The whole point of having automatic crash reporting is so that they don't have to rely on poorly worded bug reports to fix issues, and so they can see if a fix they applied for a previous issue actually worked on all devices. The device ID generated by HockeyApp is randomly generated and don't mean anything; same with the session and user ID's. They don't identify who you are in any way. On top of that, none of the data being sent would contain account info, emails, or other data that would actually be considered personal data, so what's the problem? The data sent is completely useless for any purpose other than to get performance and crash reports.
Any website you visit can find out more information about you than what's listed in Mojang's crash reports; for example, a website can know: what device you're using, what OS you use, whether or not your battery is charging, how long it's been charging for, and what percentage it's at, what city you live in, how often you visit the site, and more, all without your knowledge or consent. So to worry about something as tame as crash reporting is completely misplaced.
It isn't that hard to remove a simple library or function from an app. Also, beta versions are never released on iOS, so there is no need to include this HockeyApp library or something.
They have iOS beta's for in-house testing. Shoghicp (one of the PE developers at Mojang) posted a screenshot of the iOS beta for iPhone in the past on his Twitter.
According to a Mojang developer: they use HockeyApp to log iOS crash reports to their JIRA database. On Android they use Google's Breakpad. HockeyApp is only used to report crash logs and device information, and not track any personal user data.
Second, saying "I have evidence it's spying on you but I'm not going to show you it" sounds ridiculous. "I'm not going to post a screenshot because it contains personal info" sounds equally ridiculous; just strip out or blur the personal information enough so that it's not identifiable. If you're going to make a claim, you need to show evidence of your claim; no one's going to blindly believe your word for such an outrageous claim.
Also, of course a crash log is going to contain device information and a device identifier; that information hints to developers about device-specific bugs and crashes as well as helps them exclude duplicate crashes stemming from the same device. And Depending on the way they setup crash reporting, the app may not have to fully crash in-order for it to report something; it could be that an important component failed, but that it's failure wasn't enough to crash the app itself. If it's sending email addresses, account names, etc., then that might be a cause for some concern. But if it's just device information/identifier, then that isn't so much "personal information" since they can't find out who you are from that information.
Finally, Mojang is still in-charge of development of Minecraft Pocket Edition, and anything that gets added to the game would've gone through the Mojang devs at some point. From the way you single out Microsoft as the main offender instead of partially blaming Mojang: it sounds more like you're trying to find reasons to blame Microsoft for anything and everything, regardless of whether your concerns are valid or true.
HockeyApp is used for in-house beta testing. The public release of the game doesn't use HockeyApp at all. The only reason it remains in the app is because they don't keep track of to separate versions of the app for in-house beta-testing and public release.
So put your tinfoil hat away, Microsoft isn't using Minecraft to spy on you.
Is there any way to rotate a cow so it appears as though it was tipped over in 1.11? Setting the Rotation only affects the direction the cow is facing or angle the cow's head is looking. The only thing I could think of was to change DeathTime to some number then kill the cow since the death animation would display the cow on its side, but the cow despawns after it completes the death animation. Is there a way to accomplish this or am I out of luck?
Software compatible with Windows 7/8 is almost always compatible with Windows 10 with the exception of some drivers which rely on lower-level API's (driver support can vary across all Windows versions, it's not an issue exclusive to Windows 10). I challenge anyone to name one popular program that works in Windows 7 but doesn't work in Windows 10 because of compatibility issues. It's hardly an excuse to downgrade.
I've had more problems with games hanging or crashing in Windows 7 than 10; in-fact, I haven't had a single issue with any game that caused it to crash or hang in Windows 10 after one of Nvidia's driver updates last year.
Windows 10 is relatively new, so of course there are going to be issues here or there. It was the same with Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP and so on as well; they all had issues that were ironed out within a few years of launch through service packs. Though because of wide-scale public preview builds and beta testing, the developers of Windows 10 can spot and tackle a large range of bugs more quickly than was possible with previous versions of Windows, and those updates can be released much more frequently than service packs in previous versions were.
Some of the reasons for the lack of control in Home versions of Win10 is because many non-technical users have absolutely no idea what they're messing with and then complain that their Windows is broken because of something they did. "Lack of control" isn't an issue in Pro/Enterprise versions as those versions are meant for, as one can infer, pro/technical and commercial users.
Security updates are mandatory because people have no idea how serious PC security is and wait months before updating anti-virus definitions or running scans, or worse-yet, go without using any anti-virus at all. Users have little to no control if some website installs ransomware or some other malware on their PC and completely ruins everything; the updates are to protect against threats that users can't or refuse to protect themselves from otherwise. Secondly, when on a work/school network, all it takes is one poorly protected PC to serve as an attack vector for hackers or malware to creep into a network and do some serious damage; my university actually requires students to either update to Windows 10 or install an anti-virus for this reason.
Windows 7 absolutely sucks at handling multiple displays or high-DPI displays. One of the main reasons I switched from Windows 7 was because the way Windows 7 handled my triple monitor setup; using two 1080p monitors and a 4K monitor looked like garbage. Text on my 4K monitor was often blurry, too large, or too small, and tweaking settings to make programs look normal on my 4K monitor only made programs look like garbage on my other two monitors. The per-monitor DPI scaling and settings in Windows 10 completely removes this issue, which means I don't have to compromise anymore.
Lastly, I'd like to add the point that:
Windows 10 can run Linux programs natively; no more switching between a VM, Linux Server, or Linux OS to compile/run Linux programs.
I develop programs and utilities for both Windows and Linux. Before, I had separate machine setup as a Linux server just to compile and run programs from Windows. The Linux subsystem in Windows 10 completely simplified my development process, as all I have to do to compile Linux programs now is open the Bash Shell and run my compile script. No more SCP or FTP, no more servers, no more VM's.
Plus, you can natively run many graphical Linux programs in Windows 10 too using VcXsrv, Xming, or any other X Server program. For example, here is XFCE4 running in Windows 10 with some Linux programs and XFCE4 running on-top of the Windows Desktop:
The Linux Subsystem still has a lot of bugs issues, but it's being improved with each update and is still absolutely amazing despite the bugs.
Overall: excuses to downgrade to Windows 7 are just that, excuses. There are fewer and fewer legitimate reasons to downgrade with most of those reasons only applying to a tiny fraction of all users.
I've found a few uses for structure blocks in the new snapshots, with one of my favorites being a design for a somewhat compact and easily expandable PRNG using structure blocks and command blocks.
The new integrity feature added in one of the recent snapshots allows you to load saved structures with random blocks removed, and lets you control the random bias. My PRNG makes use of this feature by saving a structure containing a redstone block, then loading that structure with an integrity level of 0.5 and seed of 0. I use a command block attached to a repeater to reset the PRNG. You can also hook this design up to a clock to continually generate new random numbers.
The main reason I like this design over some other PRNG designs is you can precisely control how biased the PRNG is and translate the output into a redstone signal. This is useful in situations where you want a certain event to have a low or very high chance of occurring. An example use would be a gambling machine where players put in 1 emerald to play and have a 1% chance of getting 10 emeralds, 10% chance of getting a diamond, 20% chance of getting gold, etc.
1-bit PRNG design:
Structure Block load settings (note the integrity percent and seed):
Command block command (coordinates will change depending on which direction you build the structure in):
setblock ~ ~ ~-2 minecraft:air
You can expand this design by adding a little extra circuitry. For example, here's how I implemented an 8-bit PRNG using this method:
And the command in the command block is (coordinates will change depending on which direction you build the structure in):
fill ~ ~1 ~-9 ~ ~1 ~-2 minecraft:air
(Crappy) Video:
I made a simple contraption to generate random numbers, then used the log file to gather all the numbers generated.
I let this contraption run with a structure integrity of 0.5 for around an hour and gathered 19088 samples of numbers ranging from 1 to 255 (I forgot to add a special case to detect 0). Here is a graph of how often each number occurred:
The standard deviation of all 19088 numbers was 73.7955, while the standard deviation of a uniform distribution of values ranging from 1 to 255 is 73.6116. The mean of all 19088 numbers was 128.2285, almost on par with the expected mean of 128. In conclusion, it appears that this is a relatively fair method of generating random numbers or creating random events.
I'm doing nothing that permanently modifies the game, i.e. no cracking or changing the original executable in any way. The mods I create use a launcher which launches the game and injects mods into the game before it is allowed to run, which is exactly how mods for MCPE on iOS and Android work (i.e. BlockLauncher for Android or MobileSubstrate based mods for jailbroken iOS). All modifications are done in RAM only, and no modifications are made to the original game assets/files stored on disk. On top of that, since MCPE and MCW10 are the same game using the same code, virtually any mod that exists for MCPE on Android or iOS can be ported to Win10.
For example, one mod lets users install texture packs, and works by hooking file loading from within the game. The launcher I made for this will launch the game using Windows API functions, then inject the mod as soon as it starts. The original assets and game binary remain untouched, and users can launch the game via normal means if they don't want to use the mod.
Some examples of a few mods:
Texture Packs in Win10:
Changing how saplings grow:
Changing block attributes:
Custom block shapes:
The ultimate goal is to create a modloader and modAPI for modders to use. Mods injected into the game inherit the game's strictly sandboxed environment, and I'd like to keep it that way to minimize the possibility of malicious mods. The ModAPI would allow modders to hook the same functions in the game without having to worry about interfering with other mods, and the modloader would look/work the same as modloaders that exist for MC:PC.
I have a few mods and tools for Minecraft Win10 I'd like to make a thread on, however, there doesn't appear to be any dedicated forum for mods or tools in the MCW10 forum. What forum should I post mods/tools in?
Woah... If that torch-based flipper is torch-only... you have solved one of my longest-standing problems!
And what would that be? It only works in PC Minecraft with a pulse limiter, Minecraft PE has some odd torch timing bug that allows it to work with stone buttons. Logically it works the same as a T flip-flop, a clocked SR NOR latch with the outputs Q and Q̄ being fed back into the inputs S and R.
This is inefficient and undependable. I think that there are pretty compact "pure" designs...
It is interesting, tho.
The whole point is that it works in Pocket Edition, meaning no repeaters, pistons, comparators, and hoppers. Unless you can build a smaller T flip-flop using purely redstone dust and torches, this is the next best thing. Besides, it's a lot more compact than my purely redstone version which only works with stone buttons without having a pulse limiter:
The circuit you have on the back is a glitch-based pulse limiter. If you tried that same circuit in PC, it wouldn't work because it's a glitch with torches in PE. The only reason I didn't use that version was because I thought the glitch would be fixed sometime soon
I agree with Spark, you could build a better PC for the same price if you bought the parts individually yourself. For example, I threw together a quick build based on the PC you linked to, but this includes a GTX 750 ti, more RAM, and an SSD, all for $5 more.
All prices are from Newegg and include the cheapest shipping option.
CPU: Intel Core i5-6400 2.7GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.99)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B150M-D3H DDR3 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($96.10)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($42.99)
Storage: Crucial MX200 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($90.98)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($74.99 )
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card ($113.98)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($59.99)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply ($43.98)
Total: $705.00
Please do a better job and actually look into buying parts if you decide to buy them yourself though. I also recommend you post what you're looking at in a place where other people can review your parts and help before you buy it; for example these forums, /r/PCMasterRaceBuilds on reddit, or My list is just a quick and dirty example of what you can find for the same price.
the waviness is normal, its a form of optical illusion from repeating patterns, not much can be done about it
I've had that issue before, it's a mishap with anisotropy. I had the same issue with my 980's and fixed it by disabling anisotropy from the Nvidia control panel. The difference between this and your usual moire patterns from aliasing is these patterns appear at the edges of blocks. This issue is made worse by mipmapping, whereas usual moire patterns are somewhat fixed with mipmapping. Anisotropy is also supposed to fix this issue, but for some reason Minecraft doesn't like it to be forced on.
Either the hitboxes for all the GUI buttons or the mouse are off to the far bottom right of the actual button while in fullscreen mode. In windowed mode, the game will start in the bottom right corner of the screen instead of the center of the screen, which I suspect is related to the issue.
Oddly enough, if I go into windowed fullscreen, the game reports being at a resolution slightly higher than 1080p and not anywhere near the full 4k resolution.
I'm guessing this is either a Windows or Nvidia scaling issue, but for whatever reason, the issue only exists in Minecraft and not any other game.
Edit: So I managed to fix the previous issue by updating drivers (no idea what the actual problem was), but now I have a new issue. The game only shows 1/4th of the screen when in fullscreen. It's as if the game thinks it's running on a 1080p monitor but rendering in 4k. I'm currently in the latest snapshot (15w49b), although the issue persists with any version of Minecraft.
(Sorry for taking a picture of the screen, the issue doesn't show up in screenshots)
Has anyone ever had this issue or know of any possible fixes?
Minecraft Pocket Edition had an update adding redstone (finally); however, only redstone dust, blocks, and torches were added. Minecarts also got an update as they added detector and activator rails as well. Thus I started on a quest to build the most compact T flip-flop that would work in Pocket Edition, meaning it doesn't use repeaters, pistons, or any other redstone-activated blocks.
Since T flip-flops using only redstone dust/torches are extremely large, I shifted my focus to minecarts. Eventually I compacted minecart T flip-flops to what I believe is the smallest size possible, 2x5x5 in Pocket Edition and 2x4x5 in PC (if you don't count the ground block that the rails sit on, then it's 2x4x5 and 2x3x5 respectively). In PC edition, this design is impractical and massive compared to other T flip-flops, but in Pocket Edition, it is the most compact T flip-flop possible at the moment. Both designs incorporate a rising-edge pulse-limiter to make it useful with any type of input pulse, and thus don't rely on using only a stone button like many other minecart based designs.
The whole point of having automatic crash reporting is so that they don't have to rely on poorly worded bug reports to fix issues, and so they can see if a fix they applied for a previous issue actually worked on all devices. The device ID generated by HockeyApp is randomly generated and don't mean anything; same with the session and user ID's. They don't identify who you are in any way. On top of that, none of the data being sent would contain account info, emails, or other data that would actually be considered personal data, so what's the problem? The data sent is completely useless for any purpose other than to get performance and crash reports.
Any website you visit can find out more information about you than what's listed in Mojang's crash reports; for example, a website can know: what device you're using, what OS you use, whether or not your battery is charging, how long it's been charging for, and what percentage it's at, what city you live in, how often you visit the site, and more, all without your knowledge or consent. So to worry about something as tame as crash reporting is completely misplaced.
They have iOS beta's for in-house testing. Shoghicp (one of the PE developers at Mojang) posted a screenshot of the iOS beta for iPhone in the past on his Twitter.
According to a Mojang developer: they use HockeyApp to log iOS crash reports to their JIRA database. On Android they use Google's Breakpad. HockeyApp is only used to report crash logs and device information, and not track any personal user data.
Second, saying "I have evidence it's spying on you but I'm not going to show you it" sounds ridiculous. "I'm not going to post a screenshot because it contains personal info" sounds equally ridiculous; just strip out or blur the personal information enough so that it's not identifiable. If you're going to make a claim, you need to show evidence of your claim; no one's going to blindly believe your word for such an outrageous claim.
Also, of course a crash log is going to contain device information and a device identifier; that information hints to developers about device-specific bugs and crashes as well as helps them exclude duplicate crashes stemming from the same device. And Depending on the way they setup crash reporting, the app may not have to fully crash in-order for it to report something; it could be that an important component failed, but that it's failure wasn't enough to crash the app itself. If it's sending email addresses, account names, etc., then that might be a cause for some concern. But if it's just device information/identifier, then that isn't so much "personal information" since they can't find out who you are from that information.
Finally, Mojang is still in-charge of development of Minecraft Pocket Edition, and anything that gets added to the game would've gone through the Mojang devs at some point. From the way you single out Microsoft as the main offender instead of partially blaming Mojang: it sounds more like you're trying to find reasons to blame Microsoft for anything and everything, regardless of whether your concerns are valid or true.
HockeyApp is used for in-house beta testing. The public release of the game doesn't use HockeyApp at all. The only reason it remains in the app is because they don't keep track of to separate versions of the app for in-house beta-testing and public release.
So put your tinfoil hat away, Microsoft isn't using Minecraft to spy on you.
Is there any way to rotate a cow so it appears as though it was tipped over in 1.11? Setting the Rotation only affects the direction the cow is facing or angle the cow's head is looking. The only thing I could think of was to change DeathTime to some number then kill the cow since the death animation would display the cow on its side, but the cow despawns after it completes the death animation. Is there a way to accomplish this or am I out of luck?
Few points I'd contest:
Lastly, I'd like to add the point that:
Windows 10 can run Linux programs natively; no more switching between a VM, Linux Server, or Linux OS to compile/run Linux programs.
I develop programs and utilities for both Windows and Linux. Before, I had separate machine setup as a Linux server just to compile and run programs from Windows. The Linux subsystem in Windows 10 completely simplified my development process, as all I have to do to compile Linux programs now is open the Bash Shell and run my compile script. No more SCP or FTP, no more servers, no more VM's.
Plus, you can natively run many graphical Linux programs in Windows 10 too using VcXsrv, Xming, or any other X Server program. For example, here is XFCE4 running in Windows 10 with some Linux programs and XFCE4 running on-top of the Windows Desktop:
The Linux Subsystem still has a lot of bugs issues, but it's being improved with each update and is still absolutely amazing despite the bugs.
Overall: excuses to downgrade to Windows 7 are just that, excuses. There are fewer and fewer legitimate reasons to downgrade with most of those reasons only applying to a tiny fraction of all users.
I've found a few uses for structure blocks in the new snapshots, with one of my favorites being a design for a somewhat compact and easily expandable PRNG using structure blocks and command blocks.
The new integrity feature added in one of the recent snapshots allows you to load saved structures with random blocks removed, and lets you control the random bias. My PRNG makes use of this feature by saving a structure containing a redstone block, then loading that structure with an integrity level of 0.5 and seed of 0. I use a command block attached to a repeater to reset the PRNG. You can also hook this design up to a clock to continually generate new random numbers.
The main reason I like this design over some other PRNG designs is you can precisely control how biased the PRNG is and translate the output into a redstone signal. This is useful in situations where you want a certain event to have a low or very high chance of occurring. An example use would be a gambling machine where players put in 1 emerald to play and have a 1% chance of getting 10 emeralds, 10% chance of getting a diamond, 20% chance of getting gold, etc.
1-bit PRNG design:
Structure Block load settings (note the integrity percent and seed):
Command block command (coordinates will change depending on which direction you build the structure in):
You can expand this design by adding a little extra circuitry. For example, here's how I implemented an 8-bit PRNG using this method:
And the command in the command block is (coordinates will change depending on which direction you build the structure in):
(Crappy) Video:
I made a simple contraption to generate random numbers, then used the log file to gather all the numbers generated.

I let this contraption run with a structure integrity of 0.5 for around an hour and gathered 19088 samples of numbers ranging from 1 to 255 (I forgot to add a special case to detect 0). Here is a graph of how often each number occurred:
The standard deviation of all 19088 numbers was 73.7955, while the standard deviation of a uniform distribution of values ranging from 1 to 255 is 73.6116. The mean of all 19088 numbers was 128.2285, almost on par with the expected mean of 128. In conclusion, it appears that this is a relatively fair method of generating random numbers or creating random events.
I'm doing nothing that permanently modifies the game, i.e. no cracking or changing the original executable in any way. The mods I create use a launcher which launches the game and injects mods into the game before it is allowed to run, which is exactly how mods for MCPE on iOS and Android work (i.e. BlockLauncher for Android or MobileSubstrate based mods for jailbroken iOS). All modifications are done in RAM only, and no modifications are made to the original game assets/files stored on disk. On top of that, since MCPE and MCW10 are the same game using the same code, virtually any mod that exists for MCPE on Android or iOS can be ported to Win10.
For example, one mod lets users install texture packs, and works by hooking file loading from within the game. The launcher I made for this will launch the game using Windows API functions, then inject the mod as soon as it starts. The original assets and game binary remain untouched, and users can launch the game via normal means if they don't want to use the mod.
Some examples of a few mods:
Texture Packs in Win10:
Changing how saplings grow:
Changing block attributes:
Custom block shapes:
The ultimate goal is to create a modloader and modAPI for modders to use. Mods injected into the game inherit the game's strictly sandboxed environment, and I'd like to keep it that way to minimize the possibility of malicious mods. The ModAPI would allow modders to hook the same functions in the game without having to worry about interfering with other mods, and the modloader would look/work the same as modloaders that exist for MC:PC.
I have a few mods and tools for Minecraft Win10 I'd like to make a thread on, however, there doesn't appear to be any dedicated forum for mods or tools in the MCW10 forum. What forum should I post mods/tools in?
And what would that be? It only works in PC Minecraft with a pulse limiter, Minecraft PE has some odd torch timing bug that allows it to work with stone buttons. Logically it works the same as a T flip-flop, a clocked SR NOR latch with the outputs Q and Q̄ being fed back into the inputs S and R.
The whole point is that it works in Pocket Edition, meaning no repeaters, pistons, comparators, and hoppers. Unless you can build a smaller T flip-flop using purely redstone dust and torches, this is the next best thing. Besides, it's a lot more compact than my purely redstone version which only works with stone buttons without having a pulse limiter:
The circuit you have on the back is a glitch-based pulse limiter. If you tried that same circuit in PC, it wouldn't work because it's a glitch with torches in PE. The only reason I didn't use that version was because I thought the glitch would be fixed sometime soon
I agree with Spark, you could build a better PC for the same price if you bought the parts individually yourself. For example, I threw together a quick build based on the PC you linked to, but this includes a GTX 750 ti, more RAM, and an SSD, all for $5 more.
All prices are from Newegg and include the cheapest shipping option.
CPU: Intel Core i5-6400 2.7GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.99)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B150M-D3H DDR3 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($96.10)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($42.99)
Storage: Crucial MX200 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($90.98)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($74.99 )
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card ($113.98)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($59.99)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply ($43.98)
Total: $705.00
Please do a better job and actually look into buying parts if you decide to buy them yourself though. I also recommend you post what you're looking at in a place where other people can review your parts and help before you buy it; for example these forums, /r/PCMasterRaceBuilds on reddit, or My list is just a quick and dirty example of what you can find for the same price.
I've had that issue before, it's a mishap with anisotropy. I had the same issue with my 980's and fixed it by disabling anisotropy from the Nvidia control panel. The difference between this and your usual moire patterns from aliasing is these patterns appear at the edges of blocks. This issue is made worse by mipmapping, whereas usual moire patterns are somewhat fixed with mipmapping. Anisotropy is also supposed to fix this issue, but for some reason Minecraft doesn't like it to be forced on.
Old Info:
Either the hitboxes for all the GUI buttons or the mouse are off to the far bottom right of the actual button while in fullscreen mode. In windowed mode, the game will start in the bottom right corner of the screen instead of the center of the screen, which I suspect is related to the issue.
Oddly enough, if I go into windowed fullscreen, the game reports being at a resolution slightly higher than 1080p and not anywhere near the full 4k resolution.
I'm guessing this is either a Windows or Nvidia scaling issue, but for whatever reason, the issue only exists in Minecraft and not any other game.
Edit: So I managed to fix the previous issue by updating drivers (no idea what the actual problem was), but now I have a new issue. The game only shows 1/4th of the screen when in fullscreen. It's as if the game thinks it's running on a 1080p monitor but rendering in 4k. I'm currently in the latest snapshot (15w49b), although the issue persists with any version of Minecraft.

(Sorry for taking a picture of the screen, the issue doesn't show up in screenshots)
Has anyone ever had this issue or know of any possible fixes?
Minecraft Pocket Edition had an update adding redstone (finally); however, only redstone dust, blocks, and torches were added. Minecarts also got an update as they added detector and activator rails as well. Thus I started on a quest to build the most compact T flip-flop that would work in Pocket Edition, meaning it doesn't use repeaters, pistons, or any other redstone-activated blocks.
Since T flip-flops using only redstone dust/torches are extremely large, I shifted my focus to minecarts. Eventually I compacted minecart T flip-flops to what I believe is the smallest size possible, 2x5x5 in Pocket Edition and 2x4x5 in PC (if you don't count the ground block that the rails sit on, then it's 2x4x5 and 2x3x5 respectively). In PC edition, this design is impractical and massive compared to other T flip-flops, but in Pocket Edition, it is the most compact T flip-flop possible at the moment. Both designs incorporate a rising-edge pulse-limiter to make it useful with any type of input pulse, and thus don't rely on using only a stone button like many other minecart based designs.
The Pocket Edition compatible version:
Compacted PC version: