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    posted a message on Gorilla Tag movement ViveCraft Mod - Is it possible?

    Hello! This might be a borderline impossible mod request / idea, but I was wondering if it's possible to code a mod that allows the movement system used Gorilla Tag to be used in ViveCraft (Minecraft VR). Would this even be possible considering that the code for ViveCraft and Minecraft in general would have to be changed drastically to allow this to happen. If anybody thinks they can make it happen or know anybody with the skills to do so, feel free to reply to this thread and I will send you further contact information!

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on ViveCraft Gorilla Tag Mod

    Hello! This might be a borderline impossible mod request / idea, but I was wondering if it's possible to code a mod that allows the movement system used Gorilla Tag to be used in ViveCraft (Minecraft VR). Would this even be possible considering that the code for ViveCraft and Minecraft in general would have to be changed drastically to allow this to happen. If anybody thinks they can make it happen or know anybody with the skills to do so, feel free to reply to this thread and I will send you further contact information!

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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