What about offering out of game perks, like a VIP forum or perhaps access to maps or strategy guides? How about having special secret recipes that anybody can access, but a donator could have access to out of game information? It would give them an advantage, but it would not nessicarily be game-locked content.
Easier to obtain than smooth stone needed for stone bricks, so I am very happy at their inclusion, though I think diorite is kind of ugly looking. I'd love to see stairs and slabs(and it would be great if we got vertical slabs too) be added.
It works on overworld portals too. From what I see, it tells you the orientation of the portal, and it seems to tell you if the portal will drop you off at a different set of co-ordinates than where it currently is. I think that is due to portals needing a place to spawn, so all that info tells you is that you will either land or not land on the exact co-ordinate in the other dimension. As for the bit flags, it might be info on which bit flags are set and which ones aren't. Since nether portals have a north/south and and east/west orientation, the bit might toggle between which way it's facing.
Failing that, Mojang should just release the Swedish Masseuse/Assassin girls in bikinis to take him down. Wait, that does exist, right? If it did, those would be the girls you wouldn't want to rub the wrong way.
Last year the Bronies(yes the Bronies) had a con that promised them the moon, but ended up being a terrible scam. Even worse, many of the show staff that attended, including John DeLancie, didn't even get paid. The venue also was demanding payment and was illegally charging people with extra hotel rooms in hopes to recover money. Some of the guests even had to start their own charity stream just to help people who were stranded to get home.
That seriously gets me really angry that people would stoop so low to take advantage of the Minecraft community like that. Haven't been here long, but it does seem like a nice community. At least it seems better than some other fandoms at times. Hey wait, can't Mojang sue this guy?
I agree with the minecart thing, and I rarely complain about changes. The biggest problem is that it messes up the boos on slopes. It's not an issue if the track is one-way, but if you want it to be a simple two-way track, then the problem is that you need enough boost to get up the hill going one way, but not too much going back down that the cart derails. In fact I think derailing is not a good idea in the first place. When would anybody ever want their minecart to go off the tracks at points where they didn't want it to specifically happen? If you wanted a derail, better to use pistons or even command blocks.
Now, if the new minecart physics actually allow for new possibilities, that I can understand. Even so, I still think minecart derailing should not be possible even if it's more realistic.
Well one thing that has stayed the same is the endless amounts of people who complain that nothing new is added to Survival Mode with each snapshot update.
Personally, I'd love to have the slabs and stairs. I would also like to have vertical slabs, so you can make walls that are half a block thick. As for slabs, we really only need polished versions of each anyway.
What I would like is to have a varient of the barrier block that has different restrictions. One could restrict the player, but not mobs, and another can let the player pass but restrict mobs. It could also differentiate between passive and hostile mobs too. Codewise, it could just be different damage values of the barrier that allow or restrict the mobs. Also, an air block that can allow things like rails to be placed on it would also be cool.
That seriously gets me really angry that people would stoop so low to take advantage of the Minecraft community like that. Haven't been here long, but it does seem like a nice community. At least it seems better than some other fandoms at times. Hey wait, can't Mojang sue this guy?
Now, if the new minecart physics actually allow for new possibilities, that I can understand. Even so, I still think minecart derailing should not be possible even if it's more realistic.