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    posted a message on >>>>>>>>>NEW SERVER LOOKING FOR MEMBERS<<<<<<<<<<<
    1. IGN: JoobieG
    2. Experience: :blink.gif: er hmm *thinks* well I can build! and er I can diggy diggy hole?
    3. Previous Bans: None :happy.gif:
    4. Reason to accept: I kno u kno u wana! Cause im fun! and .. fun! i can't think of a good thing to put here haha :happy.gif:
    5.ARE YOU A GRIEFER??!! BE HONEST: <.< no.. I am to busy destroying my own builds to do that to anyone else xD
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Renatus - Aurora Reborn | 99.9% Vanilla | 24/7 | Mature |
    In-game Name: JoobieG
    Age: 21
    Have you read the rules?Sure have! {***}
    How did you find Aurora? I was looking through the forums
    Have you voted for Aurora? Yep Yep :happy.gif:
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Wow Look What They Ruined Now.
    I LOVED Tomas the tank engin! I still watch the old ones when my nephew comes around because he loves them too haha cept i end up taking over watching them.. anyway.. the old one was much much MUCH better than the new mainly because the old one looked like so much fun! it looked like people were playing with a HUGE train set.. now it just looks crap pure crap! most cartoons if not all look crap because of animations as if they need them to look more real or something.. yer so kids can grow up believing half the crap.. the other day i saw a really random kids show, i cant remember what it was called but it was like the person who made it was on crack! this stick figure thing with a moon for a head sits on a couch and it launches into some other planet were he collected rocks to put in a basket to sit on his fireplace... .. i didn't understand it one bit.. what was it made for why the heck did he get the rocks? how does his couch lift off! I miss the days with looney toons! the proper loony toons! the days were you didn't have to say 'dont try this at home kids' now if a kid saw somthing tie itself to a rocket and blast off and not get hurt they would probably think its doable because of how 'real' it looks..... i miss the old Tomas xD
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on [No whitelist!] ☫ DarkVoid Survival ☫ CUSTOM PLUGINS ✔ CLASSES ✔ QUESTS ✔
    What is your IGN (in-game name)? JoobieG

    Why do you want to join the server? Because I love RP, I am bored of playing minecraft by myself.. I have been on other rp servers but they weren't as professional as you guys seem to be.. that and there's a white list to get in so harder for griefers to get through

    Have you ever been banned before? If so, then why?
    Nope never.

    Reposting like the one above cept only because I think you missed mine AND had to add a little more since I have been on a few servers today.. :rolleyes:
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on NoodleCraft. New. Creative. light role play!
    Awesomely fun server with really nice people!! Am definitely going to be there a lot :happy.gif:
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on SMP server (almost vanilla) looking for new players
    ING: JoobieG

    Why? Because I want to play on a server with friendly people and not one that is so full I can't even get a word in -.- AND cause I'm sick of playing SP with no one besides chickens to talk too :happy.gif:
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on [No whitelist!] ☫ DarkVoid Survival ☫ CUSTOM PLUGINS ✔ CLASSES ✔ QUESTS ✔
    What is your IGN (in-game name)? JoobieG

    Why do you want to join the server? Because I love RPG, I am bored of playing minecraft by myself and that's about it :happy.gif:

    Have you ever been banned before? If so, then why? Nope never. Never been on another server that isn't mine xD
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on what in the world?
    Quote from babybops

    It shouldn't be, it's cancer.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] The Official PokeMobs
    Very very awsome mod lots of fun can't wait for it to be completed. But you say 15 Pokemon completed.. does that mean 15 pokemon species )like carmander carmilian and carizard) or is it just 15 different pokemon without their evolutions? I have found 8 so far still searching for bulbasaur and more charmanders and squirtles xD
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mod ideas
    Another good mod I was thinkg.. which would be really handy is wood planks that you can dye like you can with wool.. cause building a house and having it all one color is boring :laugh.gif:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Mod ideas
    I have a great idea! idk if it can be done but it's an idea.. I HATE being outside in the rain. Not sure why it just bugs me getting wet xD so I was thinking of an umbrella mod! OR another idea i had.. a torch that you carry and it lights everything around you.. because it's annoying walking around at nigh time and having to put torches everywhere just for light! so there's some ideas for you :happy.gif:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Starting to Mod..
    I am having another little problem xD I have set it all up perfectly (i think) it all works and all BUT I was looking at a tutorial that says using ModLoader is better because it loads what you make so I started all over again and when i went to decompile (after I did cleanup) it shot me a ton of errors about missing blocks and stuff(only 4 errors) and when I make my mod reobfuscate doesn't work giving me more errors.. I didn't have this problem when I was doing it without modloader and I think I need the modloader? Can anyone help? :blink.gif:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Starting to Mod..
    Thankyou so much!
    I do use Eclipse as the text editor but am still getting used to it, but so far so good everything is working now.
    The links you gave to the video is how i got setup yesterday xD
    and the link for the forum is very very helpful so thankyou very much for that :happy.gif:
    :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Starting to Mod..
    So I need a little help.. first of all I'm not asking for a video tutorial or anything like that because I know how useless they are for this kind of stuff. Also sorry if this is like a repeatable subject thingo but anyway.. I am interested in starting modding! And I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to some reading material and downloads.. MCP i already have, the java programs I have but I may not have them all so any info would be great. I use Eclipse.. erm I have some java knowledge but that's why I need some material so I can read up a bit on some stuff so I know a bit more.. This probably makes no sense to anyone reading.. I did start making a mod.. started simple with a block but i got too many errors with the re config with MCP or what ever so I decided to start fresh.. anyway.. any help would be greatly appreciated :happy.gif: :Diamond:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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