I'd personally like to see even bigger biomes. I really want to feel like its just that biome in the world and that'd I'd have to travel for days(In Minecraft) to find somewhere else.
Would really give it more of a "work with what you're given" style of play. Especially if you spawned in a desert.
Age: 18
Why you would like to join?: I've been wanting a good mature server to play on for awhile. They're just hard to find sometimes. -=:Diamond:=-
Oh. I'm still on the snapshot they were introduced in. Haven't played again yet so I haven't updated. That noise sucked SO bad though.
Edit: I'm not sure if that counts as a bug. But stuff like that has been in the game for awhile(Or you could place paintings in water for awhile. Saw it on the MindCrack episode where Team Canada pranked Zisthoweveryouspellthis).
It's a matter of opinion. Opinions will vary. People will love them. People will hate them. Some may not like them because they don't like change. Some may not like them because they just suck(I fall under this category). And some may not have liked the old ones and like these new ones. Reasons for not liking them will vary. And the reasons don't really matter to much.
Personally. I want the old sounds back. I was happy with them when they were introduced in the Adventure Update. I'm not however happy with these. It's actually one of the first changes in awhile from them that I personally haven't been happy with.
Also. If all this has been said. Sorry. I got to "this is the real reason people don't like these sounds" and stopped reading. It took everyone with an opinion not like the OPs, grouped them into one, and just tossed them aside like they didn't even matter to begin with. You can say why YOU like or dislike the sounds. But don't try to speak for everyone with a certain opinion. Reasons for having an opinion will almost always vary.
Hopefully we do get that option to keep the old sounds. It'd be the first time I can remember Mojang giving us something like this as an option though :/
Don't wait up for it though. Just go to bed and you should have it when you wake up or shortly after :]
My main world is an Extreme Hills biome surrounded by huge deserts. Anything besides sand is a 10-15 minute walk. And I have yet to find every biome I need. Had to walk about 25 minutes for a snow biome for pine saplings. That took me through more desert than I knew was possible.
Personally I think they should if they make them spawn on any type of half slab(upside down or normal). But there hasn't been any mention of making them spawn on stairs or glass. That I know of.
Why question me about it?
I didn't say those are all you need. I said lighting can be decorative and keep mobs from spawning if you're smart about it. I was also talking about for the regular world as that's what most of the other people have been talking about as well. Or one would assume that since there wasn't any mention of the Nether before.
As far as mob spawning in the Nether goes. There are still other ways to keep things from spawning than with half slabs. You still have stairs and glass. And if you're smart about that you can make those look decent as well. Mobs spawning on upside down half slabs won't be the end of the world.
That's an opinion. Not a fact. I personally like the look of half slabs in some buildings.
Use stairs if you don't want mobs spawning on your roof. Or use regular half slabs instead of upside down ones.
Those and lighting the roof up are your three options if they make mobs spawn on upside down slabs.