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    posted a message on MC Capitalism! [Just Went Public! Hurry For Early Play Perks!]
    Good server, I highly recommend it. (I'm gonna be the 1%, just wait.) Watch out for the crazy axe murderer!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on divide by zero? you get infinity!
    Incorrect. Division by zero is undefined. The best we can do as take the limit of 1/x as x approaches zero. (We choose values of x closer and closer to zero, and see what the fraction is approaching.) This limit is infinity, but that does not mean 1/0 is infinity. The same applies to dividing by infinity, if you take the limit of 1/x as x goes to infinity, it is zero, but that does not mean 1/infinity is zero. (This probably only makes sense if you know calculus or precalc.)
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Butterfly Knives
    Quote from Necromanic

    Weapons don't kill, people do. If you forbid all knifes people will just kill with something else. Forbidding a weapon only removes a tool not the persons will to kill..

    That doesn't mean making knives illegal won't cut down on homicides. People are more likely to kill if they are carrying something that can easily be used as a lethal weapon. Of course there's always going to be murders.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Legalizing Drugs
    It's hard for me to believe that this is still an issue. People need to learn from history. In countries where drugs are legal, the use of those drugs goes down.



    EDIT: Just to add to this, I don't support drugs in any way, I have never used them and I never plan to. I don't support others doing drugs either, but the facts are out there. Legal drugs cause less addicts, because they can get help from the government easily.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Global warming
    Quote from AhKeelU

    Oh and, fun fact! the world have NEVER run out of a nonrenewable resource, but we have run out of renewable resources.

    Do you understand what "renewable" and "nonrenewable" mean? The loss of nonrenewable resources is inevitable. We'll have to switch sometime, the only question is if we'll switch before or after we run out of nonrenewable.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Why do people smoke?
    Quote from TYTHERDGOON

    Actually Smoking is a main stress reliever.

    In the short term, yes. However, lung cancer can be pretty stressful at times.

    Quote from MrQuizzles

    It's not because smoking is at all pleasant. It's because the substances in cigarettes are physically addictive. This basically brainwashes the people who smoke into believing that the experience is somehow enjoyable. They fool themselves into thinking they like it.

    Umm.. If they think they enjoy it, how is that different from actually enjoying it? Happiness is subjective.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Thoughts on Zombies?
    Thoughts on Zombies? But thoughts require BRAINS....
    (lol see wut i did there?)
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Butterfly Knives
    Quote from Sossinator

    I live in Kansas and they are illegal because they are considered gravity knives, it is also a felony. It really doesn't matter because it is still able to buy online and I have 1. The real illegal this is to have it in public just like guns, but you can have it in your home. Why is it illegal to have a butterfly knife as they are more utility knives, than weapons unlike switchblades with are weapons and not utility knives.

    Because you can stab people with them...
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Your GPA
    My school doesn't go higher than 4.0, but I'm taking 3 Honors classes, 3 AP classes, and one college class. Only non honors/AP is German 3, because there is no German 3 Honors. (The whole G3 class is 18 people. I'm in 10th grade btw.)
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Lying
    I dislike it when people lie in order to gain something just for themselves, but I don't mind as much when people do it to avoid punishment.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Its only sexist when men do it.
    Quote from HornyHamwich

    Be more persistent.
    if she says "you must be gay" you should use her logic stupid statement against her
    "You must be a lesbian if you think women deserve better treatment"

    I fixed this for you.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on The Modern KKK and Nazi movements.
    Quote from Filby

    I honestly don't see why some of the more vocal hate groups couldn't get into trouble, based on the fact that they openly shout inflammatory remarks regarding people of other races. They obviously are intending to harm others verbally, aka harassment.

    But still, as worthless as these hate-mongering pieces of **** are, if a society were to start punishing people who held unpopular beliefs, what's to stop another Hitler from coming along?

    This is exactly what I think. It begins with persecuting hate groups, but where does it end? McCarthy style witch hunts? A second Holocaust? I may be exaggerating, but the point is valid. How can we decide what beliefs to eliminate? We can't, so we allow free speech. Even for those guys.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Height
    I'm 15, and 5' 11". So close to 6 ft....
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Moderators Good and bad
    If you see threads that you think should be deleted or locked, report them. The moderators can't see everything.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Why do you have you signature?
    To advertise my YouTube channel (and teach people Calculus, it's really not that hard).
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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