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    posted a message on The quality of Minecraft tutorial videos
    Oh I definitely agree but (a) a lot of these are kids that need practice and (:cool.gif: some people aren't picky about work they produce. A lot of people have a "good enough" attitude or are just happy they produced the bare minimum at all. I plan on making a Minecraft video or two but I won't do it until I know they will be great. If everyone had this attitude there wouldn't be many tutorials out there.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft RC2 is Out For Testing
    Have you heard of google? A release candidate is a candidate for release. It is the final testing period before the release. No major changes are made during this time.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on The Abadoned Mine's Appearance has Slightly Changed
    Those little twigs couldn't hold up a mineshaft =p
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Adjustable signs
    Im not sure if anyone has discussed this before but after seeing so many servers with giant sign boards stating rules or telling stories I think it would be great to have larger signs. Also make an option for a large font for stores, hotels etc. Perhaps make blocks capable of displaying a single letter for use as building signs.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Please, Mojang, don't hard code colors into the game!
    Swamps are fine they just need to clean up with water transition and maybe use taller trees instead of the short bushy standard tree.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The Mooshrooms and Snow Golems dont make sense?
    Nothing wrong with Mooshrooms, it's really too early to decide what I think of the snow man. I think it's a feature people will use like crazy for a month and then be bored. Ideally what should happen with the final SERVER release is an interface with a whole bunch of check boxes for creating a map. The ability to uncheck specific biomes, mobs, blocks, or anything else would be amazing.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on What the 1.8 and 1.9 update feel like to me
    The food analogies are ugh but you make a good point. I'd love to see more ore's (it is MINEcraft after all). I also love all the new blocks and options for building. There are a lot of incomplete features that are somewhat useless at the moment. Still I can understand why this is happening. I have a problem focusing on one project, I get bored. I like to shake things up. If I were to work on one thing for too long, I'd get bored, give up, and get nothing done. If I have the option to move on I'll complete more but nothing will be finished. The story of my life =)
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The "Indie" Argument
    Yeah I too wish they were exactly like EA. Releasing "safe" games that are completely boring and unoriginal but usually patched regularly.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.9 was released too soon.
    After thinking about it more I can kind of relate to what you are saying BUT 1.9 wasn't released too soon because it's not actually out yet. It does bother me that 1.8 was the first version that seemed incomplete. Previous versions for the most part felt complete in that most features implemented worked. If 1.9 DOES go the same way then it's yet another version with incomplete features. It's not just the incomplete features that are bothersome it's the fact that it plays havoc on multiplayer servers, especially ones with mods. Updating often makes this a problem though it would be less so if it wasn't difficult for the less literate to maintain multiple versions. Basically as it happens now if a version is updated and the server needs to wait for mod updates then users drop off as they update (on purpose or accidentally).
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.9 was released too soon.
    This thread makes me angry due to the sheer stupidity. Sure feel free to complain when 1.9 is actually released but right now you are complaining about a test release specifically to help with bug testing. How do you know the 1.9 pre-release is being handled the same as the 1.8 version? Perhaps the 1.8 pre-release was so successful they decided to make the 1.9 pre-release even earlier in the development cycle. You could be right and 1.9 might have a lot of incomplete features but currently you are making assumptions which is only causing you disappointment. Why not let them finish what they are working on before passing judgement.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Sprinting: Better than Minecarts
    I like the idea of Minecarts but they do need to be improved, they can be annoying in smp because any slight lag disrupts them. Boats should also be improved in this regard. Minecarts are the more elegant way to travel.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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