• 0

    posted a message on [WIP] Stellar Mods (Stellar Sky & Stellarium)

    Подскажите как настроить время старта и доту, мне нужно 06:00 01.06.1000 06:00 год состоит из 360 дней, когда вбиваю в serverconfig settings { #
    Продолжительность дня, в тике.

    # Продолжительность года в сутках.

    # Смещение года относительно мирового времени начала.

    # Смещение дня по мировому начальному времени.
    Я: Day_Offset=150

    # Смещение галочки относительно времени начала мира.

    # Осевой наклон в градусах. Всегда 0.0, если Server_Enabled имеет значение false.
    D: осевой_наклон = 23,5

    # Прецессия в градусах в год.
    происходит совсем не то, что я гонял

    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on 32x LITHOS - Default-Style, Detailed & Complete - 1.5x - 1.15x and beyond!

    Hello, I will probably start with praise, your creation is the best of everything that I saw, moderately animated, well-designed and bright, which is not a little important. But not everything is so rosy, for example, I do not understand why the sun is fine, and the moon has not changed, I certainly still put a fashion on the starry sky and he adds his luminaries, but still hurt for the moon. Many fashion are beautifully worked out, but why did you prefer not to do it immersive, although it is beautiful, geology, a mod that could also be supported, besides it is not great, the tinkers are also thrown on the floor, I wanted to know whether they will be like should be worked out or they are not interesting to you and you will not work on them?

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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