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    posted a message on Your First Kiss
    I was 5.. it was wet and tasted like Vegemite mixed with vegetables and peanut butter :blink.gif:
    other than that it was good xD it was a goodbye kiss cause I was moving away and we decided to kiss like they do on the movies :happy.gif:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on how long.. >_>
    it works! and i didn't clear my chache or anything
    I just hit refresh :dry.gif:
    mk well that was just a waste of a thread lol...
    I'm good thanks :happy.gif:

    And yes Rebeljah I do see an apple with a smiley :happy.gif:
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on how long.. >_>
    How long does it take for your profile picture and avatar to update?
    I changed them both like half an hour ago and they still look the same to me :dry.gif:
    Can someone tell me what it looks like please? :happy.gif:
    How r u
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on thy shouldanever did this
    ahahaha i deleted my MC as well but I got it back cause I thought i had a bug.. turns out it wasn't a bug :dry.gif: but yer..
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on What is your most watched TV show?
    hm that's difficult.. its between Naruto and Will&Grace... I'm not sure which is most watched though because I have seen both so much.. maybe will & grace cause i have seen every episode more than 10 times... so yea will & grace.. wow that wasn't difficult :happy.gif:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What would you make to make life better?
    Quote from Alterazgohg

    My only fear of this is other people might hide and shoot you in your eyes and balls on purpose.

    lololol those places would be protected from electro shock hahaha
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What would you make to make life better?
    I would make a helmet kind of thing that you put on and it covers your hole head and comes with a suit that you wear, for the best shooting game ever were you are the controller and every time you get shot you get a tiny little zap were ever you were hit (like static electricity) and when you die the suit goes all vibraty on you lol and you have to like walk around and crouch and everything.. it would be both addictive and tiring at the same time!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Telemarketers
    police would show up at your place? :blink.gif:
    I used to scream at them for calling me from some other country to give me some 'free' item that I would have to go pick up and pay for but now I just hang up on them, and the worst thing is they ring back! so I hang up and they ring back again! So i say no and hang up and still... they ring back! They did it to me while I was sleeping once.. well to my partner and after the third time they ran back I took the phone off him and went right off at the stupid b**ch for calling us at 8pm after i had spent the last 12hrs at work and then before I hung up i asked for her number so we could ring her up later on to continue.. sadly they don't give there number out! funnily enough ever since then we haven't had a single telemarketer ring us haha
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What can i do to make fast money?
    If your in a big town and you own toys from when you were a little younger, go down to the shops and pick up one of those raffle ticket books, grab a friend (its better if your friend is a girl) and walk around to peoples houses that are not in your neighborhood, and don't see you every day! And sell your toys for 'school raffle' tell them the raffle is in the nearest park a week from when you do it! I did that with my friends, we made almost 150$ BUT if your friends decide to actually do the raffle for the people like mine did at least tell them to let you know so you can go with them! AND get like a box of 2$ chocolates as first prize :happy.gif: in the long run you spend 4$ make money and get rid of your old toys!! That's even if you have toys lol.. but if not then do jobs for neighbors, I walked my neighbors dogs every day and helped the old lady next door with her shopping and occasionally cleaned her house (i tried to do that for free but old ladies like to give boys money lol)
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on If you could get rid of one thing about yourself, what would you get rid of?
    My metabolism! I am trying very hard to lower it so I can gain weight but for some stupid reason it doesn't work! And no matter what I eat I seem to be loosing weight even though I eat more than anyone I know :blink.gif: I hate my weight :dry.gif:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What is better than a hole in your foot?
    See I couldn't have a hole in my foot.. After it got all fixed I would end up playing with it to see whats inside.. If it was infected it would be even worse because even though I would be in pain.. I'd still be trying to see inside my foot... I'm weird like that :happy.gif: like when my brother got his arm chewed up by the dogs it was soooooo gorse it was cool, you could see his vein and everything! :blink.gif:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on WoW's new FTP feature
    this isn't new at all.. i got into wow 4 years ago and it was 'free to play up to lvl 20' but back then it was called a trial account the only thing that changed is they got rid of the 7 day limit.. they are just advertising it more.. and whats even worse is most of the add are the like this
    *watches ogre flash on screen*
    *shows a night elf*
    *shows big evil dragon guy*
    'till lvl 20'

    wow is such a boring game anyway, its just the same thing over and over again even with all their expansions it's exactly the same thing just a different scene.. I gave up on wow when Cata came out...
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Spores much?..
    Well I am annoyed with MC soooo I'm off to play Spores Galactic Adventures since I got it today and only played it for like an hour xD What games do you play when your not on MC (if any). :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Can you find another player without a server?
    Quote from scroom38

    Good god man at least tell us their name, who knows, the very person you are looking for could be right here.

    ROFLMAO @ your pic
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Solutions to Common Problems
    Quote from Metadigital

    Avoiding all soda extends your lifespan by years.

    wow! I cut my life down by ALOT from 13 - 17 all I drank was 30 cans of coke in a span of 2 days!

    but back to topic

    If you sick.. go to a doctor! forums can't help
    If you take your time eating, you will fill up faster!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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