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    posted a message on I need adivce...
    Quote from Allasnark978988

    Get a GF that makes stuff better...

    he already said he has no money cause of loosing his glasses! How is he going to afford a girlfriend:blink:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Server down.
    [center][i]Soo the server I play on is offline and I'm bored xD
    I was going to jump on another to play but I really want to play on my usual server.
    Especially since 1.8 has just come out and we have a clean map and I wanted to help out building a base for our faction >.<
    But hopefully the owner will wake up(or come home) and start it up again and I can continue building
    .. if he wakes up (or comes home) within the next 3 hours lol

    What do you do when your server is down? Do you have a lot of different servers to play?
    Do you browse the forum? or do you rage quit because your bored? :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Herobrine
    I'm new to MC, sort of, a few months new.. pretty new to forums.. and I have heard alot of herobrine. Wtf or whotf is herobrine? I think I read it was a made up something by a random and everyone believed it or something?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8 IS HERE XD. UPDATE TODAY.
    er this has been done like 10 times already :tongue.gif: its been out for 9hours now :tongue.gif:
    BUT someone posting on forum is how I knew it was being released (and why I couldn't get on) do bravah
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Starvation..
    Quote from parvomagnus

    It only kills you on hard, I believe.

    I think you are right, because I changed it to peaceful and my hearts started to regenerate :happy.gif:
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Starvation..
    Are you meant to die from starvation?
    At first I though you were but now I'm not so sure.
    See I was trying to survive on an island with nothing but a tree in the middle of the ocean
    praying a spider would come so I could get some string for a fishing rod but no such luck, instead I ate zombie flesh to stay alive.. Nothing bad happened when I ate it besides My food bar went green :blink.gif:
    Then on day two I though 'screw this' and decided to find mainland and instead I found a desert and I was down to two foods then none and my health started to drop so I went to were I landed in the desert and thought id swim back and pick my stuff up.. but when I got to half a heart my damage stopped, I thought it was just delayed so I waited till night and then decided to swim back to the island and I still wasn't dead.. Is this normal? I was sure that you would die of starvation? Maybe it's cause I ate zombie flesh? :ohmy.gif:

    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you fly?
    ohhhhh ty lol
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you fly?
    In creative mode? how do you fly??
    I did it once by accident but haven't been able to figure out how lol
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft on the iMac
    Quote from epikal

    All the 27" appear to have modern AMD graphics card which is good.

    They are laptop graphics parts though (6770M or 6970M) so performance will be weak compared to an equivalently priced PC, but it will be playable.

    I play on a laptop now, A Compaq.
    No idea what the info on it is BUT
    it runs MC well, just over heats when I play on a server
    that's about the only downside to the whole thing!
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Bringing Up Grammar or Spelling to Win an Argument
    Because they have basically lost the argument and have nothing else to say so they come out with that..
    My grammar sucks, my spelling could improve
    I don't need to know how to spell and how to place my words to know what I am saying or to have an opinion..
    I just think that people who bring this up are looking for another way to say 'I win'
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on A 'Serious' Challenge for Notch!
    I found out about Minecraft because of youtubers and their videos xD
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft on the iMac
    hrm seems like I should get one then, im so glad it works well cause I really want one! Mainly for how 'neat' everything looks lol xD
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Cannot Connect to Minecraft.net
    Yer I can't get past the loggin screen, it just keeps saying can't connect :/ and This site usually helps but it says minecraft.net is up :dry.gif:
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft on the iMac
    First of all I am sorry if this is in in the wrong section, this just seemed right. Anyway lets continue..

    For my birthday this year I asked for an iMac computer, I have never owned a Mac before and have always wanted one. I don't want to see trash talk about Mac's because I really don't care about all that crap, I like the look and I want one and that's that. So how does minecraft run on an iMac? I am getting the 27-inch: 3.1GHz if that helps. I just want to know if the game runs well or not.. Also don't flame me if this is in the wrong section read the first line and ignore it AND yes my spelling and grammar sucks.. deal with it :happy.gif:
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Stupidest Thing you did as a child?
    Quote from UndeadNecro

    I think at one point, I thought babies were grown.

    a friend of mine, thought babies came from Cabbage patches.. I think cause of the dolls
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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