Could you possibly change the panorama away from 1.13? Classic Minecraft worldgen would be a perfect backdrop.
- Jman37X
- Registered Member
Member for 14 years and 14 days
Last active Fri, Jan, 10 2025 10:13:53
- 591 Total Posts
- 90 Thanks
Xorjt posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]Posted in: Resource Packs -
ArcaneSunku posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]Posted in: Resource PacksLove the texturepack! I used to use Eldpack and was wondering what had happened to it. This pack and Painterly tbh.
Really solid work! Helps liven up my friend's server.
Xorjt posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]Posted in: Resource PacksBit of a bump, but I've been playing a new world with this pack and everything feels so right.
Thank you so much for keeping this updated!
MisterGriimm posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]Posted in: Resource PacksThank goodness for people like you!! I never knew this existed till now! Such an amazing nostalgia fix. Loved this pack when it was new, I love it even more now!!
Do you have any plans to add Oprifine Connected Texture support? If not would you like assistance with it? I'm interested in contributing if you would like
drawnfromahat posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]Posted in: Resource PacksOh my god, I wish the most awful curses upon Twitch and their annoying mandatory two-factory authentication. All I wanted to do was log in here to say one message but it took about 20 minutes to finally get the 2FA code. It's the first time I've ever logged into Twitch other than the time I created the account! Well, never again!
With that out of the way, all I wanted to say was thank you Jman37X, stanislavicfedorov, altswang, and all the others who keep this texture pack alive. This is the ONLY texture pack I use. It doesn't look like Minecraft if it's not this texture pack. Thank you so much! -
stanislavicfedorov posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]Posted in: Resource PacksEld test build for 1.13 v 3 download
Got the sea lantern and the jack o lantern working
stuff we need for 1.13
heart of the sea
prismarine shard
purple shulker
particle effectsVillagersZombie villagers -
kingbdogz posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!The new Aether Thread is open for business.Posted in: Minecraft Mods
Mock-up "CD Case" for the Aether! Created by our talented artist, The5.
Hey guys! If anyone wants to come discuss the Aether mod, you can come over to the IRC channel #aethermod on Come chat with the dev's and other Aether-lovers!
If you do not have an IRC client here is how to join the channel with your web browser:
1. Go to
2. Click on "Chat now!" in the top right hand corner. This will go to another page with an input box which has "#" inside it.
3. Inside the input box, type in #aethermod and press connect.
4. The mibbit client will then request for your username, type it in.
5. Have fun chatting!
See you there!
Enjoy and stay tuned!
This mod has literally taken 4-5 months of SOLID development to come to fruition, and we have wasted thousands of hours of our free time to complete this mod. A good way of saying thank you to the developers is to not only download the mod and support the project, but donating a bit of spare money really helps motivate us. Like I said, this project has been developed for an insanely long time, the donations would be VERY much appreciated for our hard work. Thanks!
Hello everyone!
Sorry for the delay in the patch; the team has been very busy wrapping things up with the new mod version, and of course some of us have to attend to real life. However, we have finally finished the patch, and it is now available for download! Not only have we fixed a huge amount of bugs, but we've also added new features, tweaks and balance changes to freshen up your Aether experience. We've worked very hard on the patch, and so we hope you enjoy what it has to offer.
If you have yet to see the change list for Patch 1.02 of the Aether, you can see it below:
- Dungeon Rewards are now hidden in TooManyItems by default. However, if people would like to spawn them for any reason, you can now disable the hiding code for the rewards by changing "TMIhidden = true" to "TMIhidden = false" in mod_Aether.cfg file. This file can be found in your /.minecraft/config/ folder. DO NOT change "#TMIhidden (boolean:true)" as this will not actually affect the config file, and immediately resets upon opening Minecraft. Instead, change "TMIhidden = true".
- Completely restructured Sound files for the Aether.
- When riding a saddled Moa, a "Jump Meter" will now appear above your Armour defense. This Jump Meter will show you the amount of mid-air jumps your Moa can perform, and also how many are left before it can no longer jump. Thanks to Penumber for the idea.
- Saddled Moas no longer wander around. They stay on the spot when you are not mounted on them.
- Ambrosium Shards now only heal "half a heart". We felt that Ambrosium was too powerful for such a common ore, thus the decision to decrease it's healing powers.
- Gravitite Ore is now much more common.
- Zanite Ore is now slightly less common.
- You can now press "B" on your keyboard to gain a Book of Lore for free. You will gain one according to the dimension you are in (for example, if you are in the Aether dimension you will gain a Book of Lore: Volume 3).
- Placing Lava in the Aether now freezes it into Aerogel.
- Books of Lore no longer appear in Dungeon chests.
- Aerogel no longer appears in Dungeon chests.
- Carved Stone no longer appears in Dungeon chests.
- Lightning Knives no longer appear in Dungeon chests in stacks higher than 16. This is so stacking is no longer screwed up (as the max stack for Lightning Knives is 16).
- When first entering the Aether in Minecraft, you will now gain a Cloud Parachute for free.
- If you hit the Bronze Boss with something other than a Pickaxe, it will now show a message which says "Hmm. Perhaps I should attack this beast with a Pickaxe?" so that new people understand they cannot attack it with other weapons.
- Enchanted Gravitite texture now changed, so as to save Sprite ID's.
- The time taken for Baby Moas to digest their Aechor Petals has now been decreased.
- Life Shards now have a new sprite, to make them look more like "Shards" rather than heart containers.
- Blue Aerclouds have a slightly new colour. It uses a more cyan-like colour now.
Bug Fixes:
- Spawning issues have finally been fixed (Zephyrs and Aerwhales are now less common, and Aechor Plants more common. There are more adjustments, but too many to list).
- Cockatrices and Zephyrs now despawn when on Peaceful mode.
- Aerwhales and Zephyrs now despawn when stuck.
- Fixed the Glowstone Dust description in the Book of Lore: Volume 2.
- Fixed the Glowstone block description in the Book of Lore: Volume 2.
- Fixed the descriptions of some Obsidian items in the Book of Lore: Volume 3.
- Enchanting Golden Darts and Buckets of Poison now works as intended.
- Golden Swets now work correctly.
- Baby Moa's no longer lay eggs.
- You can now configure the spawn rate of Aether mobs in mod_Aether.cfg (/.minecraft/config/). 0 = no longer spawn.
- Aerwhales which were previously set on fire should no longer be in flames. They are also now immune to fire.
- Swets, Aerwhales and Zephyrs now despawn correctly, previously they would not despawn and prevent spawning of other creatures.
- Fixed a bug where Blue and Gold clouds were not generating into the world naturally. Newly explored areas or new Aether worlds will now generate with Blue and Gold clouds.
- Saddled Moas no longer despawn.
- From now on, beds which are placed in the Aether will not explode, and can be slept in as usual. Beds which have been placed prior to Patch V1.02 will still explode. To fix this, just recollect the bed and place it again.
- Bonemeal can now grow Skyroot saplings and Golden Oak saplings. You can also use it on Aether Grass to grow a group of White and Purple flowers.
- You can no longer move the Bronze Boss with the Hammer of Notch projectile.
- Fixed a bug where the initiating a fight with the Gold Boss would cause massive lag spikes.
- Fixed a bug where Black Moa's would only be able to perform 6 mid-air jumps instead of the intended 8 mid-air jumps.
- The Cloud Sentries which are spawned from the Cloud Staff dungeon reward no longer make human "hurt" sounds when damaged.
- Fixed an audio-related issue with Moas and Flying Pigs, where they would build up "step sounds" while flying, and would play them all at once when landing on the ground.
- Fixed a bug where Silver Dungeons were rarer than Gold Dungeons.
- Many more small bugs have been fixed, but there were too many for me to remember them or list them. I can assure you that the above fixes were the biggest.
- Added 3 new in-game soundtracks, all exclusive to the Aether. Thanks to our new composer, Emile, for creating these wonderful pieces! You can hear them in-game, just like any other Minecraft music.
- Unique "Victory" tunes have been added when defeating Bronze and Silver bosses.
- A small "Achievement" tune has been added when completing an Aether achievement.
- When initiating in a fight with a boss, a Health Bar will now appear on the top centre of your screen. The Boss will also have a randomly generated name. For example: "GeneratedName, the Valkyrie Queen".
- Added a new "Flying Cow" mob. While they are nothing too special, they do drop leather when killed. These creatures can be saddled and flown around.
- Added a new "Aerbunny" mob. These creatures are friendly, and will hop around the Aether peacefully. Aerbunnies drop string when killed. This means, with the combined additions of the Aerbunny and Flying Cow, you can now craft Saddles in the Aether without returning to the surface world.
- Added a new "Whirlwind" mob. These hostile entities will throw you into the air when you get too close.
- Added a new "Quicksoil Glass" block. Not only can it be used for building materials, but it also gives off a dim amount of light (and of course, speeds up mobs movement speed while in contact with them). They can be gained by enchanting Quicksoil.
- Added a new "Zanite Block". This is a purely aesthetic block, for the purpose of storage and building materials. It can be crafted with 4 Zanite Gemstones. You can also craft the Zanite Block back into 4 Zanite Gemstones if you would like to regain them.
- Added a new "White Flower" block. These are commonly generated flowers in the Aether. At the moment they are purely aesthetic, but will have crafting purposes in the future.
- Added a new "Purple Flower" block. These are slightly rarer than White Flowers, and can be crafted into 2 Purple Dye items.
- Added a new "Freezer" block. This new block was suggested by one of our fans on the Mantis bug/idea tracker. We thought it was a neat enough idea to implement. Basically, it works very similarly to the furnace in design. However, it uses Icestone as a fuel, and can be used to freeze various different items. For example: you can freeze water from water buckets into Ice blocks, or freeze Cold Aerclouds into Blue Aerclouds. Although there aren't many freezable items and blocks at this stage, the Freezer's use will be hugely expanded in future patches.
- Added a new "Ice Ring and Ice Pendant". When worn, these accessories will freeze all water and lava around the player. They slowly degrade while worn, so they do not last forever. These accessories can be obtained by freezing Gold or Iron accessories with the new Freezer block. You CANNOT freeze Zanite accessories into Ice accessories, only Gold and Iron.
- Added a new "Healing Stone" item. Heals 2 hearts of health, and is stackable. These items can be obtained by enchanting Holystone blocks with your Enchanter. This was implemented to balance out the issues with overpowered Ambrosium Shards.
- Added four new craftable capes: "White, Blue, Red and Yellow". These capes can be crafted with their respective wool colour. Blue Capes can be crafted with any type of blue wool. These capes are purely aesthetic.
- Added four new Dungeon Rewards. One of them is a Bronze Dungeon reward, and the other three are Silver Dungeon rewards.
- Added a completely new "Main Menu" which is interchangable in-game and with the mod_Aether.cfg file. This menu, by default, has an "Aether Theme", with Aether-styled buttons and logos. It will also preview the last point you were located at in your previously played world. All progress made in the menu (time of day, etc) is not actually saved, so when you re-enter the world it will still be at the last point you played. This menu is highly configurable, though, and has a few neat features. We've added three new buttons on the top right hand corner of the screen: "Q" for Quick Load, "T" for Toggle Theme, and "W" for Toggle World. The Quick Load feature allows you to instantly jump into the world that the menu is currently previewing, without ANY loading times. The Toggle Theme feature allows you to switch between the "Classic" style of buttons and logos (which includes the Minecraft logo, etc), or the "Aether" style of buttons and logos. The Toggle World feature allows you to turn world previewing on or off. While world previewing is off, it will display a menu very similar in structure to the normal menu in Minecraft, but you still have the option to use the "Aether" styled buttons and logos with the Toggle Theme feature. However, the only way to use a particular menu by default, you have to configure the menu with mod_Aether.cfg, which can be found in /.minecraft/config/. By default, "aetherMenu = true" means that Minecraft will always load with the Aether styled buttons and logo. If you change that to "aetherMenu = false", your game will always load with Minecraft styled buttons and logos. Additionally, the default "worldMenu = true" means that your game will always preview your previously played world on start up. However, if you change that to "worldMenu = false", your game will always start up with the classic Minecraft menu in normal Minecraft.
The Aether NO LONGER WORKS WITH SINGLE PLAYER COMMANDS. It uses an API called Player API, which basically allows several mods to edit the Entity Player. However, Single Player Commands has not used this new API yet, so you cannot run the two mods at the same time or else it will CRASH. I expect a patch/quick fix will be up shortly!
ADDITIONALLY: The Aether DOES NOT WORK with ShockAhPI r5 and r6, since it directly overwrites Player API (similarly to SPC). However, we have created a new version of ShockAhPI which utilizes Player API. Even though Shockah is currently on holidays, he has given us permission to distribute this version of the API with (as he is one of the Aether team members). The new download link for this fixed version will be below. IF YOU HAVE V1.01 CURRENTLY IN YOUR JAR FILE, YOU MUST USE A FRESH JAR OTHERWISE IT WILL CRASH. THE PATCH DOES NOT WORK WHEN SIMPLY PASTING OVER V1.01.
There is also one known bug with the current menu: it seems that, because of the way we load the menu music, it has a 2-4 second stall upon opening Minecraft. It's not a huge delay, but sometimes it may be confused with a blackscreen. It actually isn't, you just need to wait a few seconds for the menu to do its thing.
We've been working quite hard on this patch, and would appreciate any donations from our fans. Anything helps; it's the thought that counts!
The Aether mod V1.02 requires ModLoader, AudioMod, PlayerAPI, and ShockAhPI r5.1.
New SinglePlayerCommands Patch out!
To use SPC with the Aether mod V1.02, first install SPC then use this patch by meiska_:
Stay Tuned
HOW TO INSTALL VIDEO - STEP BY STEP (V1.01, these videos are outdated!):
Thanks to DirtyMoDz7s for the video!
Thanks to RZGamez for the video!
It's finally here...
One of the biggest projects in Minecraft Modding history is now completed. Five very well-known and talented modders (Kingbdogz, Kodaichi, Shockah, Flan and 303) have joined forces to develop the Aether, a celestial realm found in outer limits of the atmosphere. The Aether is what you could call the "antipole" of the Nether. The Nether is a network of desolate, fiery caverns filled with bloodstained Cobblestone and sticky Soulsand; it lies beneath the very soil of our Minecraft world. The Aether, on the other hand, is a collection of floating plains and islands, all connected together to create a breathtaking dimension of the skies. Even during the night, the Aether is still quite peaceful, and a normal day in the Aether is the equivalent of three days on the surface.
Aerwhales, the gentle giants of the Aether, can be found floating in the horizon, munching on Golden Oaks and strips of Blue Aerclouds as the sun climbs higher in the sky. When the sun falls, Cockatrices crawl away from their well-hidden nests, ready to attack. Peaceful as they may seem, these deadly birds shoot poisonous needles at you when provoked. They are one of the few hostile mobs in the Aether.
The Aether isn't always fun and games though; elaborate dungeons are protected by powerful Guardians and sleeping sentries which await watchfully. They can be found in the sides of massive floating islands, containing locked loot chests with otherwise unobtainable singular items and blocks worth the effort of slaying their key bearing protectors.
Dungeons have three levels of difficulty. Bronze, Silver and Gold; Bronze being the easiest, and Gold being the hardest. This means that the Bronze Dungeon will be easier to handle, but the Dungeon will only yield "good" items. Silver Dungeons are slightly harder, and reward you with much better unique items. Gold Dungeons are extremely hard, but you will be rewarded with incredibly powerful items. These unique rewards CANNOT be obtained any other way.
Moas, peaceful and majestic giant birds, populate the Aether in three different colours: Blue, White and Black. Wild Moas cannot be tamed, but they do occasionally drop eggs of their respective colour. These eggs can be incubated with the Incubator block (using Ambrosium Torches). Once incubated, they can be fed with the Aechor Petals of Aechor Plants. They require 8 petals in total to grow, but are not always hungry and will occasionally refuse your offer (which can be done by right clicking them with the Aechor Petal). When grown, you have now completely tamed the Moa, and a saddle can be placed on their backs to ride. Blue Moas can perform 3 mid-air jumps, White Moas can perform 4 mid-air jumps, and Black Moas can perform 8 mid-air jumps.
Flying Pigs can also be found wandering around the Aether, and occasionally flying freely through the air. These creatures can be saddled with a Saddle, and flown around without having to deal with a taming process. This allows players to quickly hop into the action. However, Flying Pigs can only jump once, and do not have the privilege of mid-air jumps like the powerful flying Moas.
The Portal to the Aether is made out of a Glowstone Frame, and can be activated with a Bucket of Water!
New Accessory System:
We've implemented an entirely new "Accessories System" for the mod. This will include 8 entirely new slots to customize your character. Items such as Pendants, Rings, Gloves, Capes and even special Shields can be worn. Various "Miscellaneous Accessories" can also be worn in the two blank slots.
Above is an example of Accessory items being worn.
Description: Pendants can be worn on your character with the new Accessory System. They are worn over the top of the players skin, so when Armour is worn it will be hidden. Gold and Iron Pendants are simply decorative accessories, but Zanite Pendants will increase your mining speed when worn. Zanite accessories slowly degrade when worn, and the more damage it takes, the faster your mining speed with increase. Zanite accessories also slightly increase your armour.
Description: Rings can be worn on your character with the new Accessory System. Gold and Iron Rings are simply decorative accessories, but Zanite Rings (like the Pendants) will increase your mining speed when worn.
Description: Capes can be worn on your character with the new Accessory System. They are worn on your back and can be seen very clearly when in third person mode. Normal "Swet Capes" (image above) are simply decorative, but one particular Dungeon Reward (which is a cape) has a very useful ability.
Description: Gloves can be worn on your character with the new Accessory System. They are worn on your hands and can also be seen in first-person view. These provide extra protection for the player, and with some special armour sets, are required to activate the "Set Ability".
New Blocks:
Aether Dirt
Description: Aether dirt is the basic dirt in the Aether, and will grow into Aether Grass when exposed to sun light. It is much easier to mine than normal dirt found on the surface.
Skyroot Logs
Description: Skyroot Logs are the main base of Skyroot Trees. They provide the basic essential for your Aether adventures, and can be crafted into four Skyroot Planks.
Skyroot Leaves
Description: Skyroot Leaves are the "Leaf" blocks of Skyroot Trees. On chance, they will drop a Skyroot Sapling to replant.
Golden Oak Logs
Description: Golden Oak Logs make up the base of Golden Oak trees. They are embedded with Golden Amber, which can be used to craft very powerful Golden Darts.
Golden Oak Leaves
Description: Golden Oak Leaves are the "Leaf" blocks of Golden Oak trees. They occasionally drop Golden Oak Saplings and Golden Apples.
Skyroot Sapling
Description: Skyroot Saplings allow you to replant Skyroot Trees.
Golden Oak Sapling
Description: Golden Oak Saplings are occasionally dropped from Golden Oak Leaves. They can be replanted into Aether Dirt to regrow a Golden Oak tree.
Skyroot Planks
Description: Skyroot Planks can be crafted from Skyroot Logs. They can be used to craft Skyroot Sticks and from there, Skyroot Tools.
Description: Holystone is the common stone block in the Aether, and can be used to craft Holystone Tools.
Mossy Holystone
Description: Mossy Holystone is a rare Holystone block that can be found at the base of an Aether Dungeon entrance.
Cold Aercloud
Description: Cold Aercloud is a very common type of Aercloud found in the Aether. Long strips of them can be found in the formations of clouds. They have very strange properties; while sometimes they will prevent fall damage, other times they will not. Use them wisely, but be wary when falling from large heights. They can also be crafted into Cloud Parachutes.
Blue Aerclouds
Description: Blue Aerclouds are slightly rare than Cold Aerclouds, and bounce mobs when coming into contact.
Gold Aerclouds
Description: Gold Aerclouds are the rarest type of Aercloud. Alone they do not have any special properties from normal Cold Aerclouds, but they can be crafted into Golden Parachutes which have 20 uses rather than the normal 1.
Description: Quicksoil can be found on the sides of islands. When mobs walk on it, their movement speed is increased. However, it takes a while to build up speed. These can be both a good block to abuse its speed, but also a dangerous block to come into contact with.
Description: Icestone can be found in large chunks, usually on the sides of islands. One placement, they will freeze all water and lava sources around it.
Ambrosium Ore
Description: Ambrosium Ore is a common block found in the Aether. It drops Ambrosium Shards, which can be used for Torches, fueling Enchanters, and even healing.
Zanite Ore
Description: Zanite Ore is slightly rarer than Ambrosium Ore, and can be found on the sides of islands. Zanite Gemstones are dropped from these ore blocks, and can be used for a variety of recipes (including Zanite Tools and Zanite Armour).
Gravitite Ore - Enchanted Gravitite
Description: Gravitite Ore is the rarest ore-type in the Aether, and can be enchanted into "Enchanted Gravitite" blocks. Gravitite Ore, by default, will float up into the air. However, Enchanted Gravitite only floats up into the air when powered with redstone. Enchanted Gravitite is required to craft powerful Gravitite Tools and Armour.
Description: A decorative Pillar block found on the outside of Silver Dungeons.
Pillar Top
Description: A decorative Pillar Top block found on the outside of Silver Dungeons.
Ambrosium Torch
Description: Ambrosium Torches are like regular torches, just crafted with Skyroot Sticks and Ambrosium Shards instead.
Description: Enchanters are a new type of tile entity which can be crafted. They require Holystone blocks and one Zanite Gemstone to craft. By default, it uses Ambrosium Shards as fuel, and can repair damaged tools or items; the more damaged the tool is, the more fuel it requires. It can also enchant a few existing items into more powerful versions.
Description: Incubators are a new type of tile entity which can be crafted. They require Holystone blocks and one Ambrosium Torch. By default, it used Ambrosium Torches as fuel, and can incubate Moa Eggs into Baby Moas.
Locked Chest
Description: Locked Chests are found in Dungeons, and cannot be broken. To acquire their rare lot within, you must obtain a key from the Dungeon Boss.
Dungeon Stones
Description: Decorative blocks found within the Aether Dungeons.
Dungeon Lightstones
Description: Decorative blocks found within the Aether Dungeons which radiate a small amount of light.
Description: A slightly transparent block which is resistant to all explosions.
New Items:
Skyroot Stick
Description: Skyroot Sticks are used for several different crafting recipes. They are crafted with Skyroot Planks.
Ambrosium Shard
Description: Ambrosium Shards can be obtained from Ambrosium Ore blocks. Not only are they used for crafting torches and fueling Enchanters, they can be used as healing items as well.
Zanite Gemstone
Description: Zanite Gemstones are found from the Zanite Ore blocks. They can be used to craft a wide variety of items and blocks (including Enchanters, Zanite Toolsets, and Zanite Armour).
Cloud Parachutes - Golden Parachutes
Description: Clouds Parachutes are items which can be used to safely fall from the Aether. When you transition from the Aether to the Surface (upon falling) the Parachute will automatically activate and drift you down safely. These parachutes are a one use only, and can be manually activated as well. Golden Parachutes do the same, except have twenty uses.
Moa Eggs
Description: Moas, peaceful and majestic giant birds, populate the Aether in three different colours: Blue, White and Black. Wild Moas cannot be tamed, but they do occasionally drop eggs of their respective colour. These eggs can be incubated with the Incubator block (using Ambrosium Torches). Once incubated, they can be fed with the Aechor Petals of Aechor Plants. They require 8 petals in total to grow, but are not always hungry and will occasionally refuse your offer (which can be done by right clicking them with the Aechor Petal). When grown, you have now completely tamed the Moa, and a saddle can be placed on their backs to ride. Blue Moas can perform 3 mid-air jumps, White Moas can perform 4 mid-air jumps, and Black Moas can perform 8 mid-air jumps.
Golden Amber
Description: Golden Amber is used to craft Golden Darts, and can be obtained by harvesting logs from a Golden Oak tree.
Aechor Petal
Description: Aechor Petals can be obtained from poisonous, purple Aechor Plants, and are used to create Poison Dart Shooters and feed Baby Moas.
Dungeon Keys
Description: Dungeon Keys can be obtained by their respective Bosses. They are used to open the locked chest, which contains the Dungeon's rare loot.
Blue Music Disk
Description: Blue Music Disks can be obtained by enchanting a Green or Gold Music Disk. It will play a new song by author Noisestorm.
Description: Golden Darts can be crafted with Golden Amber, Skyroot Sticks, and Feathers. Additionally, you can enchant and poison these Golden Darts. Poison Darts are not affected by gravity, making it great for sniping down far-distance enemies.
Dart Shooters
Description: Dart Shooters can be crafted with Skyroot Planks and a Zanite Gemstone. They can also be enchanted to shoot Enchanted Darts, and combined with an Aechor Petal to shoot Poison Darts.
Skyroot Toolset
Description: The Skyroot Toolset is the weakest Toolset in the Aether. However, it has one of the best side-abilities, which is to gain double-drops from the blocks they mine and the enemies they kill. The double-drops cannot be abused though, as the Toolset will only return double drops from Generated blocks that have already existed in the world. You cannot place a dirt block and then mine it to get double drops, as it is NOT a generated block, it is placed by the player.
Holystone Toolset
Description: The Holystone toolset is slightly more powerful than the Skyroot Toolset in terms of strength, and occasionally drops an extra Ambrosium Shard upon mining a block or attacking a mob.
Zanite Toolset
Description: The Zanite Toolset is the second most powerful toolset, and has the side-ability of getting stronger the more you use it.
Gravitite Toolset
Description: The Gravitite Toolset is the strongest toolset. Normal harvesting tools can right click their respective blocks to make them float up, while the Gravitite Sword can launch mobs in the air when attacking.
Skyroot Buckets
Description: Skyroot Buckets can be crafted with three Skyroot Planks. They can collect Milk and Water, but not Lava. They can also collect poison from Aechor Plants, and those Poison Buckets can be enchanted into Remedy Buckets to heal your poison side-effects.
Lore Books
Description: Lore Books can be used to reveal more information about an item or block. Just right click while you have one in hand, and place an item or block in the slot. There are three volumes: One for the Surface, Nether and Aether. The Aether volume can be obtained when you first join the Aether. The rest can be obtained in Dungeon chests.
Victory Medal
Description: Victory Medals are items which can be obtained by defeating Valkyries, protectors of the Silver Dungeon. They are used to prove your skills in fighting to the Silver boss.
Zanite Armour
Description: Zanite Armour has the strength of Iron, but gets stronger the more it is damaged.
Gravitite Armour
Description: Gravitite Armour, when fully worn (with Gloves as well), will give you very high jumps. It will also prevent all fall damage. It are as strong as Diamond Armour.
Dungeon Rewards
Description: Above are all the Dungeon Rewards you can get. For the sake of surprise, I will not name or describe any of the rewards, so that you can get the best experience possible when looting Dungeons. You will get better rewards depending on what type of Dungeon you conquer. The blocks which make up a dungeon cannot be mined until the boss within is defeated.
Bronze Dungeon
Description: Bronze Dungeons are the easiest of the Dungeons to defeat, but are still challenging and yield very powerful rewards. The Boss within cannot be harmed with swords or projectiles, but instead requires a PICKAXE to defeat.
Silver Dungeon
Description: Silver Dungeons are slightly harder than the Bronze Dungeon, and contain slightly more powerful rewards. These Dungeons are found in the skies as great temples, and are guarded by the humble natives of the Aether; the Valkyries. They will not fight you unless provoked, and honor a fair fight. Beware: not every chest is as it seems.
Gold Dungeon
Description: Gold Dungeons are the hardest Dungeons to defeat, and contain the most powerful rewards and items in the mod. Unlike other Dungeons, the Gold Dungeon does not have any defenders leading up to the Boss; the Boss greets you as soon as you enter the Dungeon. This Dungeon can be found in giant floating mountains with a collection of Golden Oaks on the mountain's top. This Boss in particular cannot be harmed with any item in the game; you must figure out a way to defeat it once you confront it.
Example Recipes:
Skyroot Planks
Skyroot Sticks
Cloud Parachute
Golden Parachute
Ambrosium Torch
Dart Shooter
Poison Dart Shooter
Golden Dart
Poison Dart
Gravitite Pickaxe
Gravitite Shovel
Gravitite Axe
Gravitite Sword
Enchanting - Blue Music Disk
Enchanting - Repairing Damaged Tools
Enchanting - Gravitite Ore
Support the Aether Mod!
Just copy the code below and insert it into your signature.
Alternative Banners (Credits to Kanza and Divinux!):
- Hozz (for helping me with some Sprites)
- Firehazurd (for the idea of flying whales and moas)
- GreyAcumen + Community (for the idea of the Aether!)
- Kanza and Divinux for the alternate support banners.
~ Stay Tuned ~ -
1__7 posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]Posted in: Resource PacksAmazing to see it still going.
Thank you, everyone who's contributed to it!
iamtommo posted a message on [1.0.0] Wilderness [Trapping, Survival, and Hunting]Posted in: Minecraft ModsWildernessBy Tommo Current Version: 0.46 Compatible with: 1.0
What is Wilderness mod?
Wilderness is a new mod in development by Tommo emphasing and improving upon the theme of survival, hunting, and trapping. It will bring a new element into minecraft and hopefully stimulate some adventurous minds!
Current features
Spikes are a utility block in Wilderness mod to aid you in your aims of trapping. They will only do moderate damage if an animal or mob touches it. Spikes do not downgrade or destroy upon contact with a mob!
Deadly Trap
The Deadly Trap, hence the name, is a very deadly trap. It can only be triggered by an animal or a mob and will instantly kill the victim. The trap will then be triggered. An un-triggered deadly trap will drop if you destroy the triggered trap.
You can now splatter the blood of your victims!
WARNING: Blood will stay on the ground until you wash it off with water!
Pocket Knife
The pocket knife is currently only used for re-arming deadly traps which have been triggered, however many more uses will come for this item.
Trip wire
The trip wire can be triggered by any living creature(including you!) and will send a constant redstone signal. The block can be destroyed and re-placed. Later versions will only trigger rope.
Rope is the wilderness equivalent of redstone. At the moment rope has the exact same functionality as redstone and is just to give more of a 'wilderness' feel, however in later updated wilderness items will be limited to being only powered by rope.
Camouflage Floor
The camouflage floor is a very useful block, it has the same texture and biome colour as grass, however has a few holes in to signify it's not grass. In later updates this will be a useful utility to put around bait etc. It's crafted with 8 blocks of leaves. Camouflage blocks will destroy upon falling through them.
The campfire can be thought of as the portable furnace, however, the campfire will only use wood (NOT PLANKS) as fuel. (wood duration as a fuel has been increased therefore.). A long as the campfire has fuel in it, it will always burn regardless of whether it has something to cook or not.
Sheeps now drop mutton opon death, cook mutton for it to heal more.
Giant tree
Giant tree's will generate occasionally, these mighty tree's have trunks 4 blocks wide!
Bait Spike
The bait spike is a new block which has 9 slots which allow you to place bait inside to attract different animals. Bait attracts animals at a range similar to how far a zombie will detect you. Here is a list of bait for different animals:-
Cow - wheat and seeds.
Chicken - wheat and seeds.
Sheep - wheat and seeds.
Pig - cooked beef, chicken, pork and mutton.
Zombie - rotten flesh.
Skeleton - bones.
Creeper - gunpowder.
Spider/Cavespider - cooked pork.
Enderman - ender pearl.
Spike Fall
The spike fall is a block which drops 3-6 spikes when triggered by a redstone current. Each spike can do up to 2 DAMAGE to the PLAYER and ANY CREATURES.
The tomahawk is a throwing weapon which does alot of damage upon impact.
The chute will attract items within an 8 block radius and will store them into an inventory which can be opened by right clicking the chute.
Berry bushes
Berry bushes spawn randomly in the world and come with either no berries, red berries or purple berries, when harvested with a POCKET KNIFE the bush will drop 6-12 of it's corresponding berries.
Berries are harvested from berry bushes by using a POCKET KNIFE, they heal 1 hunger each.
Beehives will randomly spawn in a high tree in your world. When destroyed, beehives drop honeycombs, which can be eaten straight away or put on bread to heal alot more.
Bees will also come out of the beehive and will attack and poison you, so be careful!
Automatic Breeding
Animals now breed together automatically, each animal can only produce up to 3 offspring to prevent overcrowding.
NOTE: Heart effects have been removed - hand breeding still works, you just wont see the hearts!
UpdatesVersion 0.46
- Fixed particle bugs.
- Added automatic animal breeding.
Version 0.45
- Bee's and beehives.
- Bugfixes
- Updated for 1.0
- New deadly trap mechanics and model
Version 0.4
- Blood now stains the floor until washed off with water.
- Chute system, attracts nearby items and stores them.
- Re-done the bait attraction system, now alot better.
- Berry bushes
- Berries.
Version 0.3
- Tomahawk (very early version, still bugged).
- Spike fall.
- Campfires take 1.5x longer to cook stuff than a furnace.
- Wood lasts alot longer in campfires.
- Campfires now burn as long as they have fuel (regardless of anything to cook).
- Campfires now only use WOOD as fuel.
- ALOT of bugfixes.
- Bait Spike which animals corresponding to bait.
Version 0.25
- Drops no longer drop 2 of themselves.
- Added bait.
- Added a campfire.
- Added giant trees.
- Added mutton.
- Blood now stains.
- New textures - THANKS FLAMINGARSE1 (dunno what your minecraft name is)
- Alot of bug fixes.
- Camouflage flooring now destroys when you fall through it.
Version 0.22
- Trees now have a small chance to drop a leaf block - used in camouflage floors.
- Camouflage flooring.
- Rope.
- Bugfixes.
Version 0.18
- Added tripwire, currently sends a constant redstone signal when triggered, later versions will only trigger rope.
- A few bugfixes.
Version 0.16
- Added pocket knife
- Triggered deadly traps now can be re-armed by using a pocket knife on it.
Version 0.15
- Added deadly traps with 2 states, active and triggered, these will kill your victim instantly.
- Added a blood splatter system. The blood will splatter when you damage the mob in any way.
Version 0.1
- Got the base code down and added a simple trapping utility: spikes.Download & installation
Required: ModLoader
Required: MCForge
Download: (wait 5 seconds and click 'skip ad', also if you support my work feel free to click an ad if your feeling generous :smile.gif:).
Download Mirror:
1.8.1 Download:
Instructions: Download the Wilderness mod files from one of the download locations above, then open up your minecraft.jar file with winrar or 7zip, then drag and drop the files inside of your downloaded file into your minecraft.jar.
Known Compatible Mods- IndustrialCraft2
- BuildCraft
- Eloraam's mods (all of them).
- TooManyItems
- Mo' Creatures
- The laser mod
- Backpack
- Wireless redstone
- Xp book
- TF2 Teleport and sentry
- Clay Soldiers
- Special armor
- Light sensor
- Single Player Commands
- Rei's Minimap
- Optifine(Please report compatibilities and incompatibilities so i can list them).
If you would like to contact me regarding anything to do with the Wilderness mod, add me on skype: iyf-tommo
P.S. If anyone would like to improve the textures in this mod, feel free to send me a pm with the link to the texture and If it's better i'll replace it. Thanks, oh and make sure it's 16x16.
Compatible Texture packs
I have put many, many hours of unpaid time into this mod, if you are feeling generous or would just like to help me out, feel free to click the link above and donate, thankyou.
CREDITS: Notch and the Mojang team, Me, flamingarse, ModLoader, MCForge, James Gosling, earth.. woah woah woah..wait a second... im getting carried away here. -
Snowshoe posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]Posted in: Resource Packs - To post a comment, please login.
This is a 100% community driven project, we have tons of extremely talented regulars who help contribute to the pack in various ways, whether it be directly making textures, making other art assets for this post, or giving management advice to yours truly. I may have made this thread, but this pack would have gone nowhere without all the support from Eld's very dedicated fans, and to that I can't thank you all enough. I know I left this thread for a long time, and I do apologize deeply for that, but I'm here now and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon!
If you want a more direct, convenient way to discuss the pack, I highly encourage you to check out my Discord, where I've made a channel specifically for discussing the Eldpack! There is currently a Github link there if you want to help contribute, as well as an updated todo list for textures. Plus it's a good place to bounce ideas off of people and get quick feedback! The link is here:
Before closing, I'd now like to introduce to you: the Wall of Contributors!! This is way WAY long overdue, but I'd like to finally give proper credit to all the people that have made and continue to make this pack possible! Without you all, this pack would have truthfully faded away years ago, so I'd like to give the credit where it's deserved
eldrone - the man himself, of course without him this pack would LITERALLY not exist
Top Contributors
freem - Github maintainer and current top texture artist, heart of the modern operation
Altswang - laid the groundwork for the future of the pack, and helped maintain it in my absence
SdSquid - crucial early member in providing many, MANY needed textures through many versions
Buster - responsible for a staggering amount of textures in a very short time; destroyer of TODO lists
_BIG_G_ - main (only) Bedrock tester, keeps all new textures named properly & found many oversights
Jared (pigpig278/lulls) - made the original thread assets, as well as the current ones still in use
chawu - translated this thread and all assets to Chinese and spread the pack to Mainland China users
Original Thread Contributors
Note: This section is FAR from incomplete, the original thread was deleted and many contributors were lost
If you have any info or way to get more from this era, please let me know! Wayback Machine only has the first few and last pages of the thread, so I have no way of knowing who else helped during this time...
Current Thread Contributors
mgblue90 (TwoDerps)
Discord Contributors
Willy (LOOPS and ROBOTS)
Thank you again everyone for helping me keep things going here, you all are amazing and I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the pack!! Let me know if you or anyone you know who contributed was missed in this list, and I'll be sure to correct it as soon as I can! Also, here are some Eldpack banners for if you want to share your love with the pack! Hope you all enjoy, and continue looking forward to future updates!! <3
Just pushed another update with TONS of new textures, most prominently all colored blocks are now textured, with candles, terracotta, and concrete in all versions being done!! Also did some GUI overhaul, added some more Optifine support for custom GUI options, and tons of other additions and tweaks! Thanks everyone for your support, we're full steam ahead right now
It's been a while since I updated here, but just put up a new version for 1.16! It's still in progress, but the majority of the new textures are done, with more additions in the coming weeks!
You guys all really do amaze me. First and foremost I'm very sorry for not having been active for so long. You all know I was very dedicated to this pack, however as time went on I had less and less time to work on it, and eventually it completely fell out of the long list of things I had time to work on. Just today someone asked me on Twitter if there was somewhere they could DM me about the pack, and truthfully I had forgotten about it since it had been so long, but it inspired me to come back and see you guys doing everything you can to keep the pack alive. You all really are the ones to thank with this pack still being around, in particular altswang and DJ who have been around for years helping me out.
I'm not sure how much I'll be able to help, but I at least want to get the main post updated for all of the wonderful stuff you guys have been adding. Truthfully hoping back into it I'm a little overwhelmed, I was wondering if you all had all the links handy for the most recent stuff, including any alternate textures or extra stuff? I remember I always had lots of extras in the pack, and I still have all the old files, I just need a place to start as far as getting things back up and running again. I also think I would like to move all my links to either Dropbox or Google Drive, just for more longevity in the future.
Thank you all again for being amazing, I'm not sure if I'll stay as the main manager of this pack but if there is a switch off, I at least want to hand it off in a good place. I appreciate all your support, and will continue to appreciate any help you all give while I try and readjust and get things looking amazing! <3
Thank you very much for being a supporter, always means a lot to me! Really sorry everyone for the lack of updates, I'm just super busy these days and it seems a lot of other people who work on it are too, but I'm hoping this winter I'll be able to get a version working for the latest MC version!
Thank you again for all the great work you do, everything looks great as always! I'm heading out on vacation tomorrow so I'm gonna get the 1.11 version of the pack up in just a bit! Sorry all about the lack of checking the thread often at all, just been a pretty busy summer for me, but I'm hoping to at least start getting a pack update every time alts gets anything new finished once things have settled down!
It's not a problem at all, I'm more than happy to do my part to keep the Eldpack alive!
Very nice work all around SdSquid, now that I'm on summer break I can hopefully try and work a bit more actively on the pack, so I can add all the stuff you've done and start getting some stuff together for future updates!
Thank you very much, will be added to the next version when I finally get the time to get that together!
Thank you very much alt, everything looks amazing as per usual! And yeah I completely know what you mean with the mob textures, I know I would never be able to do those myself, I've tried and they just never look any good, but I'm sure you'll be able to do them justice! Keep up the awesome work man, really is a pleasure having you around!
I actually do still have all the old versions of the pack stored in my MediaFire account, do people think it would be worth having links to some older versions, and if so, which versions should I put up? Thanks DJ for covering me on that also!
Thank you very much, yep that was me who did that texture, when new textures come out I usually try to do a rough texture for it until someone like altswang is able to come and make a proper texture for it, but thank you very much for the kind words!
Hello there Eld, thank you so much for taking the time to drop by! I hope everything is going well for you, been a while since I heard from you but I'm glad to see you're still around! Thank you very much, I hope we are doing EldPack a service and keeping up with the style you created as best we can! It really is an honor to help maintain this pack, and I'm very glad we have your support!! Thanks again, really appreciate you stopping by!
New textures are looking fantastic so far, haven't had much time to look at the 1.11 stuff yet thanks to college, but it's looking great as ever! Feel free to post the downloads to them when they're ready, I'm very excited to get the pack ready for the new update!