Welcome to the wonderful world of New Contega. In this world you will find a community happy to welcome any new faces. The server is constantly growing, always looking to expand its horizon. This 24/7 server is updated to the latest version of bukkit weekly and has a maximum of 2 days downtime for new Minecraft updates (only limited by bukkit's updating cycle).
Perks for voting are enabled as well as a thriving item-based economy. VOTE
- 24/7 up-time - Friendly Community - Dedicated Staff - Local chat and global chat - Several worlds to explore - Votifier enabled for in-game rewards - Lots of jobs both player issued and government-based! - Community Forums for problems / requests
- Essentials - AntiBot - Radio - SalvageSmelter - Multiverse - Permissions EX - LWC - WorldGuard - MoveCraft (Custom build by Owner) - SmokeBombs - Votifier - AutoBroadcast - AutoRank - RP Essentials - Blood - SimpleBackup - ChatManager
I have built several small 3 - 4 bit computers (adders/subractors, basic memory, counters) but have never built a full programmable computer due to the obscene amount of time it takes to do alone.
That being said, I am looking for a few people who are good with redstone and would like to help build my largest computer project to date.
Must understand basic redstone logic (advanced logic understanding preferred)
Must have skype/google+ or some other form of voice communication
Must be interested in the project.
The server will be hosted for only 4 people. If you are good with redstone and want to join, just contact me through email at: [email protected] or PM me.
I am an Indy game designer in desperate need of a 3D modeler. I make 3D games, but I cannot model for my life. I have been relying on free model downloads from TurboSquid, but I need custom models. The position is completely volunteer. I do not have money to pay positions. The modeler also needs to have skype to communicate with me and the other dev team members. Post in the comments the following application if you are interested.
How long have you been a modeler:
What program do you use to model:
Are you a programmer:
if so, what language:
2 server admins going complete legit in survival on a public server... how will it end? WHO KNOWS?! http://www.justin.tv/jcamtech
The stream will be going through the night with other games as well as minecraft.
Looking for members to join a private server.
This server has been built up for almost 2 years by now and is looking for new members. Please comment the application below. I will PM the ip address to anyone who fits our criteria.
This is an overhead of Contega, the capital.
This is a picture of the city-to-be, CraftVegas
This is a far off eye-level view of Contega.
This server has been built up for almost 2 years by now and is looking for new members. Please comment the application below. I will PM the ip address to anyone who fits our criteria.
Have you ever greifed?:
If so, how long ago?:
Do you intend to RP or build?:
Have you ever been on other servers?:
Do you use proper American english spelling and grammar?:
Give a reason why you should join:
Several years ago, Overlord Zepheriox sent a mothership to the Milky Way to study a small blue planet. The planet was like ours, but with far more land. Our planet is a sphere of water endlessly drifting through the universe.
The universe was a peaceful place in the year 4083. Species could openly communicate though translators and through means of telepathy. That all changed when the Dreadons, led by Flearon, began developing weapons. They overtook our mothership and filled it with explosives. We had one agent on the ship that managed to move all of the dangerous explosives to the holding pods as they would not damage the ship. After that, we fled.
That is the story behind Alien Savior 2. Want to hear more? Download it now for free for a short time only! DOWNLOAD
A small set of rules, and a large world make for a server where you can build your destiny. Will you become a notorious faction leader who leads his men to destroy brotherhoods, or will you be an infamous salesman who is known for his potions? Enjoy the freedom of Jcam Tech factions! Also, our servers are 24/7!
I've been messing with my 4 bit computer's subtractor and I realize that it would work to put a negative detector on it. The only thing i'd have to do is detect if the second input is larger than the first input... Is there a compact way to do that?
Hmm, that's exactly what the XOR is doing, one lever inverts the signal of the other lever. What is it that the XOR is doing that you don't want to happen?
i built it wrong the first time... lol sorry for the unusual response. it works now.
Ok, so I have 2 inputs. One input is a lever that is supposed to invert the input of the second lever.
When lever 1 is pulled, the output from lever 2 is inverted and viceversa. I have a design, but its MUCH to bulky (im looking for something that is 1 block wide if possible) I have no hight restrictions. I need help quickly!!! (its for part of a mech for a customer on my server.)
Oh.. I forgot to mention this in the post. The Red(stone) cactus gets its name from its location in the desert. There used to be a cactus that was right next to my adder (it has been removed) that my friend used as a landmark by calling the cactus the redstone cactus. I have named the computer after said cactus.
Server Info:
Server IP: mc.jcamtech.com:25252
Server Forums: http://minecraft.jcamtech.com
About Contega RP:
Welcome to the wonderful world of New Contega. In this world you will find a community happy to welcome any new faces. The server is constantly growing, always looking to expand its horizon. This 24/7 server is updated to the latest version of bukkit weekly and has a maximum of 2 days downtime for new Minecraft updates (only limited by bukkit's updating cycle).
Perks for voting are enabled as well as a thriving item-based economy.
- 24/7 up-time
- Friendly Community
- Dedicated Staff
- Local chat and global chat
- Several worlds to explore
- Votifier enabled for in-game rewards
- Lots of jobs both player issued and government-based!
- Community Forums for problems / requests
- Essentials
- AntiBot
- Radio
- SalvageSmelter
- Multiverse
- Permissions EX
- WorldGuard
- MoveCraft (Custom build by Owner)
- SmokeBombs
- Votifier
- AutoBroadcast
- AutoRank
- RP Essentials
- Blood
- SimpleBackup
- ChatManager
That being said, I am looking for a few people who are good with redstone and would like to help build my largest computer project to date.
Must understand basic redstone logic (advanced logic understanding preferred)
Must have skype/google+ or some other form of voice communication
Must be interested in the project.
The server will be hosted for only 4 people. If you are good with redstone and want to join, just contact me through email at: [email protected] or PM me.
How long have you been a modeler:
What program do you use to model:
Are you a programmer:
if so, what language:
The stream will be going through the night with other games as well as minecraft.
This server has been built up for almost 2 years by now and is looking for new members. Please comment the application below. I will PM the ip address to anyone who fits our criteria.
This is an overhead of Contega, the capital.
This is a picture of the city-to-be, CraftVegas
This is a far off eye-level view of Contega.
This server has been built up for almost 2 years by now and is looking for new members. Please comment the application below. I will PM the ip address to anyone who fits our criteria.
Have you ever greifed?:
If so, how long ago?:
Do you intend to RP or build?:
Have you ever been on other servers?:
Do you use proper American english spelling and grammar?:
Give a reason why you should join:
Several years ago, Overlord Zepheriox sent a mothership to the Milky Way to study a small blue planet. The planet was like ours, but with far more land. Our planet is a sphere of water endlessly drifting through the universe.
The universe was a peaceful place in the year 4083. Species could openly communicate though translators and through means of telepathy. That all changed when the Dreadons, led by Flearon, began developing weapons. They overtook our mothership and filled it with explosives. We had one agent on the ship that managed to move all of the dangerous explosives to the holding pods as they would not damage the ship. After that, we fled.
That is the story behind Alien Savior 2. Want to hear more? Download it now for free for a short time only!
i built it wrong the first time... lol sorry for the unusual response. it works now.
I need something that when lever 1 is off, it outputs lever 2 as it is... when lever 1 is on, it needs to invert lever 2
When lever 1 is pulled, the output from lever 2 is inverted and viceversa. I have a design, but its MUCH to bulky (im looking for something that is 1 block wide if possible) I have no hight restrictions. I need help quickly!!! (its for part of a mech for a customer on my server.)
your whitelisted. i emailed you the ip.