why would you even leave important stuff in your locker? o.o
it doesn't make sense
I never left anything in my locker except books and those books were stolen only once and I wasn't fussed some chick in the locker next to me left her wallet with 1000$ in it and it got stolen and I never understood why she didn't just leave it in her bag that she carries around with her..
I agree with everything you said! EXCEPT one thing.. I am not a random, I am a customer :happy.gif:
Other than that most of the people who play are selfish and greedy and only want more BUT there just kids.. you can't really expect them to understand even if they sit there and tell you they are mature, there still not going to understand..
So I didn't know Minecraft was beta lol..
I have only been playing a short time soo yer I really didn't know
I'm not complaining or anything, it's one of the best games I have played!
I just want to know what happens when it is released?
Like do we have to pay again or something? Or is this like a pre-order kind of deal were we pay the $20 and when it comes out we own it? Even though I don't think that the beta will be any different (other than the updates)lol anyway yer :happy.gif:
If you have to pay for them, then they really shouldn't be called Girlfriends...
You've never had a girlfriend then.. You buy them things.. Clothes, jewellery, hair products, makeup, dates.. You pay for a lot to keep a girlfriend.. and if you don't then you won't have her for long lol
First sorry if this is in the wrong place, I just figure since it's 1.8 it should go here...
NOW I have been on a few 1.8 servers today that have bukkit plugins.. can anyone point me in the right direction of how to set one up because the server I normally play on is down atm and we need some were to play lmao.
Social Anxiety, I have the same thing, I have had it since I was very young, I pushed myself through school but it got harder as I got older, eventually I had to give up my job because I couldn't handle being around so many people. I was told to go see a doctor about it, and was diagnosed with 'Social Anxiety' *read it here* I got anxiety medication that I took when ever I felt an attack (mainly when I was in a crowd of people) now though I am fine, I am back at work and not at all worried about crowds or people :happy.gif:
I was exactly the same, I never left my room when people came over unless it was someone I know very well,besides family.. and that was only two people.. If I was put into any social environment I would have slight 'attacks' were I would be very nervous and very very quiet, my palms would sweat, I would feel dizzy and slightly sick.. It is not uncommon and if your young and you get help it will help you later in life and it is well worth it :smile.gif: I hope this helped :biggrin.gif:
my 1.7 world isn't that bad with the 1.8 update, It all looks about the same except a little better with the lighting and all.. It could be because of your laptop? I am playing on one also and my fan does get louder when I'm on MC but that's happened for so long now I don't even worry about it anymore lol I think if you upgraded your computer you might not get those problems anymore.
If it ever happens... im going to have a glow in the dark chimp!!
But now I think of it.. no because it will scare the crap out of me.. maybe.. I might get one :happy.gif:
You sure you're not thinking of glow in the dark pigs? I remember that. Cats I hadn't heard of. And it's not like I'm pulling this out of my ass. This is recent news. The article I linked in the OP is from 2 days ago and there is a different article on the main page of the NPR website. Yes, it might still be old news to some... but to a lot of people this would be fresh. Maybe some of us are just a little ahead of the curve (clearly I am not).
Glow in the dark pigs? o.o No i never heard about those lmao and I know your not pulling this out of your ass but I remember seeing something very similar to this, a Japanese scientist found a way to altar cat fur to make it glow in the dark, I remember cause I really really wanted one but it was still in testing so maybe it's finished?
My most favourite car is very old lol I have wanted one since I was 15 and I was planing to travel the country in it xD A mini kombi :happy.gif: They are my most favorite car in the world!! My dad offered to buy me one but I asked him not to because I found out he was going to sell his motor bike to get it..... little did I know he sold it today lol ahhh well some day :unsure.gif:
it doesn't make sense
I never left anything in my locker except books and those books were stolen only once and I wasn't fussed some chick in the locker next to me left her wallet with 1000$ in it and it got stolen and I never understood why she didn't just leave it in her bag that she carries around with her..
Thanks everyone lol
Other than that most of the people who play are selfish and greedy and only want more BUT there just kids.. you can't really expect them to understand even if they sit there and tell you they are mature, there still not going to understand..
I have only been playing a short time soo yer I really didn't know
I'm not complaining or anything, it's one of the best games I have played!
I just want to know what happens when it is released?
Like do we have to pay again or something? Or is this like a pre-order kind of deal were we pay the $20 and when it comes out we own it? Even though I don't think that the beta will be any different (other than the updates)lol anyway yer :happy.gif:
lol I'm not going for them at all soo it's not my problem :smile.gif:
there just the kind of girls I grew up with :happy.gif:
You've never had a girlfriend then.. You buy them things.. Clothes, jewellery, hair products, makeup, dates.. You pay for a lot to keep a girlfriend.. and if you don't then you won't have her for long lol
.. I just finished watching season 1 of pokemon last week.. defiantly a ting
NOW I have been on a few 1.8 servers today that have bukkit plugins.. can anyone point me in the right direction of how to set one up because the server I normally play on is down atm and we need some were to play lmao.
Any help would be very appreciated :happy.gif:
I was exactly the same, I never left my room when people came over unless it was someone I know very well,besides family.. and that was only two people.. If I was put into any social environment I would have slight 'attacks' were I would be very nervous and very very quiet, my palms would sweat, I would feel dizzy and slightly sick.. It is not uncommon and if your young and you get help it will help you later in life and it is well worth it :smile.gif: I hope this helped :biggrin.gif:
.. :blink.gif: is that.. a flying car?
But now I think of it.. no because it will scare the crap out of me.. maybe.. I might get one :happy.gif:
Glow in the dark pigs? o.o No i never heard about those lmao and I know your not pulling this out of your ass but I remember seeing something very similar to this, a Japanese scientist found a way to altar cat fur to make it glow in the dark, I remember cause I really really wanted one but it was still in testing so maybe it's finished?