Oh yeah, forgot to take liteloader out that time. It's just a background loading thing for a keybinding mod, doesn't seem to affect the shaders, though.
Okay, so I knew about the different ways to put shaders into the shaderpacks folder, but I didn't think it mattered whether they were put in as zip files or a standard folder. Stupidly, I didn't try loading them from a zip archive thinking that it didn't matter. Apparently it does. It'll only load shaders from an archive. Weird!
Thanks a bunch!
No problem, glad to help! At least we got part of it figured out and working!
It will load the shaders if they are unpacked to a folder, but the structure must be as above.
It might not like periods or slashes in the folder names. Spaces and _ are fine though.
You can't just unpack the ZIP file to the shaderpacks folder, and rename the shaders folder to whatever title you want. You have to create the title folder inside the shaderpacks folder first, and then unpack the ZIP file into the folder you created.
%appdata%\.minecraft\shaderpacks\Whatever you want for Shader Name\shaders\*.fsh & *.vsh
What is your view distance set to? Also, how much memory are you allocating to Java?
If you change it back to Multi-core, and it's still messed up ... something else is wrong.
Maybe you've got a mod with a memory leak, or something.
Basically, if you fire up MC and it works fine for a few minutes, then slows to a crawl and can't load chunks and the frames skip all over ... I'd be checking mods.
I've tried using both 1.6.2 and 1.6.4, I'm currently working with 1.6.4. I've tried both with and without optifine. I've read about the 1.6.4 issues with Optifine so I'm currently trying to get it to work without Optifine first. Currently using Forge I'm running a bunch of mods at the moment but I've tried it on a clean install with only Forge as well and had no luck.
Here's the Pastebin (when not using mods, since that makes the log file wayyy too big). http://pastebin.com/xnb43mUA
No errors or anything, kinda weird.
There are a few funny errors with reference to a 'LiteLoader':
Is there a thing that you can edit so it wont be so bright. I have a shaderpack that makes it a bit bright. Is there a way to make it less bright?
It depends on the shader pack..
In a SEUS v10 RC shader, in final.fsh there are 4 options you can modify
#define BRIGHTMULT 1.00 // 1.0 = default brightness. Higher values mean brighter. 0 would be black.
#define DARKMULT 0.00 // 0.0 = normal image. Higher values will darken dark colors.
#define COLOR_BOOST 0.00 // 0.0 = normal saturation. Higher values mean more saturated image.
#define GAMMA 1.00f //1.0 is default brightness. lower values will brighten image, higher values will darken image
also a bit in composite.fsh
#define SUNLIGHT_SIZE 0.1f //Simulates sunlight from an area instead of a point. 0.0 is a point. Higher values simulate larger sun
#define SUNLIGHT_POWER 1.0f //Brightness of sunlight
#define TORCHLIGHT_POWER 0.04f
This changes the color of the torch light to more of a soft-white than yellow:
//Torchlight color
float torchWhiteBalance = 0.09f; <------ pretty much just this for white
colorTorchlight = vec3(1.00f, 0.18f, 0.00f); <------ If you want to change the actual color completely
colorTorchlight = mix(colorTorchlight, vec3(1.0f), vec3(torchWhiteBalance));
thats what I have that i think gives a good mix between white and yellow
anything past about .12 for white balance is pretty much just white
Can you tell how? because I would like to know how such things work. so I edit my shaderpacks (privately) to be a little bit better.Btw is there a way that if you got a shaderpack that waves leaves to add the waving water function? if so I really like to know that too (I dont know what what does. Im a noob if it comes to editting things I can only do configs )
Adding waving water to a shader that doesn't already have it is a bit more complicated. There are calls from composite to gbuffers_water and stuff. If you're familiar with GLSL, I suppose it's pretty easy, but you can make heads or tails of things without too much effort :P.
ActerHD has taken a few shaders, and edited his amazing water reflections into them (chocapic13's, seus v10, and some others). I'm not sure if Sildur uses some of his code (or his own), but he's got some good water reflections too. Just thinking of good places to start..
As for turning features off, that's pretty simple. All you have to do is comment out (//) the features you don't want.
The composite files are mostly light sources & shadows. There is some POM stuff in there, but that's mostly in gbuffers_terrain too.
Final is where everything is put together, and final effects are added.
Ok so I get chunk flickering, you tell that dude to set chunk loading to default yet now i stutter as chunks load.
If you aren't using Optifine, turn Advanced OpenGL OFF.
If you are using Optifine, your Advanced OpenGL can be any setting, and your Chunk Loading can be any setting too. Try Off/Smooth and see how they work. If you're going to use Multi-core, it works fine, but make sure you disable Threaded Optimization in your nVidia Control Panel (these instructions are on the Optifine thread).
Thank you, this did nearly everything i wanted. Only remaning problem is that Glowstone lights brighter too, but it's much better now!
No problem, glad to help!
Yeah, it's a pretty tricky balance. You can tone the torches up, everything else down a bit (incl torches, glowstone, mobs), but then you rely more on torches -- so you have to kick up the ambience and moonlight. Really difficult to perfect, especially underground.. Everyone's preferences are a bit different, so, no one setting is better than another.
The Dev builds I've been preferring: the lighting in N is way better, but O went a bit crazy (some stuff goes super bright, others are normal).. Almost don't have to tweak anything, a little bit here and there, but..
The next public release is going to be awesome :D!
Is there a way to fix the light coming out while breaking blocks. even if your in a cave.
And a way to fix the sun shining through caves. even if your pretty deep. (btw when its day its lighter in caves then when its night and thats weird because it should be the same because it should be the torches that makes it light in my opinion )
Its really bugging me
Btw does anyone knows a shaderpack thats has waving blocks and water but also has a bit of shadows. not that much because my minecraft cant handle that much because I'm running mods...
(I already have many shaderpacks 140 or more )
Unfortunately, no.
That's a bug in SEUS because of how quickly Cody had to release to public. People said they would rather a buggy release now, than wait for a full release later.
It's not supposed to happen, and in some cases it doesn't. Most of the time I don't see it, but once in a blue moon if I am facing the right direction, and at the right depth, it comes through.
I don't get lit-up blocks with mining either, but I do get bright particles.
It's partially fixed in the Dev builds of N & O though.
As for a shaderpack like that, you're best to turn off the features you don't want (waving water, waving wheat, waving leaves, waving grass, waving fire), and just tune the shadowres back a bit.
I'm aware of rendering issues with Multi-Core Chunk Loading, I was getting disappearing textures, I've already fixed that part.
I've also already tried to replicate the rendering bug by adding NEI, NEI Plugins and NEI Addons (and all of the other chickenbones mods I was using, since I've had some issues with them before), neither of which seemed to have caused it.
Yeah, just saying that Advanced OpenGL/Chunk Loading can cause flickering textures. AA/AF need to be off in Optifine settings too, but I'm sure you're aware of that already too.
As for NEI, if it was causing it, you'd know already. Seeing as it worked with/without it, and you didn't remove the configs.
The 320.49 Drivers haven't been compiled for Linux, I'd have to downgrade to the 319 branch. But I'd rather not, since the 325 Drivers fixed a couple of important issues, it's too much hassle to downgrade just to check whether it's related to this rendering issue, since I wouldn't stay on the old drivers just to fix this issue.
The issue remains with the Vanilla textures.
I have just tried it again with all mods removed except the shaders mod and optifine, and the rendering bug has vanished. So it's apparently related to one of the mods I'm using. I'm a little confused as to which mod could cause this and why.
I've tried adding a couple of the mods I suspected of doing something funky, like the dynamic lights mod, but none of them ended up causing the issue.
Any hints as to which mods are known to cause rendering issues would be greatly appreciated.
Any mod that his 'highlight tooltips' like NEI causes pretty crazy issues with flickering.
If you aren't using Optifine, try turning Advanced OpenGL to OFF.
If you are using Optifine, try changing the Chunk Loading to a different setting.
2 and 4 do'nt have to be the same. My Minecraft is loacted in a different folder, and it appears that Forge does not load the Files from the new location, while the Magiclauncher uses the right mod-directory.
The most important thing for me is the fact that this way works as well as the "classic" Forge way.
I suppose, when you say it that way...
I use 2 different folders as well, one for 1.6.2 (%appdata%\.minecraft), and one for 1.6.4 (%appdata%\.minecraft_164).
The versions & assets are all in the .minecraft folder (shared between all versions of MC).
The config/magic/mods/resourcepacks/resources/saves/screenshots/shaderpacks/stats are all separate between the different versions. I have different mods, different configs, different texture packs -- and it all works perfect.
Doesn't matter if I am using the launcher for online play, of if I am using an offline launcher I made (so my kids and I can play via LAN in 'offline' mode).
I've tried everything I can think of, even making a new folder for Minecraft without any other mods, and I still can't get the shaders to work. There's no errors and the shaders option allows me to select the shaders I'd like, but they do absolutely nothing. The game runs exactly the same, looks exactly the same, and nothing changes it...
I'm using the recommended nvidia drivers and I'm running a Geforce 660 Ti. Really wish I knew what was going on here...
Can you tell us if you are using 1.5.2, 1.6.2, or 1.6.4?
Also, which version of GLSL? Are you running Optifine? Which version of Forge?
Can you post your ForgeModLoader-Client-0.log file here? Please use a spoiler tag, or use pastebin.
I dont know much about modding or this mod, but is there any specific reason why larger shadows spaz out? They like flicker on and off at certain angles. Other than that its great !
If you don't have Optifine installed, change Advanced OpenGL to OFF (Options -> Video).
If you do have Optifine installed, all 3 Advanced OpenGL options are fine. Check your Chunk Loading setting, if you are using MultiCore, make sure you go into your nVidia Control Panel and turn off Threaded Optimization -- else, change it to Fast or Default.
First: Add the OF-Hotfix by karyonix to the Optine.jar.
Seconds: Put the modified jar into minecrafts mod-folder.
Third: Open Magiclauncher and select your Forgeversion as environment.
Fourh: Klick on Setup and load Optifne as external Mod (the bottom list)
Fifth: Launch Minecraft.
Wow, that's wierd, I can see how it would work ... but step 2 and step 4 do the exact same thing..
If you're going to use the modified JAR in 1.6.4, it works in both C4 and C5, but make sure you rename your modified Optifine file to 00000-Optifine-1.6.4-Ultra-C5.JAR.
Hey guys, I have some weird stuff happening with my glass panes. As you can see it only happens with glass panes, it doesn't happen with iron bars or glass blocks.
I'm on a GTX 770 with the 325 Drivers, and I applied the timePow fix to the shaders to make them work.
Can you try the 320.49 drivers?
If you have a resource pack enabled, can you try turning it off as well?
Is there any way to make the torchlight brighter without making Glowstone & Lava brighter? If i change "final.torchlight" in Composite.fsh, it causes all blocks to be brighter. Lowering the value vor "final.glow.glowstone" does not help that much, it creates black spots on Glowstone if i use a very low value.
And in addition: I would like to make the light emmited from my torches a little less orange. According to several Tutorials i have to change the "torchcolor" values in composite.fsh - but i have no such values in my composite.fsh.
Thanks in advance.
The following stuff might help you, check the midnight settings. The torchlight/glow.torch may help too.. The color is at the bottom.
This changes the color of the torch light to more of a soft-white than yellow:
//Torchlight color
float torchWhiteBalance = 0.09f; <------ pretty much just this for white
colorTorchlight = vec3(1.00f, 0.18f, 0.00f); <------ If you want to change the actual color completely
colorTorchlight = mix(colorTorchlight, vec3(1.0f), vec3(torchWhiteBalance));
thats what I have that i think gives a good mix between white and yellow
anything past about .12 for white balance is pretty much just white
No, what I'm talking about is the Optifine that is to be installed with Forge in the mods folder, along with ShadersModCore-v2.0.1-beta18-mc1.6.2-f859-ofuc4.jar, and all the other mods I use.
Optifine works in 1.6.2 all by itself with no modifications.
If you want to use it in 1.6.4, you need to open up the .JAR file with 7zip (or compatible prg) and copy Karyonix patch files into it -- FOLDERS AND FILES.
Then rename the new Optifine JAR to 00000--Optifine-1.6.4-Ultra-C4/5.JAR.
Adding 00000- onto the front causes FML to load Optifine first, and then all other core mods after. If something loads before Optifine, even with Karyonix patch, then Optifine overwrites those classes and the other coremod changes are lost.
No problem, glad to help! At least we got part of it figured out and working!
It will load the shaders if they are unpacked to a folder, but the structure must be as above.
It might not like periods or slashes in the folder names. Spaces and _ are fine though.
You can't just unpack the ZIP file to the shaderpacks folder, and rename the shaders folder to whatever title you want. You have to create the title folder inside the shaderpacks folder first, and then unpack the ZIP file into the folder you created.
%appdata%\.minecraft\shaderpacks\Whatever you want for Shader Name\shaders\*.fsh & *.vsh
What is your view distance set to? Also, how much memory are you allocating to Java?
If you change it back to Multi-core, and it's still messed up ... something else is wrong.
Maybe you've got a mod with a memory leak, or something.
Basically, if you fire up MC and it works fine for a few minutes, then slows to a crawl and can't load chunks and the frames skip all over ... I'd be checking mods.
There are a few funny errors with reference to a 'LiteLoader':
But, what I'm seeing when you load up a world, GLSL inits, but no shader files are loaded.
With your shader pack, the files need to be setup one of two ways:
%appdata%\.minecraft\shaderpacks\SEUS v10.0 Standard\shaders\*.fsh & *.vsh
%appdata%\.minecraft\shaderpacks\SEUS v10.0 Standard.zip
When you double-click on the ZIP file, you should have a shaders folder, and then the fsh & vsh files inside that.
It depends on the shader pack..
In a SEUS v10 RC shader, in final.fsh there are 4 options you can modify
also a bit in composite.fsh
In SEUS v10.0 it is a bit more in-depth:
Adding waving water to a shader that doesn't already have it is a bit more complicated. There are calls from composite to gbuffers_water and stuff. If you're familiar with GLSL, I suppose it's pretty easy, but you can make heads or tails of things without too much effort :P.
ActerHD has taken a few shaders, and edited his amazing water reflections into them (chocapic13's, seus v10, and some others). I'm not sure if Sildur uses some of his code (or his own), but he's got some good water reflections too. Just thinking of good places to start..
As for turning features off, that's pretty simple. All you have to do is comment out (//) the features you don't want.
Final is where everything is put together, and final effects are added.
Well, Chunk Loading has 3 settings, have you tried all 3?
Like I said, Multi-Core works, you just have to turn that function off in the nV/AMD Control Panel.
Stuttery like it's loading textures/chunks all of the time, or like low FPS jumping all over?
If you aren't using Optifine, turn Advanced OpenGL OFF.
If you are using Optifine, your Advanced OpenGL can be any setting, and your Chunk Loading can be any setting too. Try Off/Smooth and see how they work. If you're going to use Multi-core, it works fine, but make sure you disable Threaded Optimization in your nVidia Control Panel (these instructions are on the Optifine thread).
No problem, glad to help!
Yeah, it's a pretty tricky balance. You can tone the torches up, everything else down a bit (incl torches, glowstone, mobs), but then you rely more on torches -- so you have to kick up the ambience and moonlight. Really difficult to perfect, especially underground.. Everyone's preferences are a bit different, so, no one setting is better than another.
The Dev builds I've been preferring: the lighting in N is way better, but O went a bit crazy (some stuff goes super bright, others are normal).. Almost don't have to tweak anything, a little bit here and there, but..
The next public release is going to be awesome :D!
Unfortunately, no.
That's a bug in SEUS because of how quickly Cody had to release to public. People said they would rather a buggy release now, than wait for a full release later.
It's not supposed to happen, and in some cases it doesn't. Most of the time I don't see it, but once in a blue moon if I am facing the right direction, and at the right depth, it comes through.
I don't get lit-up blocks with mining either, but I do get bright particles.
It's partially fixed in the Dev builds of N & O though.
As for a shaderpack like that, you're best to turn off the features you don't want (waving water, waving wheat, waving leaves, waving grass, waving fire), and just tune the shadowres back a bit.
Yeah, just saying that Advanced OpenGL/Chunk Loading can cause flickering textures. AA/AF need to be off in Optifine settings too, but I'm sure you're aware of that already too.
As for NEI, if it was causing it, you'd know already. Seeing as it worked with/without it, and you didn't remove the configs.
I was just giving an example.
Any mod that his 'highlight tooltips' like NEI causes pretty crazy issues with flickering.
If you aren't using Optifine, try turning Advanced OpenGL to OFF.
If you are using Optifine, try changing the Chunk Loading to a different setting.
I suppose, when you say it that way...
I use 2 different folders as well, one for 1.6.2 (%appdata%\.minecraft), and one for 1.6.4 (%appdata%\.minecraft_164).
The versions & assets are all in the .minecraft folder (shared between all versions of MC).
The config/magic/mods/resourcepacks/resources/saves/screenshots/shaderpacks/stats are all separate between the different versions. I have different mods, different configs, different texture packs -- and it all works perfect.
Doesn't matter if I am using the launcher for online play, of if I am using an offline launcher I made (so my kids and I can play via LAN in 'offline' mode).
Can you tell us if you are using 1.5.2, 1.6.2, or 1.6.4?
Also, which version of GLSL? Are you running Optifine? Which version of Forge?
Can you post your ForgeModLoader-Client-0.log file here? Please use a spoiler tag, or use pastebin.
If you don't have Optifine installed, change Advanced OpenGL to OFF (Options -> Video).
If you do have Optifine installed, all 3 Advanced OpenGL options are fine. Check your Chunk Loading setting, if you are using MultiCore, make sure you go into your nVidia Control Panel and turn off Threaded Optimization -- else, change it to Fast or Default.
Wow, that's wierd, I can see how it would work ... but step 2 and step 4 do the exact same thing..
If you're going to use the modified JAR in 1.6.4, it works in both C4 and C5, but make sure you rename your modified Optifine file to 00000-Optifine-1.6.4-Ultra-C5.JAR.
Can you post your ForgeModLoader-Client-0.log.
Please use spoiler tags, or post it to pastebin.com.
Also, before you copy/paste it. Load minecraft, load a world, save and close the world, and exit minecraft.
If it is a full 'crash', just go ahead and post it.
I'm sure this has been answered, but nVidia drivers over 320.XX cause issues (including the latest 327 WHQL).
Rollback to 320.49 and it works just fine.
A workaround is to edit composite.vsh and change line 47 from 'float timePow = 2.0f;' to 'float timePow = 3.0f;'.
SEUS v10.0 doesn't officially support Bump/POM.
Cody didn't have time to code it in as the public demand was too crazy.
There is an unofficial patch to get it working.
Can you try the 320.49 drivers?
If you have a resource pack enabled, can you try turning it off as well?
The following stuff might help you, check the midnight settings. The torchlight/glow.torch may help too.. The color is at the bottom.
Optifine works in 1.6.2 all by itself with no modifications.
If you want to use it in 1.6.4, you need to open up the .JAR file with 7zip (or compatible prg) and copy Karyonix patch files into it -- FOLDERS AND FILES.
Then rename the new Optifine JAR to 00000--Optifine-1.6.4-Ultra-C4/5.JAR.
Adding 00000- onto the front causes FML to load Optifine first, and then all other core mods after. If something loads before Optifine, even with Karyonix patch, then Optifine overwrites those classes and the other coremod changes are lost.
It works on C4 and C5 (I am using C5 myself).