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    posted a message on Syrup or Jelly?
    syrup (honey)
    Honey and peanut butter sandwiches O M G yummo!
    and jelly (jam)
    Peanut butter and Jam OR even nice Jam and cheese *drools*
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on The 1.9 constructive criticism thread
    Quote from runescaperx

    Blaze rod, Ghast tear - useless items

    How are the blaze rod, Ghast tear useless items? Its the pre release.. you know it's not even done right? do you even understand what constructive criticism means? he even said it in the very first post but you didn't give any constructive criticism, you just complained..

    Runescaperx - wasting space

    I don't think anything in the game is wrong to be honest, I'm having fun playing it so I'm happy :smile.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft becoming a joke?
    games are meant to be fun
    if you don't like it
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft getting like a fantasy game?
    depends on your definition fantasy I guess.. I have always thought it was fantasy imho mainly because you can't shop a tree with your fist and do half the stuff you can do in MC xD
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Still No Animal Breeding in 1.9?!?!
    Quote from Mikerush76

    well lets think about part of this diffently,
    1. Its a work in progress
    2. breeding animals right now would mean animals mating in the wild and causing HUGE Lag/old west buffalo style herds.
    3 coding isnt easy and we should give them a break now and then for not always thinking about things like waiting to make the animals not respawn before breeding implemented.

    Summery: Chill, progress takes time, eat some bread.

    1. yer i get it

    2. make it so you have to give something (like a seed or w/e) to the animal so they start getting horny and breed..

    3. Someone has made an awesome breeding mod! like hella awesome! so why not get them to help or something?

    ..not trolling just saying :happy.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Gathering animals without a lasso
    you can use a fishing rod like a lasso. I found this out the other day when a sheep got in my way while I was finishing, 10 minutes later I had a farm with sheep cows and a couple pigs :happy.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Have they updated enermen?
    Endermen don't touch my houses lol, I rarley see them all I see is a tree that has pieces missing a little way from my house but nothing bad near my house, and when ever I actually see one its always playing in the dirt so bleh if you have it on peacful just cause of endermen your game is going to stay very very boring
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on What happened to simple install games?!
    Quote from Aweshum

    You do realise theres a massive difference of game file size of Minecraft compared to Champions online. Minecraft isn't as graphically intenstive either, so it has less data.

    Also, WoW actually takes longer if you install all expansions, and that was probably the trial you installed

    i havn't played wow since wotlk I was just using it as an example, sure it takes awhile but it works! The other games don't have trails (that i could find) and I think its cause there free to play.. they just don't work for me so bleh new computer next month so I will just wait till then to play minecraft properly i guess :smile.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What happened to simple install games?!
    in two days I have gotten I think 3 or 4 f2p mmorpg games I need a game that doesn't over work my computer like MC does for some reason untill I get my new comp.. anyway so I tried some game Mabinogi and it downloaded and installed then I had to wait for a patch to update and then i clicked start game and it took me back to their page were I had to log in and then click play from there to get a warning that says Failed to run... I checked their forums and found out its only a north American game so I thought okay new game and got runes of magic.. I gave up installing that at the patches because it was going from patch 1.1 to patch 19.4 and each patch took 10 minutes and I though **** this game then if they can't lump all the patches into one huge download for new plays so just then I tried Champions online and I downloaded, installed and tried to run but instead I got some little window saying it's updating and to be patient, well 2 hours, 4 restarts and 3 smokes later patients has gone and that game has been ****ed off.. why why WHY are games so difficult to install? what happened to download and play?! even with the updates it shouldn't be that hard, when you download WoW it takes like half an hour and your playing.. so why can't other games make it that easy?! I think i'll just jump back on MC till my computer decides to over heat again [/rant]*one more month and i have a new comp*

    anyone else have any badly annoying issues with f2p games that have just made you give up on them? have any of you tried any of those games I just mentioned? lol
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on I Pirated MineCraft
    Quote from Fredfredbug4

    Games like minecraft are updated frequently, you can't play a pirated version for long as the next update will make it impossible.

    This is a lie..

    My partner has the pirate version cause he only plays for like 2 minutes a month and thats just to blow stuff up and I told him to force update his game and it updated to 1.8.1 and we downloaded it when it was is 1.7.0 and he has his own 1.8 server to blow crap up on when he wants to :smile.gif:

    So you can update minecraft at least :happy.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I Pirated MineCraft
    I pirate most games before I buy them because If I don't like them I didn't waste my money! I didn't even know what minecraft was when I got it and after 10 minutes I was hooked and I had the pirate version for like a month till I got paid for it :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Survey
    1. Love it! 100% addicted
    2. Better weather! (fog, better rain etc)
    3. the crunch sound when you break a dirt block xD

    2. Better idea instead of weather is.. when it rains have it so it can flood, because it always (for me) rains at least 2 MC days and holes don't fill up with water :blink.gif: .. if that makes sense
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Terrible rules in your school? (Or terrible rules that were in your school)
    our school had tons of rules that were all broken easily cause our teachers were too stupid.. like no smoking, I was caught smoking but did I get in trouble? nope.. the girl sitting with me who wasn't smoking did.. but I told them it was me.. the worst rule I think was if you drive your car to school you had to park it 2 blocks away unless you have permission from your parents and 50$ a day to park your car in school ground -.- if you didn't pay your car gets towed which happened a few times to some people lol
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Education or friends?
    if there good friends, then they will always be your friends.. I haven't seen my friends in * thinks * 4 years now and I hardly go on facebook, like every few months I might jump on and see how everything is.. and yet were all still great friends! So I say go for school.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on ►►► DESERT STYLE SERVER MAPS ◄◄◄
    Last desert style map has been put up for download!
    New map style coming soon!!
    Enjoy :happy.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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