hey! I apologize for not updating in a few days. I haven't had much time to get on and have also been a little stuck on how to achieve the look I want. Here is a current update. PLEASE tell me what you think.
here is the outside. I went with the circular shape again... what do you think? yes, no??
Here is inside the house so far. I made like a wrap around balcony sort of area at the stop with staircases. This will probably be the access to the top floor, haven't decided. I am also going to add either a large fireplace in the center... or maybe a fountain.... hm
Ah and lastly what do you think of the sandstone on the windows?? i was trying to add some color into it.. I was thinking either the sandstone, or maybe clay. Thanks!
UPDATES! so I completely removed the old house, and started from scratch. I have had a little time tonight to do some work so its not much built yet. I just have the gate done and a fountain. I also made a nice little garage. I hope you all like it! I for sure am really excited, I'm really liking this new design I came up with. Tell me what you think, Thanks!
ok... so after looking at my progress and inspecting my building I have come to the conclusion that I honestly dislike it very much.. lol I also realized that It is in a very wooded area and I dont think it fits in very well. I kind of hate the garden/entrance area too. lol i think i am going to start from scratch on the same map and try something different. im thinking a wooden house will look more appropriate. :)What do you guys think? lol
wow, the mansion looks pretty cool. I'd like to see what it looks like when its done! How many stories will it have and is there any sort of theme you were aiming for?
Thanks! not quite sure on the theme. It was originally going to be wood, but I didn't like it much so now i guess its more of like a modern mansion. I may make it different stories throughout the house but I know for sure that the circle that is in the picture will have 2 and there will be a hole in the floor of the 2nd story so you can look down
I have updates! please tell me what you think. I made the entrance to my mansion and I made this like oval shaped foyer i guess? not sure what you would call it but i was wondering if i should keep it more oval shaped or more like a circle? Also i was wondering what you think of the red and grey lines in the walls? Thanks!
here is the outside. I went with the circular shape again... what do you think? yes, no??
Here is inside the house so far. I made like a wrap around balcony sort of area at the stop with staircases. This will probably be the access to the top floor, haven't decided. I am also going to add either a large fireplace in the center... or maybe a fountain.... hm
Ah and lastly what do you think of the sandstone on the windows?? i was trying to add some color into it.. I was thinking either the sandstone, or maybe clay. Thanks!
Thanks!! I really appreciate your guys' comments. I should have some sort of update coming... soonish :biggrin.gif:
Thanks! I should have more updates coming tonight.
Where are you getting that?
by the entrance do you mean the mansion door? or like the garden outside area?
Thanks! not quite sure on the theme. It was originally going to be wood, but I didn't like it much so now i guess its more of like a modern mansion. I may make it different stories throughout the house but I know for sure that the circle that is in the picture will have 2 and there will be a hole in the floor of the 2nd story so you can look down
yeah im going to make it a circle instead. Thanks! maybe once it is finished, ill get a download up. Anybody else? please comment :biggrin.gif:
Thanks! I am really excited for this project. hmm what if i added 2 smaller stars below the larger one? would that look nice?
This is the CURRENT photo.
I am working on making a library in the left side of the picture.
yess!! thank you so much! I love this mod. good work