If you do not read the entire post, I reserve the right to ignore you, whether you're trolling, flaming, asking for codes while you already have a paid account, or just being irritating.
Read the entire post before making a comment or request.
Thanks ^^

If you do not read the entire post, I reserve the right to ignore you, whether you're trolling, flaming, asking for codes while you already have a paid account, or just being irritating.
Read the entire post before making a comment or request.
Thanks ^^
I had something like this set up over on SporeBase forums. I keep a little thread there to let new members know what I'm doing, and it directs them here. They're a small forum, but I ended up buying several people gift codes. (Screenshot of the "Gift Codes" section of my profile page below the list for a small proof).
Please note, before you try to say I'm a scammer or something like that... I am not asking you to participate in any scamming survey, join up for a website, or anything like that, OK?
Table of Contents
- The Happenings (News) (RIDDLES
- How it works (IMPORTANT!)
- Requesting Guidelines (APPLICANTS MUST READ) -- Formatting Requests (Tips)
- Waiting List (Top/Bottom) (The "Chosen Ones"
Codes Given(Removed; possible security issue.)- Signatures
- Sponsors/Supporters
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Contact Information
- Keeping Track (Tracking Tool Version: 1.2)
- Steam Group
The Happenings
Got an interesting idea the other day, from a user in my Riddles thread round here. It is this: if I put up a riddle once a month, and give you all a week to solve it, the winner gets a code instantly, regardless of their position on the list. People who have not yet got onto the list are also able to enter, but while I will give at most three hints to people who are on the list, I will not give any hints to those not on the list.
To be honest, it probably isn't that much of a handicap, but I'd prefer to give users on the list already a slight advantage. If you can solve the riddle, you get the code. Simple as that. However, because I like to make it a very tough challenge, I'll not indicate if you're on the right track or not (i.e., I'll only tell you whether you're right or wrong), apart from the three hints (which will be the same three hints for each person).
To avoid clogging up this thread, all answers to the riddle must be PM'd to me. I'd prefer it if each member opened one private conversation with me, and then replied to that each time, rather than drowning the rest of my inbox in new conversations each time they have a new guess. The riddle will be posted in this section of this thread.
Also, you may not go and post this riddle anywhere else in order to try and get help from others who use that site. Last time, someone posted it to a Yahoo! Answers site, but posting it to any site or forum is a violation of the rules. You must not use the Internet to get help for these. You may gather a few friends or family (as in, people you know outside of the Internet) and try to solve it together, but once more the riddle must not be spread around the Internet, at least until the competition is over.
If I hear of anyone doing it again, that person will be disqualified from all future competitions of this nature. We can and will find out if you do. The Internet is a very easy place to trace people. If the person who did it is on the list, their entry will be removed. I cannot abide cheaters. Cheating will not help you. Do it fairly or not at all.
You are all forbidden from posting this riddle anywhere on the Internet for any purpose whatsoever until the competition has ended for this riddle. I am keeping a private list of the riddles, the associated hints and the answers for each (which will be released either after the one-week period, or as soon as someone guesses the answer), so that you may confound your friends and anyone else you meet on the Internet in the event I come up with an incredibly difficult riddle. If you want any of the previous riddles, you need only ask.
By clicking the spoiler and revealing the riddle, you acknowledge you have read and understand my rules. Break them at your own peril. I shall have no trouble tracking you down, for the other hopeful guessers you have wronged will not be too pleased with you either. If you want to clarify the rules, PM me.
Riddle Solved by dinofire.
Fire and smoke and endeavours sublime,
Elements all aflame with passage of time.
Air shimmers with lack of heat and earthen
Flame ascends to high echelons of heaven:
A new soul appears as ancient clock tolls 'gain.
Knowledge, power, sight and Death;
All can be altered save till ending's breath,
When even Time goes all but deaf.
Bound and caged in bars of iron and steel,
Rules and laws to bring them to heel;
To make them harm and slowly heal.
I do all these things and more, although
My full extent rises like fresh dough
'Till the end of all, lost 'mongst Time's flow.
What am I?

Mojang have begun selling Minecraft in stores in the United States! You can now buy Minecraft "prepaid cards" which contain a gift code and can be used to buy Minecraft. If you're unable to buy Minecraft over the Internet, and you live in the US, you can go into a Target, Walmart or Best Buy store and purchase a copy. More information here:
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How it works
One thing I have been seeing a fair bit of is people picking at little inconsequential details in others' posts. Don't be tempted to do this. It only starts arguments, which we do not need. If you do, however, find something in another person's post or you find some solid evidence that they're lying (or just have some suspicions about the request), feel free to PM either myself, or Sgt. Traveler about it.
If you want a gift code, there are only two requirements - you must not already have bought Minecraft (requesting codes for other people is OK, but they'll need to contact me through PM or e-mail to prove they actually exist), and you must also have a good reason why you cannot buy the game (whether it's financial trouble, your parents won't let you buy stuff over the Internet, you don't have any money, etc).
Each fortnight, no more than one person will be added to the list... but also that if no requests show a reasonable display of effort and care, there is the possibility the nobody may be added that week. In that case, I will simply not add anyone to the list, and the list cap effectively goes down by one.
I have recently seen an increase in people PMing or emailing me, requesting gift codes. Do not request via PM or e-mail. Please, just post on this thread. It is a hundred times easier to just check the thread for requests rather than having to sort through PMs and such. If you have trouble with posting or posts not appearing, talk to a moderator or administrator, or post in the Forum Help section.
Do not contact me through PM or e-mail unless absolutely necessary, you are considering donating/helping out, or there is something else you wish to discuss privately.
You may, however, contact me via PM if you wish to talk to me privately, but that should not (for the most part) be necessary. In order for me to consider you for a gift code, you must reply with a request for one. I will keep a list in the OP with people who've asked and haven't yet received their codes, and I'll also keep a list of people I bought codes for.
The gift code will be sent to you via PM, unless you specifically ask otherwise.
There will be no scamming or anything like that involved, you don't have to sign up for anything. This is a free gift I am offering out of generosity. I am hoping some others will follow suit, but we will see. For now, it's just me. Sgt. Traveler is our resident helper when am not around and he'll be able to answer just about any question (although keep in mind that he is not a moderator, so if there's any rule-breaking, just report it). Feel free to ask questions here, or via PM, whichever you prefer.
If any others want to buy codes for people, they can PM me about it (or post here) and they can buy codes on a predetermined basis (or just one for a particular person they choose).
They themselves will send the code to the recipient, and I will ask for screenshot proof (from their or account page) that they have given the code to the person before removing them from the "Waiting List".
I will remove members as soon as I send out codes to them. I am very busy these days, and frequently forget to remove people, so I've decided to remove them as soon as I've sent them the PM containing the gift code. If I see that a member who is next in line for receiving a code has been inactive for at least a month, I will simply remove them. This is moving at snail-pace as it is, and I have no desire to make people who are willing to follow my rules wait any longer than necessary.
If a person has not redeemed their code after a week's time of sending the PM, I'll give that code to another. This applies to active people as well, if they suddenly become inexplicably inactive. This is simply to keep things moving smoothly. In other words, check every few weeks where you are on the list, maybe every week if you're near the top to avoid being passed by.
Now that that's all explained, I ask one last time, please do not troll, flame, spam or otherwise degrade the quality of this topic. If you have ideas for improving my methods, you may suggest them. Sarcastic/Non-Serious/Degrading ideas will not be tolerated. Thanks.
One more thing. I myself will be buying codes on a basis of one per week. I'm not a millionaire.
Don't get annoyed if it takes a while. I may make exceptions and buy several codes at once on occasion, but don't count on it too often. I no longer have a job, so you guys are lucky my government has unemployment support payments.
If you wish to request a code for another person besides yourself, they must contact me if at all possible in any way. Either by e-mail (joelpfrancis[AT]gmail[DOT]com) or through PM on the forum, but they'll need to contact me. If they have not contacted me after several weeks, they may be removed when I next tidy up the list.
If special occasions arise (unable to contact me for some time, etc.) and I am notified, I may make exceptions.
All gift codes given through this will come from my own Minecraft/Mojang account (Vexx32 | [email protected])
Share and Enjoy!
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Requesting Guidelines
You are in no way obligated to use these guidelines as any more than a guide, but don't complain if we tell you to look at these, as we will often have good reason for doing so. With many thanks to Enquent, who devised the majority of this, these are the guidelines for posting a request for a gift code.
N.B.: It is not necessary to include the headings. I would recommend you avoid doing so, but if you wish to, feel free.
== Short introduction ==
1-2 sentences about how you found out about this thread, how you found out about Minecraft and what you thought of it. You may include mention of mods, custom maps, texture packs, or anything else you have found thus far.
== Request body ==
3-5 sentences in paragraph form, within which you should include your age, why you are unable to purchase Minecraft, your financial or life situation that doesn't allow you to, other possible ways you've attempted to get Minecraft. Are you in school, university/college, high school? Do you live with your parents/on your own/with friends/family? Are you barely making ends meet living on your own?
== Closing == (Not required)
A polite closing, a 'thank you for reading', followed by your forum username or in-game name never hurt and looks nice making the whole post seem complete and finished.
== Further Information == (Not Required)
How many requests you have submitted thus far, one or two of your previous requests (not in a quote - preferably in a spoiler tag), and any other information not mentioned above you think we should know.
## Note ##
Please do your best to use clear English, with proper spelling and grammar. I am able to translate other languages using a machine translation and get the general gist of it, but it's a poor subsitute for what you yourself can probably write in most cases. If you need assistance in common spelling or grammatical errors, I will simply direct you to these two excellent comics which address the common problems we see around the internet these days: (commonly misspelled words) (how to use a semicolon)
The length of each section above is only a guide and you may expand upon the amount of writing in each, but refrain from shortening them, as the guide above gives minimum amounts to mitigate the amount of simple, one-line requests.
## Formatting & How to Use it ##
I have noticed that some people have taken to using a small amount of formatting. I have no problem with this, and I do encourage it, for it makes your main points stand out and improves the readability, but only if used in good taste.
Do not:Do:
- Use colors like yellow or a light grey that are difficult to read on the forum's white-grey background.
- Split or break words with formatting (e.g., freedom). This breaks the flow of the sentence and makes it very confusing to read.
- Format everything. Doing so just makes it harder to read, and more annoying. Sure, it stands out, but it's like shouting at someone incessantly. Nobody likes it.
- Use a non-standard font size for your entire post, or a large part of it. Make sure it is of a readable size!
- Use excessive amounts of paragraphs. They should be used to group sentences together that share an idea or focus.
- Start a new paragraph for every single sentence or every two sentences.
The best way to know if your request is formatted properly is to read through it yourself. If you find anything that makes it difficult to read, either change it or just take out the formatting.
- Use formatting to emphasize your main points.
- Use formatting only as required.
- Use a variety of colours, if you feel the need. It helps break the monotonous look of a post and makes it easier to read. Not necessary, so don't go overboard.
- Take note of anything you could yourself use that you notice in the requests I quote, and use it well.
- Read over your request to double-check that it is readable and easy to understand.
- Use paragraphs to break your post into sections, as outlined in the main Guidelines section.
This will, of course, be mainly applicable for those requesting a gift code for themselves, but if you are requesting one for someone else, merely modify the template as needed.
Once again, this is not required, but it will help make your request look 'professional' and easy to read. Two pages of poorly written requests means nobody gets added to the list!
In addition, anyone found to have copied any part of someone else's request is instantly disqualified from my consideration. The name of the game is effort here, and I will not tolerate people stealing someone else's story.
Words have power, and I will not permit them to be stolen.
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- shadowsarefollowingyou
- Diabloi3
- Qtri's brother (confirmed)
- volcano_fl's brother (Miningboy)
- bnvdarklord
- purplepix3l's friend (TurtleWurtle15)
- laynejj's brother (applesinatree)
- MQHelper
- Thieves
- Typo3000
- KaBling
- oscarpeng
- manunas
- Karizmah808
- Mw2BeAsT676
- Dylpickle373
- strongy7
- TheTrollWTF
- Ender_Sheep (Xsparten)
- Kwa_tang
- Blueblade11
- eldritchone
- 8BitAnimations' brother (confirmed)
- iBeMininDiamonds
- Epiclyralphy
- Blad3_lv
- mDiyo
- phu01672363690
- Dracius
- BroBuzz
- Rawr0w0Shadowa
- KingMontzHD's friend.
- Jayzzee's friend (Shimoo)
- Oddteapot
- GrassSeed
- TehK33Bl8dman3000
- AlphaBeta78
- Mlk365
- Supremxx
- fireymaster6's sister (confirmed)
- !!!
- Grigori_Lord
- Neon_ColorsFTW22
- Layzeeboi
- yodawg2020
- cartoonboy
- nikola0505
- UchihaDareNial's cousin (AppleDoe95)
- zawinzor
- epiXz
- haveacold1
- samuelhateu
- cola_addict17
- samirjusufovic
- Miiqzuh
- macikiller
- xSlyPigx
- Donmon
- Invalid_url
- Dodgerboy175
- SSJ11
- aeroyTechyon-X
- Pyropunch
- Badkid94
- phu01672363690's cousin (lily502322446)
- Xphomegra
- TropicalDefeat
- Megacaleb179
- PyromancerVX
- Llama_112
- Chibichuba
- TheHcobain
- HScrozzy
- Destructoid17
- Kabuyaki
- Matskuman5
- ConfusedGuy
- Megacaleb179
- wackybobswackybobs
- LeoAC
- MineJacker
- NightKrowe
- superadam5000
- Veirian
- Arnald23
- wblabla4
- UploaderofCB
- Deolrin
- Stumblinbear
- Zide
- DonJiggly
- DeadUniverse's brother (schemdele)
- demonblades
- creeper27's friend (confirmed)
- Reec3ty's brother (confirmed)
- Pig_God's cousin (unconfirmed -- may be uncontactable)
- BattleGroundxx
- mnb
- Tarac1
- VGCats_Rocks
- lolwut0998
- dobba1
- frogboy316's friend (confirmed)
- John_Julius64
- Melsaran
- skywalkerjunkie
- oblivion5683
- dat
- paulohare
- hawkeye48
- Grinchhh
- Laugher
- Dman674
- jadegypsie
- Buger430
- MrAddictiveGamer
- Stick97
- BriannzyS_Minecraft
- iTz_Hammeh
- rid9
- MS57KB
- cordellman45
- DerpaSaurRex
- rogoku
- Yoshieven
- gf11221
- avenfisher
- creeper238
- Lotr8808
- deraphel
- Mushi_Arcaine
- Qasanova
- RiotGamingInc
- dragomegak
- Rasmus_koto
- j4n00b
- epicepicman
- meedon
- Wildhamsterscelica
- TheCrony
- PatricksGamerTag
- kingeddie13
- meedon
- xDarkShadow
- Slashman_exe
- JMann970
- Roth2755's friend (uncontactable -- benefit of the doubt)
- Scavenger_Dog
- BobbyMinecrafter
- jvp010
- Cannon_Fodder
- Tjakka5
- MS57KB
- The King Pigman
- Anciteify
- Traplover
- darthvader45
- snowshovel
- killer999742
- lub4095
- phoenix720p
- spamanator500
- Ephon0153
- Chrydor
- SweetBone
- Mythril
- Awesomous
- GeoCrown
- mr_dragon_slayer
- T3chn3tium
- megaman012
- Zekermei
- grunnyx
- noyougirls
- Hawks484
- Bestgamer66
- AnthraX2112
- crackerzunk
- McNebula
- AwesomeZrno
- Diplout
- samruxman
- emobasket
- TheDeer
- micatar97io
- Rashed97
- Flap
- Gtrescgh
- Xx_FUSI0N_xX
- killer999742's friend (confirmed)
- zezey
- EndStone
- NightHank57
- Kirome's brother (Santeco)
- tiniuclx2
- Syndicate1847
- vira1969
- EzioKratos
- Zeroark
- ChaosWolf
- Txxxx
- bearbear12345's cousin (confirmed)
- ScruffyUnicorn
- pika12
- ZeDuke
- iced199
- DiamondOwnge
- PixelDeBurner
- AlexGT
- Razerum
- tom vincent co
- TheGuysWhoPlayMinecraft
- bbbb441
- jzagro
- TheEpicMiner
- acadia7
- XelixileX
- brigeatenex
- MasterLink
- Conker
- NinjaMatic
- GuardIan42
- Syntraz [Email Only ([email protected])]
- atexfgi
- DanDiovandi
- 0verdriv3's friend (joshrykut)
- JayVinn
- cookie130's brother (applez1233)
- thisfrickinsite
- TheSwordKid
- Carrotts55
- Conker_27
- FMasterST
- Hunter0792
- Reimiko
- And19BOS
- Safari384
- noobercharger
- taz432166
- demonblades
- Domino
- spottycookieify
- Kingdb707
- Snugtr
- Ozhleth
- QuickMelt
- Zushu
- gt521
- qazxsw405
- iPodnite
- EnrichmentCentre
- Arturito66
- ail_t
- bigtime788
- mrpeanut188
- Mario0
- Iamacreeper2468's brother (confirmed)
- Skorpion216
- DarkWater
- Novicode's friend (confirmed)
- The_Cat_In_Purple_Boots
- DragonAweome
- Sr4B
- Nikodemos
- pkpikachu
- Lukachacha
- Forcer123
- TheOriginalZTQ
- cammie827
- Nack486
- BurlyAssassin's friend (rebel1313)
- Peeloking
- Wimpysheep
- Highproguy
- Nutzu3650XL
- AwesomeSauceGamers // ben2310
- Digidude99's friend (littletan)
- PaxIsAwesome
- General Death
- Decemberus
- Pilot_Creeper
- Zambigorg
- lassejgh
- Unit888
- Poptarts' brother (Yuchengz)
- pneumatisch
- Wolf_ZX
- Buffbbq
- DanTheGamer11
- Killllerr
- takem12
- TheIceDawg
- DJAlphaWolf
- MP3
- MaKaShinobi2
- Dinahkiin
- kiko19972's friend [SporeBase] (confirmed)
- Soloplex
- welloman350
- bog819
- komap2's cousin (uncontactable)
- Taniss99
- Decemberus' friend (yummyjiggy)
- joe123652's sister (confirmed)
- GoldenMas
- Chan14551
- ChargeRITA
- RobZ51
- dydgus07
- SkylordToon
- mattyyugi's brother (confirmed)
- MinecraftThomas
- Briianz
- funkyspyspy
- NobleVX
- VinciukasxD
- standardoper
- Merbo
- Relyk590
- NeonVoices
- KrazyWhiteShark
- Flacket
- R3LaX43v3r
- littledude072
- funkey100
- Daniel_Darkslash
- NinjaStyle's brother (confirmed)
- midder
- Mouthed
- Master4902
- kvisitstump
- CCabia
- NyansIsAPyro
- scikid99
- Reekzit
- Forfiter007
- UltraRasengan
- TheLittleSeamie
- Zenloren
- marc.
- creepsgp
- lilredman03
- anangke
- AgentCobalt
- Panther_Lazer
- Atrelix
- adrisala
- Star00X
- Zuwala
- Sticksane
- Savori_creeper
- SanchzBoyz
- OriginalGamerX
- MegahBythe
- Cuzen
- Kurokocchi
- PlasmaRoar
- swiftcashew
- 'IvanTheMiner
- JusDietrich
- Happykeystv
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Support my efforts by putting one of these varied and artful banners in your signature!
Donate button

Donate banner by vexx32 (Links to my PayPal Donate page)

Banner by Ivysaur1996

Banners by Chuckaboo


Banner by HaXIXoR

Banner by MegaDamnAge

Banner by Sgt. Traveler

Banner by psychoelectro

Banner by midder

Banner by substitute541

Banners by DerpaSaurRex


Banner by jiggle73

Feel free to make your own banners, but try to avoid confusing people; don't put things on your banners that don't match with what I do, or else we end up with silly arguments and lots of confused people. Don't make false claims, and do not misrepresent me, please.
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These are the people who have generously linked their mod, map or texture pack through my adfly or adcraft account in order to donate to me, usually because they do not have enough spare money laying around to donate directly. This is a great way to do it, because every little bit counts, and will ensure that pay out the donations each month.
If you wish to donate, do so by clicking the above button.
DeadBeyond, creator of Pack of the Dead. Sig banner (and topic link):

RocketJumper, creator of "You Have to Burn the Wool". Sig banner & topic link:

Craft For A Cause

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Frequently Asked Questions
- "If someone is removed from the list by their own request, can I take their place?"
- "My request was quoted, but I'm not on the list?!"
- "Why haven't you quoted my request?"
- "I think someone is lying in their request! What do I do?"
- "How long will this take?"
- "What do I do if I didn't get quoted/picked?"
- "Can/Should I re-post my request?"
No. If someone requests their own removal from the list, you may not take their spot. It is unfair to just about everyone else on the list who has been waiting. There is one exception that I will allow. This is if the person no longer wishes to be on the list wants to give up their spot to another, instead of me simply removing their name. This exception exists for two reasons. First, because it is a request from them directly, without others clamouring to take the spot. Second, because it would amount to the same thing as them not telling me and then just giving the code to any other person (typically a friend or sibling).
Back to Frequently Asked Questions
"My request was quoted, but I'm not on the list!"
If your request was quoted, congratulations. You've submitted a good-quality request. This doesn't automatically mean you're going to get onto the list, but it does mean you have a good chance. I only pick one person out each week to go on the list, so that everyone can have a chance to post a request. If you were quoted but not added, then please re-post your request. Do not quote your original/previous request; the forum doesn't like nested quotes, and removes them. This can make it confusing, and also means that I can't show off your request again properly. Either amend your original request, or put it somewhere in your post with any additional information you wish to include.
Back to Frequently Asked Questions
"Why haven't you quoted my request?"
I only quote the best requests, in order to show everyone what has a high chance of getting into the list, but I read every request. If you weren't quoted, then it generally just means your request wasn't good enough. If you think I have in fact overlooked you, then feel free to let me know; either just post again or PM me, preferably with the request included. I do my best to read each and every post on this thread, so it is very unlikely that I miss any, but it can and occasionally does happen.
Back to Frequently Asked Questions
"I think someone is lying in their request! What do I do?"
PM either myself, Sgt. Traveler or Enquent about it. Quote the suspect post, and give your reasons and/or evidence against it. Be clear and concise. If we decide your suspicion is well-founded, we will investigate. It is preferable you do not pick apart someone else's request in the thread here, unless we have specifically asked for public opinion on the matter, since it can quite easily start a mud-slinging contest.
Back to Frequently Asked Questions
"How long will this take?"
We do what we can to shorten it, but it got out of hand a while back, and we haven't managed to totally reign it in again just yet.
N.B.: This is no longer anywhere near accurate. I am currently buying codes on my own, and can only presently afford a code every two weeks. It's going to be a long wait, short of me suddenly getting rich.
Back to Frequently Asked Questions
"What do I do if I didn't get quoted/picked?"
If you weren't quoted, your request was not overlooked. It simply means your request needs a bit of work. Read the guidelines and see what you can improve on. If you were quoted and not chosen to go on the list, see if you can add anything to your request and make it clearer and more concise. A little formatting may help, but use it wisely. Re-post your request to be considered for the next week's addition to the list. Only one person from each week's requests will be added, and I do not dig back beyond a week (not beyond my last decision post).
Back to Frequently Asked Questions
"Can/Should I re-post my request?"
If I have added someone to the list, you are required to re-post your request if you still want to be taken into consideration. If you were not quoted, you will need to improve your request, and even if you were, it's probably a good idea to try to refine your request a little more. Read over the guidelines, and perhaps add a touch of careful formatting.
Back to Frequently Asked Questions
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Contact Information
First and foremost, just post on this thread. I read every reply that is posted, and I reply to almost all of them where a reply is warranted.If you feel the need to contact me privately, you can also PM me here on the forums, or email me. I can also be contacted on SporeBase Forums, where I am known by the same name. My email address is [email protected]. If you wish to contact me about helping me out with this, please PM me. I will answer your questions and we should be able to make some sort of arrangement. Since Mojang has recommended circumventing the restriction with multiple accounts, I'll probably give each person access to one "gift code" account at a time, through which they'll buy codes. This way, everyone knows they're going through me, and the people helping can keep their 5 gift codes on their account for their close friends and such.
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Keeping Track
bnvdarklord has kindly made a nifty little tool you can use to keep track of the list without needing to come here all the time. It displays the title of the thread and the total number of list entries, along with the list itself. It also allows you to search or filter the list to find a certain username. Download it here:http://www.mediafire...6w5oltxvbv42n0o
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Steam Group
Awesomeslayerg has set up a Steam group for this effort. I myself do not largely use Steam, but if the group gets enough members, I'm sure I'll find some use for it!
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Your doing it right now, complaining..
So this is my first map that I have created using Creative mode in Minecraft.
This map is meant for servers, either Private or Public! I have decided to make this map
because I have seen a lot of posts asking for help setting up a medieval map.
I have only set up the spawn area of the map, the rest of the map is untouched and unseen.
The town is set on the border of a swamp, a forest, a desert and an ocean biome. I forgot to change the spawn so you spawn just outside the Castle instead of upstairs inside. I have placed down signs on the inside of the castle were you can put your server rules.
The castle courtyard has two shops opposite each other. These shops are both identical, they have two stories and chests on both floors. (You need a shop PLUGIN if you want these to actually work). There are also two Farms, one growing Wheat and Melons and the other is a tree farm, with a farm house and one house opposite it.
On the outskirts on the town is a dock with a dispenser full of boats! There are also three guard towers just a short walk from the town walls.
●Texture Pack●
In these screenshots I used THIS TEXTURE PACK. It is a HD texture pack and I think it makes the buildings look excellent. I am unsure what the town looks like in the default textures.
●Download Instructions●
Please note these are WINDOWS instructions
These instructions are if you wish the Mediecraft
map to be used in single player mode.
1. Go to the start bar and type in %Appdata%
2. Go into the .minecraft folder (it should be at the top)
3. Go into the saves folder and Paste the Mediecraft folder into there.
4. Enjoy :happy.gif:
These instructions are if you wish the Mediecraft
map to be used on your private/public server.
1. Open the folder were your Minecraft Server is.
2. Copy the Mediecraft map file into this folder.
3. Go to the notepad and
change the level-name to Mediecraft
4. Run your server and enjoy!
If you are having difficulty installing please PM me and I will be able to help you :happy.gif:
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More maps to come!
And feedback is much appreciated :happy.gif:
They didn't know i was looking at it :blink.gif:
They would come in to ask a question and see what I was doing..
eventually they stopped coming into my room :happy.gif:
They would stand at the door and knock and wait for me to answer haha
anyway sometimes they would have found my porn
.. you know it wasn't always on computers, and I never had a computer when I was younger
and my brother had a travel bag full of magaziens, so I took some and put them in a suitcase..
me and a friend even took some and ripped the pages out and scattered them over the kids playground :happy.gif: ahh goodtimes
(btw if your going to tell me im wrong mainly cause i have crappy spelling and grammar... get a better hobby other than correcting people.. you don't have to be a genius to have an opinion)