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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]

    Hello everyone, welcome to the thread for the Eldpack Continued project! Chances are if you're here, you already knew about the Eldpack back when it was maintained by its original creator, Eld, and you know that he has since moved on to bigger and better things! As such, this is where the community has settled down and worked to keep his texture pack alive. For many people, myself included, the Eldpack was our go to pack to use when playing Minecraft, and so we decided to keep working on it and follow in Eld's style and themes for the pack. Sadly, even the original forum post has since been removed, so the chances of an official Eld revival seem extremely slim, which just makes what we do here all the more important!

    This is a 100% community driven project, we have tons of extremely talented regulars who help contribute to the pack in various ways, whether it be directly making textures, making other art assets for this post, or giving management advice to yours truly. I may have made this thread, but this pack would have gone nowhere without all the support from Eld's very dedicated fans, and to that I can't thank you all enough. I know I left this thread for a long time, and I do apologize deeply for that, but I'm here now and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon!

    If you want a more direct, convenient way to discuss the pack, I highly encourage you to check out my Discord, where I've made a channel specifically for discussing the Eldpack! There is currently a Github link there if you want to help contribute, as well as an updated todo list for textures. Plus it's a good place to bounce ideas off of people and get quick feedback! The link is here: https://discord.gg/rnMsn5W

    Before closing, I'd now like to introduce to you: the Wall of Contributors!! This is way WAY long overdue, but I'd like to finally give proper credit to all the people that have made and continue to make this pack possible! Without you all, this pack would have truthfully faded away years ago, so I'd like to give the credit where it's deserved :)


    eldrone - the man himself, of course without him this pack would LITERALLY not exist

    Top Contributors

    freem - Github maintainer and current top texture artist, heart of the modern operation

    Altswang - laid the groundwork for the future of the pack, and helped maintain it in my absence

    SdSquid - crucial early member in providing many, MANY needed textures through many versions

    Buster - responsible for a staggering amount of textures in a very short time; destroyer of TODO lists

    _BIG_G_ - main (only) Bedrock tester, keeps all new textures named properly & found many oversights
    Jared (pigpig278/lulls) - made the original thread assets, as well as the current ones still in use

    chawu - translated this thread and all assets to Chinese and spread the pack to Mainland China users

    Original Thread Contributors


    Note: This section is FAR from incomplete, the original thread was deleted and many contributors were lost :(

    If you have any info or way to get more from this era, please let me know! Wayback Machine only has the first few and last pages of the thread, so I have no way of knowing who else helped during this time...

    Current Thread Contributors

    mgblue90 (TwoDerps)

    Discord Contributors

    Willy (LOOPS and ROBOTS)


    Thank you again everyone for helping me keep things going here, you all are amazing and I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the pack!! Let me know if you or anyone you know who contributed was missed in this list, and I'll be sure to correct it as soon as I can! Also, here are some Eldpack banners for if you want to share your love with the pack! Hope you all enjoy, and continue looking forward to future updates!! <3

    <a href="https://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1615640-eldpack-continued-1-13-16x"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/phcKAy5.png"></a>

    <a href="https://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1615640-eldpack-continued-1-13-16x"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/W5sUobh.png"></a>

    <a href="https://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1615640-eldpack-continued-1-13-16x"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/C8xdn.png"></a>

    <a href="https://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1615640-eldpack-continued-1-13-16x"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/YnrZwin.png"></a>

     <a href="https://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1615640-eldpack-continued-1-13-16x"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/qdmxWPS.png"></a>
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]

    Just pushed another update with TONS of new textures, most prominently all colored blocks are now textured, with candles, terracotta, and concrete in all versions being done!! Also did some GUI overhaul, added some more Optifine support for custom GUI options, and tons of other additions and tweaks! Thanks everyone for your support, we're full steam ahead right now :)

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]

    It's been a while since I updated here, but just put up a new version for 1.16! It's still in progress, but the majority of the new textures are done, with more additions in the coming weeks!

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]

    You guys all really do amaze me. First and foremost I'm very sorry for not having been active for so long. You all know I was very dedicated to this pack, however as time went on I had less and less time to work on it, and eventually it completely fell out of the long list of things I had time to work on. Just today someone asked me on Twitter if there was somewhere they could DM me about the pack, and truthfully I had forgotten about it since it had been so long, but it inspired me to come back and see you guys doing everything you can to keep the pack alive. You all really are the ones to thank with this pack still being around, in particular altswang and DJ who have been around for years helping me out.

    I'm not sure how much I'll be able to help, but I at least want to get the main post updated for all of the wonderful stuff you guys have been adding. Truthfully hoping back into it I'm a little overwhelmed, I was wondering if you all had all the links handy for the most recent stuff, including any alternate textures or extra stuff? I remember I always had lots of extras in the pack, and I still have all the old files, I just need a place to start as far as getting things back up and running again. I also think I would like to move all my links to either Dropbox or Google Drive, just for more longevity in the future.

    Thank you all again for being amazing, I'm not sure if I'll stay as the main manager of this pack but if there is a switch off, I at least want to hand it off in a good place. I appreciate all your support, and will continue to appreciate any help you all give while I try and readjust and get things looking amazing! <3

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]
    Quote from 1__7»

    Amazing to see it still going.
    Thank you, everyone who's contributed to it!

    Thank you very much for being a supporter, always means a lot to me! Really sorry everyone for the lack of updates, I'm just super busy these days and it seems a lot of other people who work on it are too, but I'm hoping this winter I'll be able to get a version working for the latest MC version!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]
    Quote from altswang»

    New texture update includes:

    New Items: Iron Nugget, and Knowledge Book.

    New/Updated GUIs Crafting Table, Inventory, Recipe Book, Other various Menu Arrows.

    Possibly missed updating a few other things Jman, I have things from 1.11 in my TO-ADD folder so I am not sure if i uploaded them to you so they are in there as well.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/menf91reektabad/To add.zip?dl=0

    Thank you again for all the great work you do, everything looks great as always! I'm heading out on vacation tomorrow so I'm gonna get the 1.11 version of the pack up in just a bit! Sorry all about the lack of checking the thread often at all, just been a pretty busy summer for me, but I'm hoping to at least start getting a pack update every time alts gets anything new finished once things have settled down!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]
    Quote from Chuint»

    I just wanted to give you guys a big thank you for continuing this project, the Eldpack has been my favorite since it's release and I'm overjoyed to still be able to use it! :D

    It's not a problem at all, I'm more than happy to do my part to keep the Eldpack alive! :D
    Quote from SdSquid»

    Rest of the zombie villagers created https://www.mediafire.com/folder/kf1m6vvow1575/villagers

    Very nice work all around SdSquid, now that I'm on summer break I can hopefully try and work a bit more actively on the pack, so I can add all the stuff you've done and start getting some stuff together for future updates!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]
    Quote from SdSquid»

    New Blaze texture http://imgur.com/a/Ks8Dj

    Added dither and uploaded to media fire http://www.mediafire.com/view/mbmudtrd5dt5pvd/blaze.png

    Thank you very much, will be added to the next version when I finally get the time to get that together!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]
    Quote from altswang»

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/menf91reektabad/To add.zip?dl=0


    New and updated items (map, totem, etc)

    Observer block and updated purpur blocks

    Updated GUIs for llama, villager and shulker box.

    Updated Map icons.

    Updated Shulker/Box Texture

    --THINGS TO DO--

    Other Entities,

    Structure blocks

    More GUI updates

    There are still older updates that still need some textures to them. They are just a chore to do. Like horses rabbits guardians. Basically entities are the biggest challenge for me to get right, and every attempt i have made I dislike. Getting their color palette and general design to blend with the already existing mobs is harder then it seems.

    Thank you very much alt, everything looks amazing as per usual! And yeah I completely know what you mean with the mob textures, I know I would never be able to do those myself, I've tried and they just never look any good, but I'm sure you'll be able to do them justice! Keep up the awesome work man, really is a pleasure having you around! :D
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Eldpack Continued [16x][CTM][Partial Aether]
    Quote from TENxWORDSx»

    Is it possible to get older versions of Eldpack like for 1.8.9?

    I actually do still have all the old versions of the pack stored in my MediaFire account, do people think it would be worth having links to some older versions, and if so, which versions should I put up? Thanks DJ for covering me on that also!

    Quote from DJ_MATTTAM»

    Ahhh, It's awesome that this is still going! Amazing!

    Side note, who did the magma block? It looks great! Was wondering if they could make an animation for the magma block? I think it'd be super cool if it was animated.

    EDIT: As it turns out, the magma block is animated, I just didn't notice it! My bad! It looks great!

    Thank you very much, yep that was me who did that texture, when new textures come out I usually try to do a rough texture for it until someone like altswang is able to come and make a proper texture for it, but thank you very much for the kind words! :D

    Quote from Eld»

    Whatup! Nice work everyone involved! ;)

    Hello there Eld, thank you so much for taking the time to drop by! I hope everything is going well for you, been a while since I heard from you but I'm glad to see you're still around! Thank you very much, I hope we are doing EldPack a service and keeping up with the style you created as best we can! It really is an honor to help maintain this pack, and I'm very glad we have your support!! Thanks again, really appreciate you stopping by! :D :D

    Quote from altswang»

    Oh no I jinxed myself! JKJK, Thank you for the kind works sir, haven't heard or seen anything from you in a very long time. Is there possibly more to this visit, or just a friendly hello?

    Side note: Got some additions/changes incoming. 1.11 stuffs and since shulkers got a big change with the backpack I did an overhaul on the purpur stuffs. Vex got a texture, not 100% happy with it but im sure i'll do some more work to it.

    New textures are looking fantastic so far, haven't had much time to look at the 1.11 stuff yet thanks to college, but it's looking great as ever! Feel free to post the downloads to them when they're ready, I'm very excited to get the pack ready for the new update!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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