Character History:I have been on lots of servers, as well as my own, and i always follow the rules.
previous bans:Only one, which was because of a big misunderstanding of something. Not rule breaking or griefing.
reason you should you be accepted:I am a great miner and I can make somewhat simple buildings look better.
information you would like to add: I am a great miner, not so much a great figher.
Minecraft In Game Name: Jordoh
Where are you from?: Canada,BC
Your age?:13
Extra notes?: I'm not a stupid anoying 13 year old. I will actually follow the rules and have fun.
IGN: Jordoh
Age: 13
Times Banned: 1
Reason: I found some iron blocks in a community chest so i built with them. Admins thought I hacked and I was banned
When I play minecraft on the browser, quite often, it turns black during game play and says that it is not responding. I have updated java several times and nothing will work. It is getting anoying because i have to save almost every 3 minutes. Plz help!!!
also dont forget to add commands to the server......the way to do it that i know only works for alpha so i dont know how to do it for beta. but youtube or forums might have explanation. main commands to put in is /kit starter and /sethome and /home
Ok ill add you as a mod
PM me and help make the server work
also the /lkit stuff are server mods which i will put if i can get the server working
jordoh im interested in bieng an admin/ mod. im on most of my free time so i would practically always look over the server, im going for a no ban/kik career, and ive memoriz3ed all the rules and im ready to build whatever you want me to
MAybe if i get it up and running. PM me your IGN age and exp and i will let you if i get the server working.
Also, i just added a tiny beggining shop near the spawn where you pick up some basic items for free. Just stalked all the chests so its ready to play.
So right now every one just type in :25565 in the connect place and keep trying or my ip and a combanation which is
megahunter, you pm me and you could help me set this thing up.. ok
Character History:I have been on lots of servers, as well as my own, and i always follow the rules.
previous bans:Only one, which was because of a big misunderstanding of something. Not rule breaking or griefing.
reason you should you be accepted:I am a great miner and I can make somewhat simple buildings look better.
information you would like to add: I am a great miner, not so much a great figher.
Can't wait to be on the server!
Age - 13
What Estate are you interested in -Mining Estate
cant wait to play
-First name: Jordan
-Age: 13
-Hobbies: Minecraft, Archery,
-Favorite music: idk Pop?or Classic
Where are you from?: Canada,BC
Your age?:13
Extra notes?: I'm not a stupid anoying 13 year old. I will actually follow the rules and have fun.
Cant wait to play
ON the beach
No jk, im not that lucky.
My weirdest place was when i spawned on a tree in the forest....
87. A Giant Ice Cream Cone
88. Disney Land FTW
89. A giant Bob
90. A banana
Also I would like to know if I could work at the bank.
Plz reply
Age: 13
Times Banned: 1
Reason: I found some iron blocks in a community chest so i built with them. Admins thought I hacked and I was banned
Can't Wait to be part of this server
Dude check ur PMS
report back to me if it works
Ok ill add you as a mod
PM me and help make the server work
also the /lkit stuff are server mods which i will put if i can get the server working
MAybe if i get it up and running. PM me your IGN age and exp and i will let you if i get the server working.
Also, i just added a tiny beggining shop near the spawn where you pick up some basic items for free. Just stalked all the chests so its ready to play.
So right now every one just type in :25565 in the connect place and keep trying or my ip and a combanation which is
megahunter, you pm me and you could help me set this thing up.. ok