I don't have a funny thing all day BUT I have funniest thingS i have seen....
Keep in mind I laugh at old people a lot.. yes I'm cruel and evil yada yada but still..
OKAY so this old lady got on my bus and I was sitting in the back and she sat on the front ( the bus wasn't literately mine..) and anyway her stop came up and she got off, but her bag got stuck in the door and when the bus drove off she was trying to get the bag back and fell over! I never lol'd so hard!
She was fine, she got up and laughed after she got her bag back..
Another, a week after I was walking with a friend, and we saw this old guy on one of those old people scooty chair things and he was driving around and then BOOM went straight into the gutter! after laughing we went to help and he was fine but needed help up
.. .. I'm not that mean.. I'm sure you would have laughed too :dry.gif:
then I can buy what ever I want
and give as much of it away as possible :happy.gif:
You can solve half the worlds problems with infinite money..
and open up even more problems xD
The time I ran into the corner of a brick wall and split my head open was pretty stupid..
The time I stuck my foot in my brothers bike wheel while we were riding it was stupid..
What was more stupid was after it was healed I done it again, but we weren't riding it..
How I used to beat up the girl next door when ever her ***** of a cousin came over was stupid.. but she deserved it for being a cow for no reason (I was 6)
The time that kid that lived with us stole MY toys and put his initials on them with white out AS IF I WOULDN'T KNOW so I locked him in my room... little did I know the door couldn't unlock xD
The time I blamed my mother for my homonessness and told her it was how she raised me.. that was really stupid
The time I sliced my hand open laughing at my nanna cause she ran into the glass door thinking it was open... that was stupid but very funny
The time I tried to help my dad set up a movie for us to watch (i was 6) and i got in the way and got hot coffee poured on my back.. that was stupid
How I would beg dad to let me stay up late and watch horror movies with him.. then have nightmares.. that was stupid BECAUSE now horror movies bore me.. but thats cause they were better then.. now there gore not horror xD
I have many many many many MANY stupid moments from my childhood, my parents were told by the doctors I probly wouldn't live to see 16 because I was in the hospital atleast once a week with a new injury.. on my 16th birthday I lol'd at them!
I care about age :happy.gif:
I only date guys older than me (when I was dating)..
and I have hated and always will hate people my age..
NOT 12 year olds.. but people My age because most people my age are **** heads :happy.gif:
young kids I don't really care because most are like me, always laughing about random stuff and just having fun with no intentions of hurting... but there are some idiots :dry.gif:
I have never met a pc or Mac fanboy.. well maybe my brother, no even then..
I play PC but I want to get a mac and I will be getting on this year for my birthday,
mainly because I have never had one, and I want to learn how to use one AND because the
layout of them looks so professional lol xD
no one can really give you advice on it..
Just don't act like an idiot, and it's safest to do it with friends.
My first smoke was with a friend, we had a joint done some rollerblading and then had another and went to school, no harm done..
To the people saying it isn't addictive.. You have either smoked once or twice OR never..
It is addictive if you let it, I was smoking for 4 years, I was to the point were I would stay at my friends no matter what was going on just for one more cone, even when her and her father had huge fights.. My brother has been smoking for 15 years, I know people who have been smoking for 30+ years.. because after so long smoking it, you crave the feeling of being high..
I quit because I had, and still have someone who wanted me to quit.. He saw how much I wanted to quit, I even told him every time i smoked i felt great, but after I would feel like **** if I didn't get another hit.. Some people can't quit..
But yer, while your young its all fun
just do it with friends (family too if possible)
and don't act like an idiot :happy.gif:
No one can tell you how you will feel because its different for everyone.
The onomatopoeic representation of masturbation. Often used to suggest that something is attractive.
Did you see those Natalie Portman pics? *fap fap fap*
src: urbandictionary.com
soo I masturbate a lot?
hrm no more than normal :smile.gif:
.. well my normal anyway so bravah who ever said it originally lol
How often do you change your picture and or avatar? Not just on the MC forum but any other forum you are joined up with.. I usually change it every time I find a better picture, but I want to change it now even though I changed it like not even 2 days ago xD So how often do you change yours?
83$ for a watermelon? o.o HA I can go down the street and buy a watermelon for 10$ cut it up without it rolling around and put it in my fridge... how you can not know how to cut a watermelon without it rolling around is beyond me :tongue.gif:
Still cool mellonz.. just wouldn't pay that price for them.. even if they were grown in glass xD
Do men get that time of the month? Tell me oh wise master.
Sometimes smartassery is justified. Sometimes its not.
men don't get That time of the month BUT when they hit a certain age they hit the whole 'world is against me, and I am cursed' .. it never passes *shakes head*
Keep in mind I laugh at old people a lot.. yes I'm cruel and evil yada yada but still..
OKAY so this old lady got on my bus and I was sitting in the back and she sat on the front ( the bus wasn't literately mine..) and anyway her stop came up and she got off, but her bag got stuck in the door and when the bus drove off she was trying to get the bag back and fell over! I never lol'd so hard!
She was fine, she got up and laughed after she got her bag back..
Another, a week after I was walking with a friend, and we saw this old guy on one of those old people scooty chair things and he was driving around and then BOOM went straight into the gutter! after laughing we went to help and he was fine but needed help up
.. .. I'm not that mean.. I'm sure you would have laughed too :dry.gif:
then I can buy what ever I want
and give as much of it away as possible :happy.gif:
You can solve half the worlds problems with infinite money..
and open up even more problems xD
The time I ran into the corner of a brick wall and split my head open was pretty stupid..
The time I stuck my foot in my brothers bike wheel while we were riding it was stupid..
What was more stupid was after it was healed I done it again, but we weren't riding it..
How I used to beat up the girl next door when ever her ***** of a cousin came over was stupid.. but she deserved it for being a cow for no reason (I was 6)
The time that kid that lived with us stole MY toys and put his initials on them with white out AS IF I WOULDN'T KNOW so I locked him in my room... little did I know the door couldn't unlock xD
The time I blamed my mother for my homonessness and told her it was how she raised me.. that was really stupid
The time I sliced my hand open laughing at my nanna cause she ran into the glass door thinking it was open... that was stupid but very funny
The time I tried to help my dad set up a movie for us to watch (i was 6) and i got in the way and got hot coffee poured on my back.. that was stupid
How I would beg dad to let me stay up late and watch horror movies with him.. then have nightmares.. that was stupid BECAUSE now horror movies bore me.. but thats cause they were better then.. now there gore not horror xD
I have many many many many MANY stupid moments from my childhood, my parents were told by the doctors I probly wouldn't live to see 16 because I was in the hospital atleast once a week with a new injury.. on my 16th birthday I lol'd at them!
(you pick the stupidest)
I only date guys older than me (when I was dating)..
and I have hated and always will hate people my age..
NOT 12 year olds.. but people My age because most people my age are **** heads :happy.gif:
young kids I don't really care because most are like me, always laughing about random stuff and just having fun with no intentions of hurting... but there are some idiots :dry.gif:
I play PC but I want to get a mac and I will be getting on this year for my birthday,
mainly because I have never had one, and I want to learn how to use one AND because the
layout of them looks so professional lol xD
Just don't act like an idiot, and it's safest to do it with friends.
My first smoke was with a friend, we had a joint done some rollerblading and then had another and went to school, no harm done..
To the people saying it isn't addictive.. You have either smoked once or twice OR never..
It is addictive if you let it, I was smoking for 4 years, I was to the point were I would stay at my friends no matter what was going on just for one more cone, even when her and her father had huge fights.. My brother has been smoking for 15 years, I know people who have been smoking for 30+ years.. because after so long smoking it, you crave the feeling of being high..
I quit because I had, and still have someone who wanted me to quit.. He saw how much I wanted to quit, I even told him every time i smoked i felt great, but after I would feel like **** if I didn't get another hit.. Some people can't quit..
But yer, while your young its all fun
just do it with friends (family too if possible)
and don't act like an idiot :happy.gif:
No one can tell you how you will feel because its different for everyone.
soo I masturbate a lot?
hrm no more than normal :smile.gif:
.. well my normal anyway so bravah who ever said it originally lol
fap?? :blink.gif:
As for the one per world that doesn't really bother me, knowing my luck
I'll never see it anyway lol
Still cool mellonz.. just wouldn't pay that price for them.. even if they were grown in glass xD
men don't get That time of the month BUT when they hit a certain age they hit the whole 'world is against me, and I am cursed' .. it never passes *shakes head*
yea that's true, that's why I never use a map lol in case I get mauled by a spider or Blown up by a creeper while looking at it xD
but this is still really cool