Minecraft has drinkable water, but it doesn't give you any effects, and it isn't harmful if you don't drink, like it is in real life. The thirst bar will have 10 thirst bottles, or 20 thirst points (like hearts or hunger). The bar will be located on top of the hunger bar. The thirst bottle looks exactly like a full water bottle, or empty when you haven't filled it up. It will be half-filled when half a thirst point. If the the bar is lower than 3 bars of thirst, you will start to become 'dehydrated'. If you are dehydrated, you will start to lose health, 1 heart per minute, and you will run and walk slower. If the bar is full, then you will get a slight regeneration effect and you will run a little faster. You will lose thirst bars quicker in the desert. Hope this is a cool suggestion.
Don't even try it, I don't mean it in any offensive way, but this, and a heat bar have been suggested a million times (by me once) and it will NOT work, I learned the hard way, with 150+ replies of hate. so take this down and do not give it attention
There is one million dollars hidden under the- X_X
support, but i also like the guy who said that your fist can instakill's idea.
Your profile pic is fire, rich
Looking to replace the normal minecraft sounds with some i made myself... how can I do this?
just messaged dan frisk about it
should i open with java?
Rework the first post, bud, change it, get more support and make it more balanced. your initial idea is not that bad.
When I download and open the installer, i can click install but nothing happens minecraft says its there but will not run the game with it
1. Username xX_Shrek_Xx
2. Age 13
3. Special Skill (In minecraft) I record, am good at pvp and have good ideas!
4. How active are you every day(Must be on realm every week or you get kicked due to not being active) I play once or twice a day.
5. How active do you think you will play this realm? Whenever i am not off my computer or recording i will play.
ign:xX_shrek_Xx i am looking to play with anyone and am a good builder
sad, but true, my friend
also, how does your signature work? is it an ad of how private firefox is?
Don't even try it, I don't mean it in any offensive way, but this, and a heat bar have been suggested a million times (by me once) and it will NOT work, I learned the hard way, with 150+ replies of hate. so take this down and do not give it attention
xX_Shrek_Xx thought a see through texture pack would help him with lava parkour
Yup, It says " bad authenticity token" whe I do it
Looks awesome, all I know is that something ( or manythings) will be revealed in minecon, hence the silence on twitter