quick Sessions / Minigames
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    posted a message on Looking for players for on going games and competitions
    Looking for friends for survival competitions and mini games. Also would like to join builds and Hunger Games for anyone interestd.

    GT: Anyarowe
    Mic: Yes
    Posted in: MCPE: Looking For
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