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    posted a message on Character "Persona Themes" - A Community Idea
    Started a new map using "The Trapper" :biggrin.gif: Currently have a couple pitfalls going, so we'll see how that goes :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Voxel Box! [Creative] Open to guests!.
    Quote from ELEVn »

    I only have one question:

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Character "Persona Themes" - A Community Idea
    Quote from K-Ras »
    Just wanted to say: you are all awesome. Let's keep this thread alive.


    -Build factories, and highly industrialized farms
    -Burn forests (Now that logs don't burn forever, you won't get perma-burning forests)
    -Create minecart stations for fast travel
    -Make a dump system so the waste from your factories is dumped into the ocean
    -f**k nature
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Character "Persona Themes" - A Community Idea
    Quote from ferrari1024 »
    Start a server :biggrin.gif:

    :ohmy.gif: someone do this
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Character "Persona Themes" - A Community Idea
    Well, I've successfully lit up a lot of my map on my Monster Hunter, and killed my fair share of monsters. I'm gonna start a Wizard file now :smile.gif: Wish me luck!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Hot Air Balloons! (Fitting!)
    Quote from CsprBzmr »
    Quote from Sir_Stig »
    Awesome idea!!!! Except it would be nicer if the ballon were controlled by the mouse rather than wasd.

    The balloon is controlled like a boat, so the mouse also kind of works. :smile.gif: Did you notice the release I made, about three posts above yours? You should check it out!

    Quote from Goose_ »
    How is a bucket and 4 coals every minute? That means a 64 stack of coal would last you 16 minutes, about a day. Along with water, this seems fairly balanced.

    Agreed. Although I think one bucket per minute is really short.
    Let's say a bucket per 4 minutes. Because otherwise you would need 16 slots of your inventory filled with buckets of water, which leaves almost no space for other items that you might have wanted to transport with your balloon. :tongue.gif:

    The thing with having a lot of water buckets, is that it takes a lot of iron, which could be a bit of a problem :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Voxel Box! [Creative] Open to guests!.
    Quote from vincipz »
    Crappy server, they delete everything you built as soon as you sign out.

    They clear out the Daro every couple days or so. You just got unlucky, sorry. You can still come in and build a new whitelist creation for consideration :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Character "Persona Themes" - A Community Idea
    Quote from mythsnlore »

    4chan Elf
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Character "Persona Themes" - A Community Idea
    Quote from kaz365 »
    Cave Dweller:
    Having been raised in caves, you find yourself abandoned in a bright, wide open landscape, then your agoraphobia kicks in. You can't stand being anywhere but underground. You have a day to gather resources and then at night, you start making your home.
    -Other then the first day's resources, all resources must come from underground
    -Keep your area dimly lit as possible, preference for redstone torches
    -Absolutely no going above ground
    -No tolerance for "Pieces of sun" (lava) any tunnel ending in pieces of sun or a Miniature sun (lava lake) must be sealed off
    -No venturing into the Nether

    I thought of this when I read this thread. Nice Idea.

    Ooo, I like this one :biggrin.gif: I might give it a try once I'm tired with my Monster Hunter map (It's on Glacier, so that may be a while). But anyway, the only thing I'm worrying about is trees. I suppose if you can get some saplings and bone meal you'd be ok. Also, I might not go for the redstone torch thing, It's too dim and expensive. Other than that, great! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [MOB] Llamas...With hats.
    You ate our waiter! Your jaw unhinged like a snake! It was terrifying!

    Well that explains why my mohito is taking so long...
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Character "Persona Themes" - A Community Idea
    Quote from TheInspector »
    The Trapper

    You have come to the strange land of Minecraft to hunt the natural inhabitants of it.

    - Build a shelter out of "natural" materials (Snow blocks, logs, etc.)
    - Construct mob traps such as fire pits, land mines and pitfalls.
    - Fill an entire large chest with materials acquired from neutral mobs.

    You could have some fun crossing this with monster hunter :3

    The Nomad would be a fun one:

    -Small and simple huts, consisting of a bed and a workbench
    -never stay in the same hut more than once in a row
    -Fill your days with exploring
    -Only harm mobs if necessary (So only kill agressive mobs if you don't have a choice, and other than that, just get wool from sheep)
    -have small Zen gardens
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Character "Persona Themes" - A Community Idea
    The Monster Fighter:

    Those unholy beasts! They deserve to burn in the Nether for the damage they've done!
    -Build a large fortress with many traps and self destructs, keep it well fortified and your treasure in a secret storeroom
    -Fight monsters every night! Keep a constant supply of arrows and swords, and keep records of very successful or unsuccessful nights of hunting
    -You cannot stand for dishonor! For each death, kill ten more monsters! And never, ever run from any monster you fight.
    -If you've tamed the land enough to not have to worry about outside or cave monsters, construct your own darkroom for fighting when you please, complete with obstacles and a monster delivery system

    (got really inspired by writing this... I'm gonna go play now :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Hot Air Balloons! (Fitting!)
    Quote from ThePineapplizer »
    Why must the recipe be so tediously complicated?
    Its like saying:
    [] [] []
    [] :White: []
    [] :|: []
    Makes an unlit torch.
    [] [] []
    [] :Coal: []
    [] :--+: []
    makes light-able torch.
    [] [] []
    [] []
    [] :--+: []
    Makes a torch.

    I would suggest something like...
    [] :Bacon: []
    :Bacon: :Bacon: :Bacon:
    [] :Bacon: [] = Makes a Balloon.
    Where :Bacon: = Leather

    [] :Orange: []
    :|: [] :|:
    [] :wood: [] = Air Balloon

    Where :Orange: =Balloon :|: =String :wood: = Boat.


    I agree the leather sheets are a little unneeded, but rope would be nice if it had other purposes (a less expensive solution to ladders, maybe?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Voxel Box! [Creative] Open to guests!.
    Good news, nemesis :biggrin.gif: I found some really great layouts for a roman villa, I'll give that a shot tonight or tomorrow...
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on You can still harvest monster spawners.
    Quote from Darvince »

    it is minecraftwiki.net on dungeons page. maybe pigs are Mob ID1 or something

    Test this now! I'm a month behind on my bacon shipments already! If these zombies don't get their bacon, they're coming for me! (They're like the mob, except zombies. Italian zombies)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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