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    posted a message on do you think the new texture pack thing is needed?
    Quote from Debugman18

    I wasn't here for that. Thankfully.
    You're lucky.

    You weren't here to watch the 24/7 "hurr notch is so lazy" "oh my god Minecraft is turning into an RPG" "wolves are stupid" "TREES DROPPING APPLES MAKES THE GAME TOO EASY" "Go to creative mode if you want to build things"
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on do you think the new texture pack thing is needed?
    Quote from Kattia

    The amount of stupidity in this thread is hilarious.
    >intelligent posts
    >Minecraft forums
    Pick one.

    This is the very same place which had threads complaining about the Pig's snout being changed from 2D to 3D.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Anvil's to resource expensive?
    Quote from Scum

    Minecraft isn't completely logical. But it doesn't go that far. Tools degrade because we are banging them against stone, dirt or mobs. Anvils degrade because using an anvil requires a hammer that pounds the metal back into shape. Like I said, flipping through a book doesn't make anything degrade. Enchantment tables also use obsidian, which is the hardest obtainable item in minecraft. Make sense?
    No, because you're still trying to justify bad game mechanic balancing using real logic, which is silly.

    It could make perfect sense that Anvils degrade because we're hitting them with our tools, that still doesn't make it a good idea. If we're going to go that route, I could ask why the Anvils don't require Forges to function, because logically we're melting down the material that the tools are made out and reforging them into a single tool.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Anvil's to resource expensive?
    Quote from Ghooostie

    The anvil isn't meant to be an everyday use object. It's a luxury, and as such, should stay expensive to operate.

    Then again, iron is sooooo easy to get, so really. Finally something to use it on, rather than having it gather dust.
    This is where we have a problem.

    The Anvil is evidently supposed to be an endgame item that's expensive to use and maintain. If iron is so plentiful that no one can think of uses for it and that using an entire stack to craft an item is cheap, that's not good balance by any means.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Anvil's to resource expensive?
    Quote from Cubia

    The thing about it though isnt the anvil itself: It's the tools it produces.

    Consider that you have 3 diamond picks, right. Each one has an enchantment. The first has Unbreaking 3. The second has Fortune 3. And the final one has Efficiency 4.

    Each of these, by themselves, is very powerful.

    With TWO uses of the Anvil though, you could combine all of these three into ONE diamond pick (which likely has full durability at this point after two combinations) that has Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, Efficiency 4. So, basically, that's a diamond pick that lasts about 4 times as long, MULTIPLIES things like diamonds and emeralds when mining, and mines at an absolutely stupid speed. This tool has gone right through "powerful" and out the other side. And there was no randomization in this, either.
    You would need to first enchant the diamond picks, which, considering the experience cost and random nature of enchanting, would be expensive and time-consuming.

    You would then need to craft an Anvil, and collect more experience for the task of combining all of the picks. Then, repairing the resulting pick in the future results in diminishing returns with the experience cost, since it increases each time.

    If a stack of iron is considered metaphorical pocket change for endgame players, then it's not a good balancing mechanic to begin with and therefore has little reason to exist. In that case, I'd rather see the cost for repairing tools increased rather than having the Anvil break over time.
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    posted a message on Anvil's to resource expensive?
    Quote from GrygrFlzr

    This wasn't meant to be used by players in the middle of Minecraft. It's more targeted to those who are actually loaded with resources and gives a use to the massive amount of EXP from the Enderdragon. If iron and exp is still a luxury, you shouldn't be repairing/merging/renaming in the first place.
    That still doesn't explain why the Anvil degrades over time if repairing is supposed to be balanced by the large crafting and experience cost, as well as the fact that continually repairing the same tool gives diminishing returns with use.

    If Anvils are supposed to be an endgame mechanic that's expensive to maintain, why do Enchantment Tables by the same logic not degrade?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Anvil's to resource expensive?
    Quote from Scum
    We don't bang on our enchanting tables with a hammer....
    Minecraft isn't logical, I'm talking more in terms of game balance.

    Enchanting Tables are similarly expensive to create and cost experience to use, but don't degrade. Why does the Anvil, then?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 6

    posted a message on Anvil's to resource expensive?
    Considering it costs 55 ingots to craft, and requires large amounts of experience to use, I think having the Anvil break is a bit overkill.

    Our Enchantment Tables don't degrade over time, so I'm not sure why the Anvil does.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 3

    posted a message on Bugs we DON'T want fixed.
    No one here has heard of emergent gameplay apparently.

    Hey guys, remember rocket jumping in Quake? Yeah, that was originally a bug. Should we have fixed it simply because it was a bug? No.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why isn't the Nether taller now?
    Quote from CKtheFat

    Nether = Underworld = Under World = No Sky

    Though I wouldn't mind it if glowstone, or some special new block, were to shoot lightning randomly in the Nether from time to time.
    Under the world is simply the void. The Nether is in a different dimension entirely.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why isn't the Nether taller now?
    The Nether having a bedrock ceiling was silly anyways. Give us an actual sky, with perpetual lightning storms.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Want To Win a Free Copy of Minecraft?
    "best gaming communities out there"

    Posted in: Minecraft News
  • 2

    posted a message on Escapist Developer Tournament, and Our Character Tournament - Can Minecraft Win Both?
    Burn me at the stake or whatever for saying this, but in my opinion, the heavy hitters deserve it more than Mojang does.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
  • 0

    posted a message on Zombies breaking doors doesn't make the game any more difficult
    Okay, so I'll just put blocks in front of my house instead of using a door.

    Don't quite see how this adds difficulty.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on THE ICE IS STILL TAKING OVER
    Global warming and CO2 causes ice age.

    Flawless logic.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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